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Rottweiler got banned



  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    > And, I don't think Rottweiler ever actually went out and said homosexuality is wrong per se

    He kept on mentioning traditional Christian values or something, so I assumed as much.  @Rottweiler, care to elucidate this?
  • On a certain level, I sympathize with Rottweiler for not noticing the condescension in his own tone since he is so often addressed with it by others.
  • @ Bobby G: Fighteer was breaking several forum rules by implying that Rottweiler wanted women to be uneducated. Rottweiler has always encouraged me to further my own intellect and education, so I'm kind of shocked and pissed at what Fighteer said.

    Also, multiple posters on the forum have been condescending and not been banned for it. Karalora and Joseph Bugman are regularly condescending.
  • As a petty and vindictive person, I have to take extra steps not to appear petty and vindictive.
    True enough, Rottweiller doesn't claim to believe in keeping women illiterate. That's only a thing he might believe in if a certain interpretation of his stated beliefs was applied consistently.
  • Fighteer was breaking several forum rules by implying that Rottweiler wanted women to be uneducated.

    Which might these be?

    Karalora and Joseph Bugman are regularly condescending.

    Karalora is given a free pass because everyone knows it's just an act to cover up her insecurities.
  • As a petty and vindictive person, I have to take extra steps not to appear petty and vindictive.
    Actually that's a fair point. If straw manning or misrepresenting/misunderstanding other people's positions was breaking the rules, then Rottweiller ought to have been banned much sooner.
  • Because you never know what you might see.
    Yeah, there isn't actually a rule against strawmanning as such.  Just doing it "dickishly", which I appreciate is pretty vague, but I think depends on how likely it seems intended to antagonise.

    Bugman has been in trouble for rudeness in the past.  As far as I'm aware, Karalora hasn't, though if I see her making condescending posts in future I'll be sure to warn her.  I've probably been too soft on you lot, and that's bad because it leaves people unclear on what is and is not acceptable.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    Oh, great, now Bobby's gonna be on our case D:

  • edited 2011-04-28 04:55:06
    "Do you know of any such forum with quality debates?  Sounds like it might be worth a read."

    Sadly, diversity of options doesn't guarantee quality debating. CFC OT, the forum I am in, is mostly liberal progressives + a bunch of neocons + a bunch of commies + a bunch of apolitical people who poke fun at everyone else + a secular agnostic philosophical theologian + a drive-by neo-nazi. The actual quality is generally worse then TvTropes forum, though.

  • Rott, I'm quoting Fast Eddie's post in the Edit Banned thread here for ease of communication:

    > We're taking a break from him for awhile. Seems like he can't get through a
    single conversation without calling someone an idiot or causing a fight. We have
    better things to do than answer Hollers about this one guy all day long.
    Tell him to look us up in a couple of weeks with a plan for how he could
    be less of a pain in the ass to be around. We'll talk.

    What this indicates to me is that you will not only need to apologize in a way that sounds sincere (I would go for something more plain language than the first one), you also need to acknowledge your responsibility in the past drama and provide assurances that you've come up with a way that you can limit future drama.

    @Bradamante: "Others have done it too" is not a valid excuse to avoid banning, because as I mentioned in my previous post many others have been banned for similar behavior. Whether or not any one person gets banned depends a lot on visibility, and repeat offenses. If you truly feel that the behavior of the two you mentioned has been moderation-worthy, I would advise you to report it in the future. The mods can't be everywhere at once, after all.
  • edited 2011-04-28 08:19:01
    Inside, too dark to read
    Bobby, I know you're frustrated, but do you see where I'm getting mixed signals?

    You're telling me the problem was a particular post, while FE is saying it's that "Seems like he can't get through a single conversation without calling someone an idiot" (I've never had a thump except for daring to use the All-Star Batman meme) "or causing a fight" (when people yell at someone, it's the target's fault). He finds the hollers from outraged progressives a nuisance and demands a plan for how I could be less of a pain for them to be around.

    So do you understand why annoying him and promising to not cause drama in future by expressing dissent seem like the rational things to apologize for, hence my concern for an apology for that post being received as "not getting it"? It clearly sounds like he demands an apology for causing drama (i.e. getting mobbed and insulted). A person's behavior sounds irrelevant, with a presumption of fault for all attacks against them once they become a popular target.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    oh my god
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Oh, you don't know how often I see progressives/liberals being dickish/condescending about conservatives/Republicans/right-wingers.

    I keep on having to remind them that it's not helping their case.
  • Inside, too dark to read
    @GMH: And "Don't be a dick" is enforced via the holler mechanism, which means you can condescendingly express orthodox views all you want. No one will try to get you punished.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    Please try asking yourself why you are a popular target.

    And a hint: It is not because you hold unpopular views.

    Once you figure that out, then you have a position to work from.
  • edited 2011-04-28 10:13:09
    Because you never know what you might see.
    >You're telling me the problem was a particular post

    No, that post was the straw that broke the camel's back.

