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Rottweiler got banned



  • Inside, too dark to read
    As a matter of fact, I had a browse around OTC today and I have to
    admit - if I were to thump every remotely condescending post, chances
    are I'd log on tomorrow to find a big "what do you think you're doing?"
    from Eddie and the other mods

    I'm glad we've reached agreement!

    I don't
    think it should be a problem if you were civil and
    debated in the manner that I suggested, but I am not in a position to
    guarantee that.

    You're a good person, Bobby. A problem characteristic of some good people is to overestimate fallen humanity.
  • edited 2011-04-29 23:56:04
    As a petty and vindictive person, I have to take extra steps not to appear petty and vindictive.
    I'm not sure you'd get thumped for saying St. Augustine was a heartless moron. It's not a personal attack (Against a forum member anyway). If it was okay to thump merely for saying things that are inflammatory, again, virtually the entirety of Rottweiler's output should have been thumped in the first place.

    Another note: His insistent use of the words fashionable/unfashionable are themselves a point of condescension. They imply that the views of others he disagrees with are ephemeral fads that they adhere to only to fit in with their peers (A view that Rottweiler has on many occasions made explicit, including this very thread), while of course his own are eternal truths learned through contemplation or what have you. This is, of course, not a healthy view that anyone meaning to have meaningful discussion with someone else should hold, and perhaps you should not respond to someone you don't think you can have a meaningful discussion with.
  • Sometimes it is more civil to be quiet. Not always necessary, though.

    Staying out of OTC may be a solution, but theoretically you may be better just reducing your time there. Post in threads when you think you can offer an idea people are interested in hearing.

    ...I guess I'm just finding "stay out of OTC entirely" to be a rather extremist response.

  • edited 2011-04-30 01:01:43
    You can change. You can.
    I don't think that that's a valid solution

    What I think is a valid soultion is for him to clean up his ways and start respecting other people's opinions and demonstrate that in his posting.
  • Inside, too dark to read
    What I think is a valid soultion is for him to clean up his ways and
    start respecting other people's opinions and demonstrate that in his

    Again, that requires only speaking to people who opine intelligently.

    Aren't you all entitled to your half-assed musings on the divine? You've thought about eternity for twenty-five minutes and think you've come to some interesting conclusions? Well let me tell you, I stand with two thousand years of darkness and bafflement and hunger behind me. My kind have harvested the souls of a million peasants, and I couldn't give a ha'penny jizz for your internet-assembled philosophy.
  • Okay, that was kind of dickish, Rott.
  • Inside, too dark to read
    ^ I know. I've been an evil vicar.
  • And now it's hilarious.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    Again, that requires only speaking to people who opine intelligently.

    No, it requires you to not be a complete and total asshat.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    Basically, Rottweiler, here is the problem.

    You were banned for, well, essentially being a dick.

    In your time on this thread, you have:

    a) Refused to listen and understand when we tell you what you have done wrong; and

    b) Continued to be a condescending prick..

    We have repeatedly offered points for you to consider, we have offered solutions, we have outright told you why you were banned, and you have still refused to listen.

    Yeah, no. I don't see you getting back.

    I'd say I'm sorry, but the way you're acting here, I'm really, really not.
  • edited 2011-04-30 10:10:57
    Inside, too dark to read
    Cygan, has it occurred to you that the reason you stated for my ban was wrong, and your solutions could be too? Have you considered that you might not always be right?

    Since Bobby is a moderator and speaks to FE, focusing on what he has to say is more likely to be useful.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    Cygan, has it occurred to you that the reason you stated for my ban was wrong, and your solutions could be too? Have you considered that you might not always be right?

    Since Bobby is a moderator and speaks to FE, focusing on what he has to say is more likely to be useful.

    Dismissing opinions because of poorly-phrased arguments, repeatedly ignoring the point your opponent is trying to make and continuing to be condescending when people try to help are all things you have repeatedly demonstrated within this thread.

    There is a difference between focusing on what Bobby has to say, and ignoring what others say and being smug about it.

