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If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
People who think TV Tropes is composed entirely of perverts
(Not being entirely serious here)
If they spent five minutes actually immersing themselves in the forums, they'd know that the perverts only make up about 30% of the total userbase, and that the rest of the userbase are absolute prudes, or else asexual.
"If they spent five minutes actually immersing themselves in the forums"
1. It takes longer than 5 minutes to immerse oneself in a forum.
2. Many people would rather use that time to do something else.
And only 30% of the userbase being perverts means squat when people see talk about how they want to FUCK the SHIT out of the female Pokemon protagonist on so many pages.
And thought-terminating cliches like that are part of the reason I decided not to be involved with the forums anymore.
Like I said, the actual proportion doesn't matter. If you see characters constantly attract lustful comments, it reflects badly on the wiki. Remember, it is written as if it's the wiki speaking, not individual members.
It's not our fault that the female Pokemon protagonists are pretty goddamn hot.
What cliche? If someone is intentionally using hyberbole in place of actual criticism, there's no reason it should be taken more seriously than the ones actually coming from within the community that isn't.
That is true, but it can't possibly hurt to have some perspective when looking at these things.
There's really two issues here:-
1. As Abyss Worm says, there is a lot of slobbering over real people, fictional people and cartoon people (!) on the wiki, in spite of constant efforts to get rid of it. That deserves bashing.
2. There are also some people on the forums who have, or claim to have, unusual sexual preferences (which usually isn't a problem) and like to talk about them a lot (which can be, depending on exactly how much detail they like to go into). However, it probably is true that this is a minority - the problem is that they're so hard to ignore.
Remember children, having a sexuality is a horrible, horrible thing.
That lack of perspective is what causes this problem in the first place.
"Remember children, having a sexuality is a horrible, horrible thing."
Like I said, it's the wiki talking, but people fail to realize this.
Remember kids, being attracted to people is a horrible thing.
Troper Tales was merely a symptom of a far more deeply rooted problem. Getting rid of it just makes it less visible.
Heck, one can be a pervert and be vanilla as fuck all because they talk about sex, sex, sex, while another person can have all the creepiest fetishes in the world and be seen as perfectly fine because they DON'T TALK ABOUT IT OUTSIDE OF FORUMS DESIGNED SPECIFICALLY FOR TRACKING DOWN SAID STUFF
...While yet other people can be seen as endearing despite being roving sexual beasts just because of presentation (e.g. all of our previous "sex goddesses")