    >FE is saying it's that "Seems like he can't get through a single conversation without calling someone an idiot" (I've never had a thump except for daring to use the All-Star Batman meme)

    I suspect that Eddie was exaggerating there, and I'm almost certain that he'll have had that post in mind when he said it.

    Eddie is not, and has never been, terribly appreciative of Internet memes, and as far as he was concerned, you'd just called somebody dumb and retarded, and he reacted accordingly.  (It's probably also worth remembering that, if Eddie's prior statments are anything to go by, having been thumped just once for something like that makes you potentially fair game for a complete ban on a second offence.  With that in mind, the fact that you received only a temp ban can only really be read as an acknowledgement that you have made legitimate contributions to discussions, the way I see it.)

    >"or causing a fight" (when people yell at someone, it's the target's fault).

    >It clearly sounds like he demands an apology for causing drama (i.e. getting mobbed and insulted). A person's behavior sounds irrelevant, with a presumption of fault for all attacks against them once they become a popular target.

    This has never been the principle we've operated under in the past when dealing with other tropers who attracted greater-than-average amounts of negative attention (e.g. Tribune, Tongpu, DLC, Chagen), so I don't believe it can have been what Eddie meant in this instance, either.  The issue, to my mind, is that your behaviour is at times causing you to become a popular target, or at least worsening matters.

    >So do you understand why annoying him and promising to not cause drama in future by expressing dissent seem like the rational things to apologize for

    Rational, maybe, but almost certainly not a good idea if you don't want to remain banned.  It looks like you're blaming other people for their responses to your posts, rather than acknowledging that you were in the wrong due to your tone.  Furthermore, it also carries the implication that the site staff are biased against your viewpoints.  This is... er, quite possibly true, on a personal level, at least, but it's hardly the most tactful thing to say to Eddie, a self-described left-leaning libertarian wielding a ban hammer that can block you from viewing the site altogether, particularly not when Fighteer, blackcat and myself have already stressed that it is not your opinions which are the problem, but the manner in which you are expressing them.

    Do you see where I'm coming from here?  I'm just trying to help you out here, but I'm not sure you're even aware of the problem.
  • edited 2011-04-28 10:34:31
    ~♥YES♥~! I *AM* a ~♥cupcake♥~! ^_^
    >It looks like you're blaming other people for their responses to your posts

    >other people for their responses

    Hmm, isn't that sort of under the discretion of those reading...?

    In Rotty's defense, imagine for a second that someone make regularly makes perfectly nice and not at all condescending or insulting remarks, but they ALWAYS cause an enormous shitstorm.

    Wouldn't you want that person to be silent, even if they are completely within the rules? Of course, Rott isn't entirely innocent, but the fact remains that it's OTHER PEOPLE who somehow lose control of themselves and start whining because Rott says X, Y, or Z.

    Rott didn't deliberately make threads about himself. Other people do that for him (which may very well be an *annoyance* to him, which he would like to do away with). I've seen this happen a good few times with other posters, including myself. What happens is he or some other poster wanders into a thread and disagrees with everyone, and as a result becomes one of the ONLY people representing a different viewpoint. Up until then it may have been people more or less agreeing, but he comes in and represent what might otherwise be a much more significant number of people.

    It's not his different opinion that causes trouble, it's that he is basically doing the work of several debaters. He may post something that is contrary to everything else, and as a result everyone has something new to respond to. And lo a dozen people type up long responses to talk down Rott, and then he has to respond back with his fancy and super long post. When this occurs, you have to type like crazy to keep up the pace, and you often have to give up on answering all of the arguments. What's more, it's hard to keep up good form while doing this.

    Hence why there is such difficulty. Most of us folk with different viewpoints just stay the hell away from certain debates. If I were more willing to jump into every religion debate, and willing to cease whitewashing myself and playing it neutral to maintain favor, I would be in much the same position as Rott. I find it tiring though, so I just sort of stick around and make comments that are disguised and prettied up so it looks like I'm playing devil's advocate or something, then I get the heck out of there.

    Rott is willing to make noise though, and stays very honest about what's on his mind. I'm pretty sure that there will be a bit of wonder at my statement that I remain deliberately ambiguous about my exact beliefs, as many would rather just have me be honest instead of peaceful. However, I really grew weary of that whole "type up a 700 word essay to respond to all of the pissed off misotheists" thing. (Look! A vaguely condescending and insulting statement!)
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    "Wouldn't you want that person to be silent, even if they are completely within the rules? Of course, Rott isn't entirely innocent, but the fact remains that it's OTHER PEOPLE who somehow lose control of themselves and start whining because Rott says X, Y, or Z. "

    I believe the blame falls on the provoker in these situations, not the people who are provoked.
  • edited 2011-04-28 10:52:24
    ~♥YES♥~! I *AM* a ~♥cupcake♥~! ^_^
    I suppose I might be a bit biased in that respect; I genuinely believe that being provoked or offended is an act of weakness and stupidity. Many would rather maintain that people with personal problems have a *right* to get upset and angry, which I happen to dislike. Sure, they have a right, but it's stupid though.

