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They put up a new gameplay video, and I realized that I don't think this forum has this thread yet.

Go to 1:48. The soldier quotes Link from the cartoon.
>All-Female cast
If you're throwing it in my face and still trying to have me take your work seriously, GTFO
If you're doing it tongue in cheek and all in the name of good fun, FUCK YEAH!
At the same time though, just try to ignore that Chagen. Eventually you won't care about the gender of your character
"Gelzo: Eh, I can see where Chagen is coming from. I used to feel awkward playing a female character myself since I'm used to male characters (Lead to me getting very confused when I found out Samus is a woman)"
Also, I get that all-female has the connotation of Fanservice, but seriously. Would you have a problem if the entire cast was male? (OMG! Dissidia has mostly HAWT guys! Not interested.)
I'm definitely getting it. If any of you play it on PS3, we gotta fight.
I thought you liked Touhou, Strike Witches and IdolM@ster. And wanted to watch Madoka. And...
Skullgirls does look like an interesting game, but I suck at fighting games anyway.
The producer is male, so it's not an all-female cast...
Hey, here's a thread that's down one source of dumb opinions.The game will start out with a roster of 8 that will be expanded with DLC. So far 6 of the slots are taken as of now. There's been concept art of a bunch of other characters. I forget the names of most of them, but my bet for the next two is Parasoul's younger sister and this character that has a skeletal monster growing out of her body.
Basically what makes it special is how they're handling the art, the game balance, and accessibility to new players. I could go into detail, but I guess if you were interested enough to hear about it, you could just get info from the horse's mouth.
Honestly, boobies are the reason I'm not psyched about the game... >.>
Also, a game being newbie-friendly doesn't matter to me and actually just makes me more worried considering other things that games have done in the past to achieve that goal.