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How do you do anything (aka Sandbox)



  • edited 2011-02-27 23:24:52
    Free To Be 32C

    @Homocidal Avenue  :> Can I has mercy plz I can be your little loli slave if you spare me
  • edited 2011-02-27 23:27:10
    Aw Jeez, I spare one person and now you all want to be saved.

    Fine, tell you what I'll do: I'll have an application process. Anonus and Tnoph are already in, but if you want to be saved, fill out form 31B and leave it with my slave secretary, who will present it to the review board for a final decison.
  • But how would you go about taking over the world? Would you get in contact with some god-like being? Go about it the [Jack Noir] way?
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-02-27 23:29:22
    What if we're fucking your secretary? Can they present that to the review board?
  • edited 2011-02-27 23:31:28
    My plan: [Wait for Mooberry Street to take over the world, then kill him/her under the pretense of setting people free. By the time the people realize I'm not their hero or savior, I'll already be torturing and killing them all.]

    (Wow, that came out darker than I expected.)

    ^ Eh, that would be up to the slave secretary, I guess.

    Though I guess I gotta put together a review board, now.
  • edited 2011-02-27 23:31:00
    I'm not fucking the secretary. I'm far too awkward to have a chance!

    ^I thought this would involve some attempts to gain supernatural powers or something.
  • edited 2011-02-27 23:32:24
    Well, by killing Mooberry Street, I gain his/her powers, of course. Though I'm not quite sure what said powers are.
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-02-27 23:33:37
    ^^^Ooh, ooh, I'll be the review board! :D
  • Don't you have to eat Mooberry Street?
  • edited 2011-02-27 23:33:34
    ^^ Well, there's the power of easy access to Eastbound I-70, for one.

    ^ Ew. Maybe I should rethink this.
  • But I thought you would like cannibalism...
  • Why would you fuck me Bob? :3
  • Wait, Tnoph is my slave secretary now? This is so confusing...
  • Cuz I luv u, bitch. Duh. <3

  • -kisses Bob on the cheek mid-huggle-

  • Wouldn't it get a bit lonely in a world where everyone but you and I and Tnophelia were dead?

    Also how are you going to go about this with six billion other people?
  • Well, I won't be dead.
  • edited 2011-02-27 23:40:29
    Hmm...In retrospect, it was a bad idea to reveal my plans for taking over the world on a public forum. Now Mooberry Street's goons are trying to break down my door.

    Either that, or FBI agents. Either way, it's bad.

    ^^ Huh, I hadn't considered that. It would also mean no more slaves. :(
  • edited 2011-02-27 23:39:56
    Right, you too.

    ^I'll be right over to fight 'em off!
  • And we are females. Which means we can reproduce with animals to make a new race of people that are deformed as fuck and have horrible birth defects and ethical views.
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-02-27 23:41:00
    -gasp- My dream come true! :D

    ...Wait, does this mean I have to actually fuck animals? Because, eww, no.
  • Wait no you can't
  • Ok, it turns out said goons only wanted to ask to borrow my phone, as apparently their vehicle broke down outside my house and they need to call a cab.

    Still, I'm suspicious, so instead of my real phone, I gave them a Wonka bar with "AT&T" hastily written across it. And a terrible sketch of Saul Bass's globe logo.
  • Man where the fuck are you getting all this candy man
  • Central, I think they got you mixed up with me...

  • Mmph, mmph, good candy.

    It's like a spoiled five-year-old's gonna be master of us all...
  • edited 2011-02-27 23:48:24
    ^^^ Don't you know? I live in the Sugary Sweet Palace in Candy Valley, a suburb of Columbus, Ohio. Whole municipality's made of candy. I'm the mayor/princess.

    ^^ Crap. Where's Security when you need him?

  • *dispatches Candy Valley PD*
  • edited 2011-02-27 23:52:03
    ^^^For some reason that made me think of this.
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