If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
Dear god.I would have posted this on the TVTropes forums for a fix-up, but despite how much it makes me want to back away from my keyboard, I don't see any site guidelines that it happens to violate.
So you get it instead.
You lucky, lucky people.
Back away slowly doesn't begin to describe it.
That being said I find it funny that he put some things about himself in spoiler tags.
I'd say that the possession of a troper page in itself is unnecessary. So putting unnecessary stuff on it is actually pretty appropriate.
For all the self-aggrandizing nonsense, he seems to skimp on the typical offenses of adding BrilliantButLazy and DeadpanSnarker and suchlike.
(edit: See - Rottweiler, Shichi, Antavisma... I'm sure there have been others.)
Applying tropes to yourself always tends to make you sound like a self-aggrandizing prat, but there are lots of tropers who will never get this basic point. This page is just a particularly long example.
I got so sick of it I spent most of my troper page listing all the ways in which I am not a Badass, and part of the rest mocking Troper Tales.
While I agree that applying tropes to yourself can make oneself seem pretty self-centered, I do not think it is all bad. I mean, I guess I feel like if you say that it is only okay for other people to give you tropes as Them suggested then people who are not particularly popular for whatever reason cannot really list tropes on their page. I suppose that is not really a huge loss or anything, but I prefer to be more inclusive about stuff like this.