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I am a Europhile. That's no question.
However, sometimes I wonder the more Unfortunate Implications of it. I have very little interest in the non-white part of the world. Except for Japan, I really only care about Europe--and the white dominated parts of it--England, Italy, Germany, Finland, France, etc. I barely care about the Middle East, nor do I care about Africa or mucb of Asia. This may be due to the higher development and modernity of Europe, though.
And I love European girls too much. Or European people in general. I have a less of an attraction to more darker-skinned people. I don't hate dark-skinned people--I am half-black and my mom is black, and I despise racism in all of its forms. But, I would probably choose a white girl over a black one, especially if she's European. Once again, this may be due to stereotypes--I hear that the media still paints white people as slightly better and the norm than minorities, and I may just have idiotic stereotypes in my mind. And I like blond-haired white women quite a bit too, yet another Unfortunate Implication.
But I can't wonder if this is repressed racism or something. I don't even live in a white-dominated area--I'm the minority in my school for being white.
This is probably yet more insane paranoia from me, but you can never be too sure....
Europe is cooler.
I mean, what does Africa have? Guys with straw shields and shit.The coolest shit they had were the Egyptians, and they were northeastern Caucazoids, so it doesn't really count. And Asia? The coolest thing they had were Mongols, and they went out of style ages ago. And don't get me started about the Native Americans; it took them thirty thousand years to invent CAVALRY, and that was only after Europeans showed them how.
Europe has angry Germans with spiky hats, knights, wizards, alchemists, crusades, inquisitions, Nazis, vikings, faeries, guns, germs and steel. That's metal as fuck.
Shit Nigga
Starting to get sick of all my threads derailing in the second post.
Don't be afraid of loving Europe.
It is great.
Though I don't know what kind of discussion you want in this. If you like white women,I don't consider it to be racism,just personal preferences. And I understand you not wanting to live in Africa or the Middle East
I'm paranoid.
The "Not having interest in minorities=HORRIBLE AND RACIST" meme I see often.
There was a slightly similar topic on TvTropes where the consenseus was "not finding a race attractive is HORRIBLE AND RACIST".
Was this really the case, Chuggles?
As you can see, I don't like the heat very much
When the fuck did France have smelly people? And I've never seen a "Germany has dirty porn" stereotype either.
The only one I've ever really seen is "Commies" and "Godfathers".
If not finding the traits of certain ethnic groups sexually attractive is racist, then I must be sexist for not liking cocks.
I'm not opposed to the idea of dating a black or Asian woman, it's just that the physical characteristics I find attractive seem to be rarer in black and Asian women.
There have been black and Asian women whom I'd bang like a goddamn drum, though.
I don't pay attention to pop culture at all. I mean "AT ALL". I have no conception of it.
When the fuck did France have smelly people?
Water is scarce in Europe, and the French's bathing habits are more lax than those in the Americas.
These were my stereotypes:
Britian: Teas-drinking stuck up assholes.
France: Pretentious artists and critics.
Germany: Ridiculously badass motherfuckers. Also, never show emotion and act so efficiently they're more like machines than humans.
Russia:Commies, drunk people, hot women, baddasses. Half of it is a frozen wasteland.
Spain: Those people who owned my state before it became free.
Ireland: Drunk people.
Italy: Pasta, art, badass cars.
Scandanvia: Frozen Wasteland. Not much else.
Nordic countries: Awesome myths (my dad loved the norse myths and used to read them to me when I was a kid).
Those were a few of the stereotypes I gained as I grew up.
In addition to not knowing shit about pop culture, I was really ignorant of the outside world.