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How there isn't a club for us villains!



  • No rainbow star
    To be fair, squirrel girl DOES have the power of off panel deus ex machina
  • Dea Ex Machina through the medium of squirrels. 
    Pretty much justifies any folks with a squirrel-phobia out there. 
  • No wonder Dr. Robotnik lost then... What with Sally being on Sonic's side.
  • Sally is just Squirrel Girl's puppet and you know it. 
  • No rainbow star
    Ma-Maybe he cracked upon seeing the awesome might of squirrels, and that's why he is so messed up now

    For all we know, he screws squirrels hoping to please them and avoid judgement, and perhaps he cries himself to sleep every night...

    Perhaps it has become so bad that any small mammal makes him freeze up, causing him to blunder all the time when facing Sonic

    All because he can only see her face on Sonic

    The face of Squirrel Girl
  • Sorry I'm late to the party, but what If I combine your forces by converting all of you to the Bydo way of things? All it takes is direct contact from some of my men and there you go fighting the Bydo way... with grace, with balance, and with motivation. True, your bodies and mind may be corrupted in the Bydoifcation process, but hear me on this: You'll be happier when you die, trust me. It's not like I haven't knocked down plenty of R9s using my process.

    The reason I lost is because mankind used too much might and economical ignorance in order to produce too many of them at once. Also they kinda converted to Bydo themselves with their Force Pods being made out of my... Okay, I'll stop now.
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