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Decrees by Princess Apricot

edited 2011-10-05 22:16:08 in Wonderful posts
Give them pleasure - the same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare.
Decree # 427

I, Princess Apricot, future Queen of [WITHHELD], do so hereby decree that tea shall be sipped quietly and elegantly, so as not to disrespect its flavor. Furthermore, a top hat, top coat (for gentlemen), dress (for ladies), monocle (regardless of eyesight), and pair of gloves must be worn. Clever or unique hats in place of top hats are acceptable if approved by the 7th Holy Princess Guard. Failure to comply will result in a kettle of tea being tied to one's head for precisely 3 days.


  • Princess Bubblegum tastes better.
    (occupies Wall street)
  • $80+ per session
    Make a decree about mee :3
  • ,,,If you change it so that the ladies are in the top coats and the gentlemen are in the dresses, then we've got a deal, Apricorn~
  • Give them pleasure - the same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare.
    Decree # 428

    I, Princess Apricot, future guide of [UNDISCLOSED], do so hereby decree that Vivi shall forever be exempt from decrees, unless otherwise stated. Any subjects who complain or otherwise argue that this is unfair treatment shall be covered with honey and licked to death.
  • edited 2011-10-05 20:51:09
    Give them pleasure - the same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare.



    Unfortunately, some men are not fit to wear dresses, however, I shall amend my decree to allow women the right to wear top coats.
  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    I hereby request that the Royal Inquisition be established and that I would be put at its head.
  • edited 2011-10-05 20:51:19
    Ooh, kinky...

    Um... Ahem.  That is, like, totally unfair, and I complain or otherwise argue against this treatment.  Yes.  Totally.

    >.> <.<

    Bah, you just love being handled by that Kurt guy, don'tcha Apricorn?
  • $80+ per session

    I kind of want to be covered in honey and licked.
  • edited 2011-10-05 20:53:40
    Give them pleasure - the same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare.
    Amended Decree #  78

    Women are from here on out allotted the option to wear top coats in place of dresses. However, men must still wear proper attire, to avoid the sight of hairy man legs.
  • Give them pleasure - the same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare.
    I kinda want to be licked too. <3
  • $80+ per session
    -licks the Princess-


  • Give them pleasure - the same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare.
  • $80+ per session
  • edited 2011-10-05 21:19:59
    Give them pleasure - the same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare.
    Whoa, just thinking about being covered in golden honey, while being licked all over my body - sometimes gently and other times vigorously... has my heart seriously beating...


    *begins gently licking hand*

    If anyone asks, I'm pretending to be a cat.
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    Princess! Some proper conduct, please.
  • $80+ per session
    The princess can act however she wants!
  • *has epic battle to determine who is the TRUE princess of IJBM, but Twilight Sparkle uses pony magic to make us be friends instead*

    There, got that out of the way.
  • edited 2011-10-05 21:34:04
    Give them pleasure - the same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare.
    "The princess can act however she wants!"

    Well, actually, I can't.

    I know!

    Decree # 429

    I, Princess Apricot, leader of [xxxxxxxxxxxx] in due time, do so hereby decree that the Princess is allowed unlimited moral freedom, but only if she is me (thereby barring other princesses from the same freedom). Disputes as to the legality of this decree shall be settled by hand-to-hand combat with Bob, the living medical saw.
  • For some reason I'm imaging a Rule 63 version of this thread, and it's very amusing.
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    This reflects poorly on you, your highness. I urge you to reconsider. The subjects will become unsettled.
  • (thereby barring other princesses from the same freedom).
  • $80+ per session
    Does that include a rule 63 me?
  • Give them pleasure - the same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare.
    A prince?!

    but I thought I killed them all!
    (is assembling peasant revolt)
  • Well you are part of the thread, so yes.
  • edited 2011-10-05 21:43:39
    Give them pleasure - the same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare.
    This reflects poorly on you, your highness. I urge you to reconsider. The subjects will become unsettled.

    It is not the role of the subjects to be settled. It is the role of subjects to OBEY (unless they are useful or cute).
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    In my many few years as a knight, I've seen enough not rebellions to know when trouble's brewing, your highness.

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    Princess, if you put my request to found the Inquisition through. I can execute this rebel post haste.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    How is this a liveblog?
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