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  • edited 2020-05-16 06:24:04
    Besides a leak there, I can't really think of an explanation for how the evaporator coils get frosted instantly but the refrigerant line doesn't. Checking again, it does freeze. Still, see below.
    I forgot what I was going to post, but for that purpose I was looking for the translation of "válvula de expansión" (I was looking for "throttle valve" but the obvious "expansion valve" also works) and while googling I found out that could also be the cause of the freezing, which would be good since that's much easier/cheaper to fix. Also I gotta confess the expansion valve was not the part I thought it was, I thought it was the valve at the outlet of the outside unit. See "wonderful fantasy world of diagrams" above.
    Anyhows, I can't find it on mine, it's not readily visible inside the console. Oh yeah, I opened this thing up, I didn't want to but turns out deliberately leaving it loose after struggling with it last time it was made it into an effortless task now. Anyhow I did the soap leak check thing but found nothing.
    I think it's time to give up. Whatever the problem is, it's likely going to require at least putting in more refrigerant, which I can't do, so a technician would be in order anyways.
    I changed rooms.
    This only happens when I'm facing the sun, but still.
    tbh that actually sounds kind of funny. Though I guess it becomes annoying?
    Darn it.
    I didn't even know retiring types was a thing. Now that's bad timing.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    ugh, i'm getting myself involved in so many things i need to brain for

    been lately doing a series of trivia contest things; they're fun but they're basically like multi-query trivia packets one after another and it takes so much time to do them

    then to get away from them i post on Steam and MAL which leads me to get involved in various stuff there

    and of course lol the politics thread here
  • There is love everywhere, I already know

    Yeah, I've had those times lately.

    I need to quit all this and focus on something important, like idol anime.
  • edited 2020-05-18 05:10:35
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    I think my tryst with MCX's official site has shown me that I don't really care for the whole experience. I prefer writing up my sets here. I guess I find sharing with friends more important than sharing with enthusiasts.

    The last few days, I've also been pulled deeper and deeper into LEGO stuff. I almost pulled the trigger on the whole first wave of LEGO DOTS (sans bracelets) yesterday.
  • Today (or rather, the day that ended two hours ago) I lacked self control and wasted a lot of time that should've been spent elsewhere.
    I gotta be productive with my time and use it improve at the things I do, I gotta reach a high enough level before it's too late. "Too late for what?" you may ask, I don't know either but I gotta hurry and get good.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I think as you get older you start realizing that the year can be over in what feels like a second.

    The only way you fight against losing time is by working hard as much as you can.
  • edited 2020-05-19 00:59:35
    Yups, that's a real phenomenon. It's disheartening, it means one doesn't have as much "time" left to live as age may suggest.
    Anyhows, you know how Roman gods have their ancient Greek equivalents? TIL people in modern day Greece call planets by the Greek god (or titan) name. Neptune becomes Poseidon, Saturn becomes Cronos, etc.
    I've been reading a lot on Greek mythology due to playing with Theros cards some reason.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    TIL people in modern day Greece call planets by the Greek god (or titan) name.

    That sounds cool. For a second I considered if maybe it was cooler for the planets to have their alternate names, but I think the only reason I don't think the current names are cool is that I've known them most of my life already.
  • edited 2020-05-20 08:29:46
    I've always thought the Greek names were cooler too, but probably for the same reason, and for speaking a romance language. And maybe Saint Seiya.
  • Speaking of getting older, as of today I'm living the third year of the fourth decade of my life.

    Wow off-by-one errors make me sound very old. I'm now 32 years old.
  • edited 2020-05-21 13:53:59
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    Oh yay! Happy Birthday!

    I am really tired. Like, quite mentally tapped out. I mean, I write a lot of stuff usually (as you all know), but this whole blog thing is much more taxing. I have no idea why, but I'm probably not cut out for the toy blogging scene.

    also I keep thinking I should probably write more fiction instead
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    ^^ yay for us jaded thirty-somethings! Every birthday marks off a year on our way to a quietly desired grave.