    I suggest you learn this difference.
  • Inside, too dark to read
    Cygan, your reason was false. You made an error. Can you admit error?
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    I can admit error.

    Can you listen when people explain these errors?

    Have you considered that you might not always be right?

    Have you?
  • Inside, too dark to read
    Yes. That's why I'm always reading philosophy, to find superiors to commune with and correct errors in my beliefs.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    See now, I'd make another reply, but I can tell you beforehand how it's going to go.

    > You completely miss the point of everything someone says

    > You ignore everything that may actually help

    > You continue to act like a smug condescending dick to everyone you feel is inferior

    So no. Fuck this, I have better things to do than waste my breath on someone who refuses to listen to people trying to help him.
  • As a petty and vindictive person, I have to take extra steps not to appear petty and vindictive.
    Quoting the evil vicar spiel might not have been the smoothest move there.
  • Rott: Your smart but your such and arrogant ass.
  • Frankly, now I'm completely in agreement with the ban. You take condescension to a whole new level.
  • edited 2011-04-30 13:53:20
    He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.
    Considering others inferior to the self? That is so not christian. As far as I know, christianism preaches humility, something you sorely lack.
  • edited 2011-04-30 14:48:18
    Inside, too dark to read
    @vandro: Just when was humbly telling atheists "Well you're right too" defined as part of orthodox morals?

    If anything, I might be humble to the point of heresy by listening politely to people of other religions (thinking their civilizations have inherent value I'm curious to learn more about) and not causing offense by asking penetrating questions. I never worry about their eternal destiny, being more inclined to think that loving God suffices whether you're a Christian, Muslim, Hindu, etc. than in Hell.

    Doing that with atheism would be going way too far.
  • There is no point in discussing this really.  You might go back and sooner rather then later you will metaphorically step on your own dick again.
  • edited 2011-04-30 15:02:25
    He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.
    No, humility is not "I'll allow you to explain your heretic nonsense for the sake of their cultural value/ the sake of civility", humility is not believing oneself superior than others, simple as that. Believing Christ is the one true path to YHWH is christian, yes. Believing that being well-read makes you better than others, or at least above them, is not.
  • Inside, too dark to read
    humility is not believing oneself superior than others, simple as that.

    The logical consequence of that is that everyone's beliefs are equally valid, no matter how well or poorly they match the truth. That's nonsense, not orthodoxy.
  • edited 2011-04-30 15:08:26
    He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.
    Since when religion is math to require logic to the extreme?  Reductio ad absurdum is called ad absurdum for a reason.

    Oh, ninja edit. And believing your religion is the truth doesn't mean that you get to scoff at others'.
  • Inside, too dark to read
    @vandro: Listen, if you want me to address everyone who addresses me, and as intellectual equals, start by addressing me with correct grammar.

    Any community that treats the erudite addressing people who are on the
    level of talking about "your such and arrogant ass" as their
    intellectual equal as morally obligatory has removed positive feedback
    for thinking or speaking well and will find itself leveled down.
    Christian humility can't possibly mean that, unless Christianity is
    slave morality fit only for human refuse, as Nietzsche claimed.
  • edited 2011-04-30 15:38:40
    He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.
    What was the grammatical mistake?

    Nevertheless, I find the arrogant ass comment to be innecessary and rude for all intents and purposes, and I find your train of thought to be perfectly legitimate. Now:

    Christianity as a religion is based on the concept of selflessness: self-sacrifice, diligence, compassion, love for others, humility, all of this stem from that concept. One man can not be superior than others, because being selfless is the goal. 

    If you tell me that you don't find me, or at least, most tropers, to be your intellectual equal, that is most likely true, but you'd still be judging yourself above others, while you don't have the moral authority to do so. Unless of course, you were god.
  • As a petty and vindictive person, I have to take extra steps not to appear petty and vindictive.
    Both of you.
  • We Played Some Open Chords and Rejoiced, For the Earth Had Circled the Sun Yet Another Year
    Both of them are broken embeds?
  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.
    No, he is giving us an stern look, it seems.
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