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Most unique power you can think of...

edited 2011-08-21 02:23:17 in Wonderful posts
$80+ per session
But could still be practical. So far I've got: * The power to have any power you haven't thought of. * Control over the element of suprise. * The ability to make anyone have sex at that moment, but with someone that isn't you.


  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    The ability to pay people with anything, including dirt, and have it be accepted as real currency.
  • The power to make the images in photographs real.

    As in, not to automatically duplicate something, but to turn the pixels into the actual item, size differences as well.
  • $80+ per session
    The power to eat anything besides food, including concepts like happiness, love, and strength.
  • The power to convert living tissue into mechanical parts, and back again.
    The power to take absorb the thoughts of people through touching shadows.
  • $80+ per session
    The power to become a living wifi signal.
    a poor upbringing.
  • Clean your room little Billy
    The ability to spit out a clump of hard, blueish substance that plays 'I Am The Black Wizards', causing everything in a 1d6 radius to rock out for the duration, providing ample time to escape many a sticky situation.
  • You can change. You can.
    > Snap your fingers

    > People turn into whatever you want to. Including other people

  • $80+ per session
    Make babies appear instantly.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    The ability to create people at will to suit my own needs.
  • $80+ per session
    The ability to summon people you've met on the internet.
  • @Vivi, Ooooh, who would you summon? ^_^
  • Actually, I think Instead of giving loose definitions of an uncommon power, I'll go into more detail about the conversion power.

    It's the ability to convert areas of living tissue into mechanical parts, but these parts are gonna be hyper-advanced, basically, enough to support the target enough during the conversion, but It's not suggested you leave the area like that, as rejection of the parts might happen.

    Basically, the reason I had this power in mind was for a doctor/engineer character who could repair people by converting a small portion of their being.
    The ability to mentally transmit films you've seen into the minds of others.
  • $80+ per session

    In order: Vorpy, you, Bob, Aondeug...Mostly just to talk.

    The ability to make penises of any size and color on any surface.
  • The ability to make puns become reality.
  • @InsanityAddict. Someone already thought of that power.

    @Vivi: :3 Danke.
  • A prehensile penis.
  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    The power to fire exploding sevens at people.

    Puts a new meaning into Killer 7.
  • $80+ per session
    The power to swallow coins.
  • >_>, I Already have that power btw.

  • $80+ per session
    I used to not have it. When I was a little kid, I would swallow coins a lot and choke, and my grandma would say "Please don't do that because it scares me." and I would be like "Kay."

    But I've since lost my gag reflex <.<
  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    The power to be as gangsta as Spider-Man.

  • I wasn't even swallowing them on purpose -_-, I would just be laying down and holding them over my open mouth looking at them.

    Never did find out what happened to that Canadian quarter X2
    The power to vomit forth martial artists, who will fight on your behalf.
  • No rainbow star
    The ability to change into a living doll and back
    - Reason it is practical is injuries. You can stop your bleeding and, well, dying, get to a hospital, then turn back (or heck, patch up the injury with fabric (e.g. replace your malfunctioning heart with a new fabric one). Heck, depending on how far the power goes, you could put your brain in a new fabric body

    Ability to convert anything you've eaten into gold (selectively) within your stomach. The item breaks into small gold pellets and your digestive system is tough enough not to be torn to pieces
    - Not only is there the obvious choice (Eat cardboard, shit out gold pellets), but, well, say you ate poison (or suspect you ate it). You can turn the poison into gold and leave the unpoisoned part untouched
  • $80+ per session
    The ability to shoot skittles out of any orifice on your body.
  • a poor upbringing.

    +1 Runaways  :D
  • I am Dr. Ned who is totally not Dr. Zed in disguise.
    The power to summon one ant every ten minutes.
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