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  • Why is it on the old one?
  • Because you never know what you might see.
    I guess he must not have known about the new site?
  • Likes cheesecake unironically.
    But didn't he make a thread here recently?
  • «It'll be back. ED's like a phoenix.»
    Unlikely.  ED died because the administrators had trouble getting any but the sleaziest advertisers to put their ads on their site and so they ran out of money.  I don't see anything rising out of these ashes.
  • I directed tnu over here, so he'll probably be along shortly.
  • edited 2011-04-16 12:38:18
    ^^Didn't that happen before, at least twice?
  • Most important thing in his life?

    It's his dramatic wangsty attitude like that in which I will not miss.
  • The Sonic Series Wiki Curator of TvTropes
    I directed tnu over here, so he'll probably be along shortly.

  • edited 2011-04-16 12:57:30
    Because you never know what you might see.
    I didn't realise that was why ED went offline.  Now I feel guilty about blocking ads there.

    Oh well, no matter.  You can be sure that as long as there is drama on the Internet, there will be people who document it.
  • edited 2011-04-16 13:00:22
    I was expecting a "you got punk'd" from myr. Then I read this.
  • I'm here and I'm sorry I'm sick of hurting people and I obviously have done so. I'm sorry for all the grief I’ve caused and also thank you for teaching me a new word I’ve been looking for a word with that meaning for a long time. I come here to beg forgiveness and repentance. I've got no place else to go. I am working on getting therapy though and am actually using a spellchecker.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Good job tnu, you are coming along just fine. Just...ignore all of the snarking and shit-talking in that one thread we made about you, and report all of the stuff you find offensive.
  • I can't even access TV Tropes now and I feel so lost without it frankly. Feel free to deride the angst if you desire but I'm not a very stable healthy individual I latch on to a community and get stuck on every last detail and I thought I had found a home for the first time in forever and to have that taken from me once again is devastating to me.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    One thing that is generally bad is rooting too deeply into a community. If it becomes a habit to log into a forum when you don't really want to, but you habitually check it for new responses, it's generally a good idea to try and resist that urge and distract yourself with a hobby, like playing games or writing.
  • you know i'm still bitter about Myrm accusing me of beign a Nazi because I claimed to support the British National Party.
  • I've never really understood what people think is so bad about you.
  • You also claimed to support the National Socialist German Workers' Party. And then you admitted you were trolling. Don't play the victim.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    /me mentally flags thread
  • You're a mod, can't you actually flag a thread?
  • "I claimed to support the British National Party. "

    "I've never really understood what people think is so bad about you."

    I really hope you said this because you don't know who the BNP is.
  • edited 2011-04-16 18:07:29
    ^^ All flagging a thread does is tell the mods "hey, watch out for this thread", so it would be pointless for him to do that himself.
  • Welcome to IJBM, Tnu. 
  • ^^^No knowledge whatsoever.

    After googling....
  • Yeah I was trolling with that one before don't freak out Myrm you were entierly justified in your actions. Take it easy. That was a one time thing and it was by no means serious.
  • Sure, this is the real Tnu. Riiiiiiiiiight.
  • Beg your pardon sir?
  • Nothing, nothing at all. Go ahead and say what you need to say, Tnu.
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