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  • You can change. You can.
    Like I said, the characters suck. FF wants you to be invested in a story where all the main characters tend to be rather flat, to be honest.

    Haven't played monster hunter, can't say.

    If it is, it's definitely not intentional.

    Nomura started the zipper jokes. Just sayin'
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    You know, Juan, I think you pretty much just summarized why I always get bored with FF games. Thank you.
  • You can change. You can.
    i always knew we were bros ^_^
  • Final Fantasy games are reasonably fun.  The stories suck but JRPG stories always suck so that doesn't matter so much.

    Also, Monster Hunter is awesome.  But it is 100% not story-driven at all so the lack of realism or characterization doesn't matter.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    JRPG stories always suck so that doesn't matter so much.
  • You can change. You can.
    the only FF game I can say I had "fun with" was FFXII. And it was because it was a longer Star Wars. Therfore, kewl.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    I liked FFTA, because it had decent gameplay and a likable cast except for the main character.
  • ^^^ Not sure what that's supposed to mean.

    ^ FFT >>>>>> FFTA, so you should play that.  Though I know you've been told this already.

    ^^ Actually, thinking about it, I guess FFX was actually the only main-series Final Fantasy game I actually thought was fun...  Final Fantasy XII was kind of... well, the combat system sucked basically.

    I like the Tales games, but that's because their reused archetypes are actually likable and while clothing fashion is weird they don't try too hard to make unique weapons.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    ^^Yeah, I've been meaning to play FFT.

    As for my other post, there are plenty of JRPGs with good plots. Hell, that's generally the only thing that'll get me to play one.
  • You can change. You can.
     Final Fantasy XII was kind of... well, the combat system sucked basically.

    Huh, I actually liked it. At least, I enjoyed it, anyway. It's probably because I hate having to control every member of my party all the time.
  • edited 2011-11-08 01:12:12
    Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    ^^^That and their combat systems are fun as hell.
  • Tales of Symphonia is fairly fun, but I think that was mostly because I liked the characters, since the actual gameplay is way too fast-paced and not... RPG-ish, I guess... for me to like the combat much though.  Haven't really played other Tales games.
  • As for my other post, there are plenty of JRPGs with good plots. Hell, that's generally the only thing that'll get me to play one.

    I dunno.  I guess that's probably true (and really, I haven't played nearly enough games of any genre to make such an accusation against JRPGs).  None of them that I've played had particularly good plots or anything though.  Mostly it was just that the characters were likable, which really is all I care about anyway, to be honest.  And I like JRPG gameplay for some reason, so I usually don't pay as much attention to the story as other people might.

    It's usually mostly the characters that sell me for JRPGs. I can excuse a lousy story if the characters are fun. The plot to Persona 3 is super predictable but I loved all the characters so it got a pass from me.
  • I like FF8's gunblade in its Dissidia incarnation way more than it's FF8 incarnation. The 8 incarnation is pretty stupid. Dissidia Squall uses it to relentlessly combo the shit out of everyone he comes across.
  • @ Tales:

    I must admit that I actually liked Dawn of the New World's story more than the original, at least conceptually, because it seemed like they were trying to go somewhere relatively unique. Okay, sure, Emil's story is as old as The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, but eh, I thought it was cool that they played with the audience's perceptions in that way (you want to be Ratatosk mode because he's so badass, and Richter is so silly to regard him as evil because he's the main character, but then it turns out yeah, he's a major jerk). It was definitely a more character-driven plot in any case, and I think people who hate Emil and Marta tend to miss the point: they're supposed to grow out of their attitudes.

    I think it would have been really good if it wasn't so rushed.

  • No rainbow star
    Done the research paper


  • edited 2011-11-08 11:16:23
    Thane of rum-guzzling and necromancy

    Gotta do some politics reading... 


  • You can change. You can.
    this morning sucked.

    otoh, i might get an internship in a tv channel

    news at eleven.
  • So apparently Frankie Boyle's Tramadol Nights is Frankie's offensiveness without the funny. Or at least that's what I've heard.
  • I am Dr. Ned who is totally not Dr. Zed in disguise.
    It is ok, not the best not the worst.
  • Kichigai birthday!!
    Just saw the newest Adventure Time.

    Great stuff
  • Has friends besides tanks now
    Over 3300 notifications gone with a single click. WHY
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Only 3300?
  • I find the things irritating since I can figure out perfectly fine myself if my thread got a reply or anyone mentioned me in some way. Wouldn't lose much if we got rid of them altogether.
  • No rainbow star
    Ok, somebody hand me a pair of pliers. This tooth is driving me up the wall
    Just met Natlia in Tales of The Abyss. She feels like what Luke should have been: Arrogant and demanding, but still compassionate, kind, and understanding. Though I guess princesses will always be put in positive light.
  • edited 2011-11-09 00:24:15

    Today's physics lesson involved stuff about containing electrons into 2-D quantum wells, then 1-D wires, then 0-D dots.

    Instantly, I wondered if that's what the creator of JezzBall had in mind. Maybe not necessarily quantum dots, but it certainly puts the game's backstory in perspective (the "atoms" being more valuable when confined in tighter spaces corresponding to lower mobility space for electrons resulting in higher energy; completely immobilized and surrounded balls thus corresponding to quantum dots).

    In any case, there's a helpful analogy if that ever shows up on the final.


    Simply beautiful.


    O hey look, it's rule 63 Malkavian. What anime is this from?
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