    I suspect that this statement will be greatly disliked by many; but I say nonetheless, if you get pissed off, then it's your own damned fault.
  • Because you never know what you might see.
    I suppose this is why TV Tropes gets accused of being a hugbox.  We have never operated under the principle that it is your own fault for being offended by an insulting post, and to do so would mean a fundamental change to our moderation style.  If you respond to said insult with an insult of your own, then you're at fault, but not before then.  We don't punish people just for being offended.

    At the same time, though, the problem is not merely offending people, it's being offensive in a particular way, an insulting way.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Rottweiler > @GMH: And "Don't be a dick" is enforced via the holler mechanism, which means you can condescendingly express orthodox views all you want. No one will try to get you punished.

    Uh, BonSequitur, Karalora, rjung, Tomu, and even yours truly have been warned about such behavior.  And we're all "orthodox" as far as an "internet hivemind of liberalism" can be concerned.

    Khwarizmi > Eddie is not, and has never been, terribly appreciative of Internet memes

    Another policy point where he and I differ.

    Cygan > I believe the blame falls on the provoker in these situations, not the people who are provoked.

    I believe my internet experience has seen both rules against trolling and rules against feeding trolls.
  • edited 2011-04-28 11:07:01
    Because you never know what you might see.
    Oh, Eddie's dislike of memes isn't a policy point, it's just a dislike.

    And yes, we do in fact have a bait thump tag for people who feed trolls.

    Rjung... I thought he was basically an anti-Republican troll at one point, wasn't he?  To his credit, he stopped when asked.

    Tomu is orthodox hivemind?
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    "I believe my internet experience has seen both rules against trolling and rules against feeding trolls"

    As has mine. However, it is generally understood that if it was not for the troll, then the incident would not have happened.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Or maybe I'm confusing him with someone else.  I thought it was Tomu?  But I don't know Tomu well...hmm, maybe I am...
  • Because you never know what you might see.
    It may have been Tomu.  I was thinking Tomu's utilitarianism was unconventional, but I guess he doesn't really stand out when you have people like Savage Heathen and Love Happiness advocating much more unusual ideas.
  • edited 2011-04-28 11:43:58
    ~♥YES♥~! I *AM* a ~♥cupcake♥~! ^_^
    They often advocate odd ideas, but their principals generally mesh with secular views which are the most common.

    For example, Tongpu might say something like "everyone would be better off dead", but in practice, this stems from a more basic and agreeable principal (reduce suffering), and leads to political beliefs which are acceptable to secular beliefs (abortion is OK, moral guardians are wrong, homosexuality is perfectly fine, etc).

    Rott's views, however, stem from different principals and in practice lead to different things, which contrast very heavily with secular views.

    And that's why Rott causes more rage than Tongpu&friends.

  • edited 2011-04-28 11:49:02
    Because you never know what you might see.
    >implying Tongpu has friends

    Uh, I mean, you do have a point that for all Tongpu's cynicism and morbidity, he rarely advocates anything that's particularly offensive to the status quo, and when he does it's usually something so phenomenally outrageous that there's no risk of it ever happening.

    On the other hand, Rottweiler was not banned solely because he upset people, but because he insulted them.
  • edited 2011-04-28 11:57:50
    ~♥YES♥~! I *AM* a ~♥cupcake♥~! ^_^
    I'm certainly not about to deny that much, at least.

    (I did say "in his defense")

    When you have such an audience as Rott often does, you have to take responsibility for that, whether doing so is pleasant or not. As foolish as it may be, many impersonal sarcastic statements are taken as deeply serious and personal, so making such blanket statements is generally a bad idea.

    Unfortunately, this means that you may have to fudge the beliefs you put forward, as if you genuinely believe something that insults people to the very core of their being, then you probably should just drop it and let them think you are the bee's knees, or else keep yourself a little more detached.

    This can feel dishonest though, but it's better than causing a dozen angry posters to swarm you every time you post in a flame bait thread.
  • Because you never know what you might see.
    Well, that's what Rott appeared to be suggesting he do, but I don't think that's actually what's being asked of him.
  • edited 2011-04-28 12:08:37
    ~♥YES♥~! I *AM* a ~♥cupcake♥~! ^_^
    All that is necessary is to respect your audience, (which in Rott's case, would be a semblance of enemies...). Someone who respects their audience won't say blablablablanketinflamatorytext and tag "lol" onto the end, which is obviously disrespectful.

    If Rott was in the majority, he might get away with that, but because he wishes to represent a certain viewpoint (alone), he is held to a somewhat higher standard. (I'd think that someone with principals like Rott would understand this form of responsibility, but apparently he doesn't.)
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