If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
DYRE cheated, so I cheated too.
I switched back so that your avatar would make sense
> implying that that avatar will ever make sense
Also, I'll be uploading these to a folder on my photobucket later.
I'll get in line for one of these.
I was going to get in line, but apparently I was in line, so okay.
Please respond ;_;
Marvelous. I think Asucka would be an appropriate name for quality!Asuka.
Why did I offer to do this
Why can't all documentaries be this awesome?
With source material like that, you have to actually put an effort into being boring.
Alkthash changes his avatar to being an attractive anime girl while I change mine to being a derp version of INUH's avatar.
http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z82/Glenn_Magus_Harvey/ms paint creations/bad-imitation-inuh.png
That's either the best so far or the worst so far. I'm really not sure.
No, I think my bad imitation of Crimson's avatar--turning the golden mech into a one-eyed monster with two red testicles--is worse.
Yeah... I don't really get the appeal here so you can just ignore my avatars for this thing.
How do I permanently add custom colors to my palette in MS Paint? I want to add "generic light skin tone" to my palette.
^ Oh, I was just coincidentially commenting on your avatar and announcing my own avatar change at once.
^^^Well, it's all about the ratio between how hard it looks to draw and how badly it turned out. Crimson's avatar doesn't look easy.
Keep in mind I'm sketching these in MS Paint, using a mouse, from looking at y'all's avatars in forum view (which is resized 75x75, possibly with jpeg artifacts).
Yeah, I know. I'm just saying that Crimson probably has the most complex avatar you've done so far.
For what it's worth, it's kind of confusing when I scroll through the bottom of the page. Glenn's rendering of Mikado reminds me more of a Fairly Oddparent, though.
Me time!
Sony has perhaps been over-previewing the Spider-Man reboot a bit.
I'm going to take a break from the bad imitation avatars.
FYI, next up are Everest, Forzare, MrW, MadassAlex, and Stormtroper.
^^ I'm halfway through that video... and the movie looks pretty awful so far. It could be the fault of the trailers, but of course the point of a trailer is to make the movie look good, so...
http://s195.photobucket.com/albums/z82/Glenn_Magus_Harvey/ms paint creations/ <-- here are the avatars I've used so far, plus a few other things.
^^Yeah, I just finished it, and unless they're deliberately only including the worst parts of the movie or something completely insane like that, I don't need to go see it because A) it looks pretty bad and
I get the impression that I already know pretty much the entire plot.
So, I looked it up and apparently the full movie will be 136 minutes, so maybe it's not as much as it seems like.
Still, though, I'm not watching it unless there's some unexpected overwhelming consensus that it's the best thing ever.
My reaction too INUH. Well that and them diciking around retelling the origin story and wasting time that way. I mean I would hope superhero movies would realize that stuff like Spider-man, Batman and Superman's origin stories are generally common pop culture knowledge.
>Frat's end-of-year party this friday
>Theme is Super Mario, so different sections of the frat building will be filled with sand, grass and ice machines in order to emulate levels
The week starts with a 'damsel-in-distress' calling at midnight because her toilet is clogged. This is really uncanny. Hopefully the rest of the week will exist of finding change on the ground and spaghetti instead of this shite.
I normally agree but watching The Avengers with the sister was basically me explaining: "He's an alien who came to earth once and made such an impression he pretty much became part of our mythology", "He drugged himself and became a super-soldier", "He's rich", "She's a pretty redhead", etc