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Fetishes got locked? WTF? (Now NSFW)



    ^^But Juan, if they don't look down on other people's fun, how will they artificially inflate their self-esteem?
  • Yeah Juan that annoys me too. Why do some people care so much that the thread be locked, if they don't like it no one's making them read it. And I don't normally use that argument.
  • ~♥YES♥~! I *AM* a ~♥cupcake♥~! ^_^
    I found it amusing, myself, as it seemed like it would always be there. If I had to pick a serious reason though, I have to admit that it makes the forum look bad.

    I don't really care how we look to others, but the thread couldn't possibly have been healthy to keep around.

  • You can change. You can.
    I know the contents of the threads were disturbing for some people, but they were not either against the rules nor really bothering anyone. Also, like Malk said, I'd prefer a thousand times a thread that I can avoid that millions of millions of threads on sex (Yes, hyperbole, but you get the point)
  • ~♥YES♥~! I *AM* a ~♥cupcake♥~! ^_^

    Keeping it all contained is the best policy. I'm not too worried about the thread being locked, as it will be unlocked and thus be able to contain it all again.

    If Eddie axes it forever like he axed IJBM, that could cause some serious unrest.

    All those hormones need to go SOMEWHERE. If fetishes STAYS locked, we will witness the popping of an almighty zit, spewing contents everywhere.

  • You can change. You can.
    Anyway, I'd indeed like the thread to be nuked and started a new, if it were me. >.>
  • ~♥YES♥~! I *AM* a ~♥cupcake♥~! ^_^
    Awwwww, but the current one has so many memories! And the whole thing is the lasting legacy of MadeOfMeat!
  • You can change. You can.
    I just don't want people seeing some of my...most strange posts.
  • I honestly dislike the gravedancing. I don't like the thread as much as many of the people here, but I feel that it's stupid to celebrate the locking of something that other people enjoyed just because you didn't enjoy it yourself.

    I don't like the thread myself but the gloating about the lock makes me wanna smack people on the head
  • "If I had to pick a serious reason though, I have to admit that it makes the forum look bad."

    People expressing their sexuality is bad?

    In most cases, no. I wonder why some people find sexuality so horrible and evil. Especially when it's cornered off in a ghetto so they don't have to see it.
  • "If I had to pick a serious reason though, I have to admit that it makes the forum look bad."

    Considering who wrote this, I would expect just a little tongue in cheek.
  • I find it odd that it's coming from people who take refuge in IJBM2.
  • You can change. You can.
    Most of them come here because they think TvT is lolcreepy.

    bleh, i don't think it's creepy that people talk about sex, although there is some questionable shit in there, not gonna lie.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Why would you come here, of all places, when NSFW content is actually permitted here to a greater extent than on TVT, if you thought it was creepy?
  • You can change. You can.
    because the people are not the same.
  • Basically, what Juan is saying is that he doesn't appreciate the Gay flirting.
  • edited 2011-09-20 11:49:55
    You can change. You can.
    I don't, and that's part of the reason I left and I'm sure it's a reason many left, sometimes even the site.

    Sunshine Werewolf...i still miss you. :<
  • ....

    Not even gonna suggest what Juan is now thinking ;)
  • Personally, although I did look at the thread occasionally, I never posted there. A guy in his thirties talking about fetishes with a bunch of much younger people is pretty much the definition of creepy, possibly to the point of illegal. I'm kind of neutral over the thread itself, although as I said earlier, I think the lock was probably an overreaction. 
  • You can change. You can.
    I'm thinking "I lost a drummer and a friend."
  • You lost a drummer alright ;)

    Ehhh, You two are no longer making beautiful music together, hmmm ~nudge nudge~

    You don't get to listen to his "exotic" sounds anymore ~nudge nudge~
  • You can change. You can.
    Yes, I don't get to beat his drums as well. 
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    You don't know if people are who they say they are.

    For all you know I could be an unemployed black man in a string vest sitting on the porch of a crumbling house in Alabama, waiting for an unscrupulous loan company to write me a new home mortgage which will get packaged into Bear-Stearns's High-Grade Structured Credit Enhanced Leverage Fund, and I could be existing back in 2007 thanks to a time machine.
  • You can change. You can.
    i have his facebook. i've seen him play them drums

    your point?
  • I could be an unemployed black man in a string vest that's secretly flown to Colombia for sexual relations with Juan.
  • You can change. You can.
    You could be, but I can assure you that it's not true
  • Oh, hey.  I really should pay more attention to things.

    Kinda sad, as that was where I started on the TV Tropes forum, for better or for worse.  But oh well, sunrise, sunset.
  • -__-, It's coming back on the first.
  • One thing that bothered me is that in the discussion surrounding the lock somewhere on TVT, maybe somewhere in OTC, I saw some posters advocating for having a second more serious sex-related thread. I didn't like the way they were generalizing what goes on in Fetishes, though.

    I just don't like generalizations when they involve lumping me in with things I don't engage in. The things I talk about in Fetishes are almost always pretty mild by the thread's standards, and usually barely have to do with literal sex at all. I only go there as much as I do because aside from talking to Frances, it's the only place I can talk about such things. 
  • edited 2011-09-20 20:18:52
    Poot dispenser here
    ^Agreed. Some of the posters didn't seem to know what really goes on in the thread.
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