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edited 2011-04-14 22:45:36 in General
No matter what to say to him, he's still depressed and wants to kill himself.


  • Huh. That sucks. So, does it bug you that he's so depressed, or does he himself bug you for being depressed? What is he depressed about anyway?
  • The Sonic Series Wiki Curator of TvTropes
    Life, the Universe, Everything.
  • Jeez. With an outlook like that, I'm actually shocked that he hasn't killed himself yet.
  • God dammit, I think he's doing it on purpose. "Oh, my life is full of woe! Nothing can get better or ever will, and I'm to powerless/apathetic/pathetic to do anything about it because it won't matter in the end! CRAWLING IN MY SKIN, THESE WOUNDS THEY WILL NOT HEAL..."
  • Off-topic: But I've always found it hilarious that that's the go-to emo song.

    On-topic: Yeah, that does seem annoying. My advice would just be to leave him alone, as it seems like you're wasting your time.

    Semi on-topic but not really: Please, he could never write something that coherent.
  • Woki mit deim Popo.
    It's possible he can write in coherent sentences but only if he isn't being worked up.
  • Maybe coherent wasn't the right word. His posts are certainly coherent in the way that they're mostly understandable, but...

    What's that word for when you can understand something but it's written in a really screwed up way?
  • Woki mit deim Popo.
  • I think that's it.
  • I care less about his self loathing depression and more about his seemingly inane Anarchists false dichotomy philosophy.

  • I care less about his self loathing depression and seemingly inane Anarchists falst dichotomy philosophy and more about how fucking weird his posts are combined with his penchant for lashing out at anyone who points out his poor spelling and grammar (regardless of if they were trying to be insulting, helpful, neutral or whatever else) instead of just trying to type better.
  • If that don't work, use more gun.
    Lemme guess, insecurities thread?
  • It's a pretty sloppy mess of self pity right now. Don't bother looking at my posts, it's not like they worked.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭

    More better and more emo than Linkin Park.
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-04-15 00:14:09
    Only semi-related, but Leradny, I'm sure there's some form of suicide that wouldn't hurt, or wouldn't hurt that much. Besides, it's not like it's going to hurt for that long, anyway. I mean, the pain will just go away in a matter of minutes or seconds, depending on how you execute it.

    Now someone relay this message to tnu, quickly. This is a joke. A really bad, horrible joke. For the love of decency, tact and common sense, don't listen to it.
  • He doesn't have the guts to do it, he admitted that after I left. Also, chatting with Usht cheers him right the hell up, which leads me to believe he really is trolling.
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-04-15 00:19:37
    So, I take it Usht is his friend or something? Also, am I seriously the only person who thought he was a troll from the start?

    Also: "Contemplatign suicide sofar there's nodecent argumetnagainstitother then there beingnoefficentmeans of commiting the act."

    What? Is it just me, or has all of this talk of depression and suicide left him even more incomprehensible?

    "Change: I can'tdot hatwithoutlosingmy identity"

    This is just stupid.
  • Woki mit deim Popo.
    So is this the current troll saga?
  • Current, past and future.

    Successful troll is successful.
  • Quick, everyone report him at once so the mods feel obligated to ban him.
  • Because you never know what you might see.
    Y'know, if y'all would report him for a specific instance of trolling (actual trolling, not weird spelling), at this point he probably would get a ban of some description.

    Well, depending on how bad it was and how merciful those with the hammer were feeling, I suppose, but by this stage I'd be a little surprised if he didn't get banned.
  • Trolling or not, he does seem to lack the emotional and technical skills necessary for participating in forum discussion.
  • Because you never know what you might see.
    As in, he lacks the ability to operate a spellchecker or insert spaces between words in a conventional fashion?

    Actually, I was under the impression that he'd been spoken to about that.  I'll ask about that on the mod board.
  • The thing about tnu is that he's a sort-of-maybe troll who may be completely legitimate, but either way is clogging up threads with poorly-spelled wangst and is effectively devoid of debating skills beyond 'oh god it's hopeless'.

    I'm not quite sure about his reasons for not using a spellchecker, but he tends to act in a very hostile manner whenever someone suggests it. Apparently it's 'change', which would destroy a fundamental part of himself. And in that sentence, you can probably see everything that makes him emotionally incapable of proper forum discussion.
  • Woki mit deim Popo.
    I think using a spellchecker is too much of a change for him.
  • I have no words...that's really pathetic.
  • -sigh-  I don't believe in talking about people behind their backs, so I'll just say that I really wish Tnu would at least listen to some of the advice people give him. 
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