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"Non-explicit sexualization of children isn't that bad! It's not actually child pornography!"



  • And this is where I leave this thread to throw up for approximately three and a half hours. Excuse me.
  • edited 2011-08-17 01:00:10
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    ^^Yeah, the Hiragana and the Katakana are fairly easy, but kanji...there's just so many of them.
  • edited 2011-08-17 01:01:09
    You can change. You can.
    Don't worry, Dantes. You'll grow up and want to learn the proper language of the cultural, intellectual men.

    Explicitamente, el lenguaje que estoy hablando ahora.
  • edited 2011-08-17 02:08:15

  • edited 2011-08-17 01:02:11
    He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.
    Que perrada la tuya, Juan_Carlos.

  • BobBob
    edited 2011-08-17 01:02:26
    How was anyone being racist, Don?

    Well, other than Hatter, but that's to be expected.
  • Has friends besides tanks now
    "^^ Stop that."

    Considering Forzare came in with an even more Engrish reposting of the same thing, I'm guessing it's some stupid meme or other.

    "Don't worry, Dantes. You'll grow up and want to learn the proper language of the cultural, intellectual men.

    Explicitamente, el lenguaje que estoy hablando ahora."

    I tried Spanish, but I dropped it this year. /trollolol
  • edited 2011-08-17 02:08:10

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    Considering Forzare came in with an even more Engrish reposting of the same thing, I'm guessing it's some stupid meme or other.

    I'd still prefer them not to post it, Everest.
  • edited 2011-08-17 01:06:40
    Has friends besides tanks now
    @DonZabu: I don't feel like we're ragging on it as a whole. Just on the really fucked-up aspects of the culture.

    ^ Me too, but my case was merely that I don't see any legitimate racism.
  • edited 2011-08-17 01:06:46
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    ^^^As I said, I love much of Japanese culture and am learning Japanese. Hell, my godmother was Japanese. The culture has some issues, though.
  • And I don't even care whether or not that's actually the case.

    So, you don't care about logic or what's true or not, you just want to bitch about something?

    Ladies and gentlemen, I present the perfect IJBMer!
  • edited 2011-08-17 02:08:04

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    and believe them to be a systemic of the culture at large

    That's the part I'm confused about. Where did anybody indicate that?
  • edited 2011-08-17 02:07:58

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
     "Rude to plead 'not guilty'" leads to "Rude to talk about your problems period."

    Except both of these are actual problems in Japan.
  • Glaives are better.
    If it makes any difference, I don't hate Japanese people. The ones I've met have been quite nice. 
  • edited 2011-08-17 01:26:10
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    But it is rude to talk about your problems there. Hence all the unreported subway groping as well as the lack of not-guilty pleas.

    Though from what I've heard, most people over there don't mind it when other people talk about their problems; they're just largely too proud to talk about their own.

    And I don't see how it's racist to criticize a demonstrably extant cultural construct.
  • Yeah, I'll just shut up now.
  • Good Don.

    -gives him a treat-
  • edited 2011-08-17 01:30:15
    -nibbles on the treat-

    Does the treat have to be a stale dog biscuit? That's already half-eaten?
  • -goes back to nibbling on the treat in silence-
  • no longer cuddly, but still Edmond
    Yeah, call us back when you start trying to navigate three different writing systems just to read a newspaper.

    Dude, I play Ultima. Having to learn different alphabets for mundane things is second nature to me.

    The problem is remembering it, and then finding good manga (that hasn't been published in the west) afterwards.
  • >good manga

    Good luck with that.

    If you bitches don't realize I'm joking I will flip the biggest shit
  • no longer cuddly, but still Edmond
    Oh there are plenty of good manga. It's just hard to find out much about them when you have to depend on an eBay seller's description.

    But if the price is low enough, I'm not against buying blind.
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