If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
Hmm, the Mary Sue is making some dodgy implications about this site, like its full of self-professed paedophiles
Well, they are kind of talking about TheDarkEricDraven specifically (not that they actually say that), who kind of won't shut up about being a pedophile otherkin wizard or whatever.
They used "pedophiles" to refer to one person, who was immediately banned. Interesting.
I also like how the link is brought up as something of a non-sequitur.
Oooh, smells like a new dose of drama might be approaching. I will be paying attention.
Well, I thought it was only fair that to bring to people's attention that a such a slur was being used.
Except they used the plural of the word paedophile to imply there was more than one.
>implying I can read
But yeah, that's pretty disingenuous, if nothing else. Still, haven't people been saying bad things about this site since forever?
Yeah, but I'd generally think someone would have the decency to not misrepresent facts that they've clearly looked at.
^Yeah, you haven't looked at the SA thread have you?
Well, outside SA at least.
god damn it mary sue
Yeah, I saw that (and posted pointing out that we did ban the guy).
Bah, wish I didn't get so sick so easily.
Mostly feeling better now
@the Mary Sue: They couldn't have clicked the link before publishing?
Cool. My global handle is @Kindly Horror, if you end up playing again friend me. I'm on now, about to check out this event that's starting today.
WTF, it seems my interest in politics and my participation in the greater TVT metacommunity are unexpectedly close. ThinkProgress has a blogger who blogged about TVT. Just found it from that The Mary Sue page (or whatever it's called; this is the first time I've heard of them). This TP article seems to be on the sensible side of things, too--calling out Google Adsense for "providing a financial disincentive" to talking openly about rape and sexual assault.
Because, frankly, neither method--shutting the lid on these topics or opening them up publicly--is going to completely shut out creepy fetishists and people with bad taste. But keeping a tight lid on these topics will mean that the vast majority of us don't know about this while "creeps" continue going at it, while talking openly--although it can give creeps a bit more fodder--provides this vast majority contact with issues such as rape and sexual assault and pedophilia so that these problems don't go unnoticed by the rest of us who would recognize these as problems if only we knew about them.
@INUH: Thanks for being our ambassador.
have you checked your bed for havenite?
I may download the game this weekend when I'm at my mom's house and have access to a non-terrible internet connection.I guess that's why you used Chrona, no?
It's why I use all of my avatars (except Erza).
And Maria Hill, I hope.
This is hilarious
(spoilers for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and sequels)
And Maria Hill, yes.
I use most of my avatars because I find them people I want to emulate, in the case of Archer it's because he is my favorite superhero and the kind of person I want to be. Except the mechas, those are because they look cool.
you offend me with your preferences, sir
even thought that'd mean we'd be partners in punching things? :<
I just use avatars for whatever reasons I feel like.
Do you even know Archer's backstory?
There are plenty of reasons for using avatars, but statements generalizing people's choices in avatars are most likely made out of ignorance.
Also, Archer is the goddamn man.
I don't really have much reasons to choose avatars. For example, I use Kate Bishop here because I like the glasses + scarf combo (And because she's a way better character than Clint Barton. Of course, being a better character than Barton doesn't take much effort)
but anyway, sometimes, I choose an avatar because I find them somewhat resonant to my personality or problems (Asuka and Misato from Evangelion come to mind, for example)
but yeah, most of the time it's aesthetical preferences first, personality resonance second.
you mistake me for someone who cares