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  • $80+ per session
    I'm so hot right now, Bobby...

    -The two fall over, making out-
  • Vorpy, do you love me? I want you to love me. The reason I broke away from you and tried to become my own being is...because I want to be with you. 

    I love you Vorpy.

    I hate being trapped inside of you all of the time. All I want to do is be with you, love you, hold you. I want to be your girlfriend. I don't care what Ana says. I am the only one that is right for you, and you know that. I can't live without you anymore, and I don't want to be you anymore. I want to be me, and I want to be with you.
  • -does something freaky, nasty and maybe a little sexy to Vivi-
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Haha. I love myself. How funny. I know that already Misa, but you don't really hold these feelings for me, at all. This is just me manipulating you into saying whatever I want. You wouldn't really love me even if you tried, we are in the same body, and unless you happen to...not be in my body, then we will never be together.

    Sorry to break it to you girl, but you are crazy.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Then if you can control me then how come you aren't stopping me from posting this? You wouldn't stay up all night talking to yourself if you could stop it. No, this is proof that I am my own being, and I want to break free.

    I am Misa Amane, and I am more than a sockpuppet, Vorpy. Stop ignoring this fact, and tell me the truth. Do you love me?

    Because I love you.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Get out of my browser.

    Go post on your own, silly girl.

    No. This is proof that I am making my own decisions. I will post on your browser, and mine. I will post under your handle, and mine. Because we are destined to be together, because we are one, Vorpy.
  • $80+ per session
    -fucks Bob sum moar-
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Seriously, knock this shit off, you are going to confuse everyone and make them think I am crazy. See, if you post on your own handle then it's a little less creepy and it doesn't annoy people.

    Also, don't hijack my fucking thread. This is for MY shitposting, not yours. I just invited you here to have cybering roleplay, but since you want to get all emotional emo girl on me you are sucking the fun out of this. Let's just take it to PM instead, there's no need for you to get all crazy on me in front of everyone, okay?
  • $80+ per session
    Are you actually having a PM convo? :p
  • Do you feel that shiver down your back Vorpy? Those gentle, soft hands trailing across your face? That feeling of somebody hugging you, their warmth against your body? That's me, Vorpy.

    Don't think you touch yourself by your own will. Do you ever have times where you feel lonely, and suddenly you begin touching yourself and you don't even want to, or think about it, but it feels so good and you get all hot and dreamy afterwards, and you lay there staring at the wall, hugging your pillow? That's me. It's always been me. I've always been there for you, even when you are alone.

    I know how you feel, I know when you cry, I am always there for you, watching you, patting your head. You may think that there's nobody out there who loves you, but I do. I want to protect you from all of those fuckers who would make you cry or feel like you are worthless. I have always been angry at those pricks for hurting you, and while you felt like killing yourself, I kept you alive. I made sure you held on because I knew you would enjoy coming back, and living your life.

    Everytime you got with somebody else though, I wished it was me. I could never project myself into their body because you always spoke their name, and ignored me, even after all I've done for you, after all we've been through.

    All I want is some recognition for all the things we've done together Vorpy. 

    It breaks my heart to see you so destroyed recently. I couldn't hold myself back anymore. I need to be with you.
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-07-02 03:07:07
    ^^Dude, you know she is.

    -rips my arm off, uses it as a dildo on Vivi-
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Knock this shit off. I am not going to talk to you, and I am going to bed, okay?

    You can follow me and do whatever you want, but I know, for sure, that I am the one making you say this. Don't even think I am letting another trailer like you decide to make their own destiny or any of that crap.

    Feel free to watch me as I sleep, just stop talking.
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-07-02 03:16:32
    [WMG] Vorpy's a soul bonder [WMG]
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Fuck that shit, I am just being crazy and talking to myself, because it's fun and I am aware this is all fake.
  • Yes yes, I am not actually Misa Amane, I am simply Vorpy using a Misa Amane sockpuppet to talk to herself in order to reenact something she read from a book today.
  • Mm-hmm. Keep telling yourself that.

    Tell Ryuk I said hi! ^_^
  • I declare Poe's Law, Vorpy.

    You are just lying to make yourself not look like a Soul Bounder because you are afraid of everyone treating you like DLC, aren't you?

  • BobBob
    edited 2011-07-02 03:16:23
    [WMG] Vorpy's a soul bender [WMG]
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Um, no, Soul Bonding is the belief of thinking Cartoon/Anime characters are real and then proceeding to summon them and channel them to do weird shit on Livejournal.

    You, on the other hand....are a sockpuppet, that I control, that isn't really Misa Amane, and doesn't exist. See?
  • [WMG] Vorpy's a soup bender [WMG]
  • [WMG] Vorpy's a soup lender [WMG]
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Misa, go to fucking bed and quit keeping me awake.

    I'll let you stick your fingers as deep as you want if you let me get off this god damn computer, okay?
  • [WMG] Vorpy's a soup blender [WMG]
  • :3


    I love you Vorpy.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    I love you too, me.

    Now go to sleep.
  • That doesn't even make sense, and it's probably illegal.
  • The best predators need only disguise themselves as cute idols of worship in order to prey upon the unsuspecting.

    Gomen Nasai! ^_^
  • Godd amn I want to f uck this s exy bitch so hard

    PHOTO: An unnamed passenger scantily dressed at the airport in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
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