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edited 2011-11-20 04:45:08 in Media
Pony Sleuth
Did we ever actually have a general Homestuck thread?

Anyway, this new act is shaping up to be pretty interesting, but I guess that's not surprising. Fair warning to the uninitiated, there are some "new" characters that you might see being roleplayed or whatever elsewhere.

Just don't read the rest of the thread if you aren't caught up unless you don't care about spoilers.


  • edited 2011-11-20 12:48:09
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    I haven't been reading since the scratch...
  • I guess I didn't really expect this thread to get much traction. I just thought it would be worth a shot. The other threads about the comic that I know of are awfully crowded, so it's hard to want to post in them.
  • The new characters are fairly interesting, but I really wish character differentiation had been used more. Plus, I kinda feel like Hussie is just dicking around. That might be just because I prefer plot heavy stuff.
  • Seriously? The recent developments have been pretty plot heavy. Maybe you're not used to character development going this slowly since you haven't been reading since the beginning.

    I think we had something like a month or more of fucking around with goddamn inventories? Even then, it moved faster than Problem Sleuth.
  • When I finished my binge, Kanaya had vamped, so yeah.
  • They're somethin' else.
    I'm sure this is work is the masterpiece of our times, but I'm never going to pick it up thanks to the fandom XD
  • The fandom scares me ._.

    And I AM a fan. So yeah.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    ^Same here.
  • edited 2011-11-20 20:40:45
    Pony Sleuth
    ^^^For the life of me I will never understand that attitude. The Sonic fandom is much worse, and I haven't heard of anyone refusing to play the games because of that.

    Also, I've been a fan of Hussie since before he even started Homestuck. Problem Sleuth made me laugh out loud late at night when I had huge papers due soon.

    ^Dammit, INUH. If you're going to ninja me, at least include more content.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Hey, I posted five minutes before you. Hardly my fault.
  • They're somethin' else.
    it helps that i hardly if ever have been bombarded by sexually ambiguous group romance fanart of Sonic than i have with Homestruck and My Little Pony.

    Or Adventure Time.

    Yes, i went there. Do you hate me yet?
    edited 2011-11-20 20:45:14
    Sonic is mainstream, more or less. Homestuck is not. Which means that it's easier to see more neutral fannage of Sonic.

    ^Or that.

    TBH, I dislike Adventure Time, but that's from RESEARCH, and I like MLP, but I have indeed seen some douchebags of it, but not to the extent of Homestuck.
  • "i hardly if ever have been bombarded by sexually ambiguous group romance fanart of Sonic"


  • I've never been bombarded by fan art of any of those.
  • "but not to the extent of Homestuck."

    I think part of that comes from your having a bad experience feeling insulted that your criticisms didn't meet with a positive response.
  • 1. I have had other encounters with Homestuck fans other than those 3 days. Long enough to know they are not all exactly nice people.

    2. I think that the fact that someone posting minor points of complaints led to the thread getting locked also tells you something about the fans.
  • 1. There are dicks in any group.

    2. I wasn't about to say this very emphatically while the drama was fresh, but I don't think you were completely blameless in that thread. Your criticisms struck me as relatively shallow, and you acted like you thought the fans unthinkingly accepted whatever the author did as perfect. A number of the posters responded to this unfairly, but that doesn't make you right.
    edited 2011-11-20 21:53:16
    Except that I never acted in such a way (I reread the interaction, to make sure of it). And I really don't see why you felt it was important to bring this up. I understand you disagree with my opinions, and I am fine with that, but I really don't think you should be bringing up old wounds for the sake of making a point such as that.
  • I may have misunderstood, but I'm definitely remembering something that seemed disrespectful in the tone you took. I don't recall exactly and it's not important enough to me that I need to go back and check it, but my point is that your negative experience with fans can't be simplified to the fandom as a whole being jerks.

    I thought it could fairly be taken as relevant because the interaction seemed that it could be extreme enough to unfairly bias your perception, and I think making the claim (or implying) that a group of people are jerks is a pretty strong one. I wasn't sure that you'd have an emotional response to this, but I'm prepared to drop it if it's really distressing you. It's not my intention to make you feel bad just because.
  • Considering how I had an emotional breakdown because of the incident, yeah, kindly drop it.
  • Moving on then...

    I'm really laughing at this latest update. Bro is such a card.
  • IJBM that homestuck hasn't been this good in months.
  • There's no way he didn't do the "it seems" thing on purpose.

    IJBM that homestuck hasn't been this good in months.

    I think Homestuck's been really strong lately, but it is nice to have a breather after all the relentlessly epichearted parts where every character was doomed by five different unstoppable forces at once.

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    >IJBM that homestuck hasn't been good. Period.

  • edited 2011-11-21 19:09:05

    I think Homestuck's been really
    strong lately, but it is nice to have a breather after all the
    relentlessly epichearted parts where every character was doomed by five
    different unstoppable forces at once.

    I think another nice part of it is that we're in new territory. A lot of things that happened in the EOA5 either resolved plot points that had been hanging forever with every possible theory put forward to explain them, or were things that could reasonably have been guessed, with the the exception of the green sun creation. Now, anything could happen! We have no idea what's gonna happen in the long term.

    re: today's updates, I find it interesting that the autoresponder only seems to have actually come on after Jake called Bro a douche. The early parts of the log seem noticeably more human. Anything gonna come of this?

  • Yeah, it seemed kind of ambiguous when and whether Bro was talking. I think that's something that's intentional and won't be revealed.
  • Okay, I'll just come out and ask it.

    Does Ms. LaLonde remind anyone else of a certain two ladies who are absent from the forum?
  • Guys. Think about Spidermom being on earth.
    Multiple spidermoms.

    With spiderdads small enough to navigate wide halls.

    Sleep well!
  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    Resurrecting this so I can talk about it, I guess.

    Just finished Act 2.  I still have no idea what's going on, but that ending animation was pretty awesome.
  • You can change. You can.
    Ascend is pretty great, yeah.

    Honestly, I think I'd read HS good and properly were it not for the fucking Sylladex and its need to shove game jargon into my face. It's often overwrought, not as funny as it thinks it is and relatively dull to the rest of the prose. 

    It's not a bad webcomic, but it does ge quite annoying to read at times.
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