    ^ a break? Do you think it will pass? Perhaps you need a slower pace, like, not popping out a new entry daily or something.
  • Ahh, thanks.
    ^^ Sometimes when writing long texts I'm surprised at how taxing writing is, sometimes it's a matter of putting streams of consciousness into words, but sometimes it's a matter of effort trying ways to say something that both reads right and conveys what you're getting at.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Do you think it will pass? Perhaps you need a slower pace, like, not popping out a new entry daily or something.

    One thing I've had to discover over and over is that I'm no good at stopping. I only realize how tired I am after the fact.

    In fact, I once wrote an exam in the middle of Winter in a flimsy T-shirt and didn't notice it was really cold until the second after I was done.

    But, actually, you're right. I shouldn't give up just yet!
    sometimes it's a matter of putting streams of consciousness into words, but sometimes it's a matter of effort trying ways to say something that both reads right and conveys what you're getting at

    I think when writing fiction, it's just streams of consciousness. Sometimes I'll have to stop to recall a detail from ten chapters ago, but that takes a few minutes to look up at most.

    This was a lot more involved. I had to recall details I hadn't thought about in months either without any real outside assistance or doing actual research.

    I thought taking lots of pictures would be a panacea to any photo-based issues, but it actually turned out that the opposite was true! I had to pare down about a hundred pictures to what I presented, and I had to edit/combine some so they didn't clog up the text.

    And in terms of a "stream of consciousness", it was like, six entire streams in one! There was a description of the product, a little bit about Spin Master in general, light discussion on financial matters, my history with the brand, and then my actual opinion on the product.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    During my limited attempts at creative writing, my problem with streaming consciousness was that the result generally proved to be illogical and inconsistent. As in, during a re-reading the scene didn't make sense or proved plain stupid.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I finally went and looked up the infamous Left Shark video.

    ...I can't tell what's really wrong. Or, I can tell there are a bunch of horrendously silly-looking costumes on stage, but I can't tell what's so much more wrong with the dancing of the Left Shark than the Right Shark.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Why do both memes involving Katy Perry (this and backpack kid) somehow not involve her at all?
    As in, during a re-reading the scene didn't make sense or proved plain stupid.

    Get a job writing shounen anime fights?
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    This week, a Japanese professional wrestler girl who was on the latest season of Terrace House (think Japanese Big Brother, but much nicer) committed suicide because of the insane amount of bile she got for appearing on the show. It seems the audience built her into a villain because she was somewhat selfish (on a reality show for goodness sakes), and it got seriously out of hand.

    Also, this tangentially involves a Japanese site called girls channel, which is getting a real reputation for how extremely mean it's users are.

    tl;dr it surprises me sometimes how awful people can be on the internet, even in Japan (this guy is basically celebrating her death).
  • It's good to remember that it was the Japanese internet that invented imageboard culture.

    Poor girl, from that link it seems she had a promising career in front of her.
  • edited 2020-05-25 06:36:51
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    Yup, seems that way.

    On a lighter note, I think the reason LEGO Friends didn't do Heart Boxes again this year is because they overproduced them, which led to massive overstocks.

    Rumor is some online stores are forcing a minimum order quantity of 2 if you want any Heart Boxes. Which is like the opposite of what happens when you want to order L.O.L. dolls (max quantity of 3 to prevent scalping).

    There are also new pictures of a Party Boat, which is like, amazing. There's Daniel Ethan in a new outfit and flamingos and the general disregard for safety that Friends is known for.

    I guess I didn't recognize Ethan without the one outfit he wears to everything (restaurants, hospitals, cafes, etc).
  • I've been kind of inconsistent as to whether I feel playing Forge to practice my Japanese is a waste of my time or not, sometimes I'm in a rush and want to play a lot to read a lot, but sometimes I feel I'm just going through the motions. Of course this has to do with whether I'm doing a new thing in the game or not, but still, everything stops being new at some point, so...
    I'll definitely keep adding flashcards though.
    Similarly, I've been thinking about the fact that I haven't practiced the other stuff in a while either... I mean, there's only so much time in a day so it's not like I can do it all, but I'm wondering if I'm making the best use of it, I don't think I'm wasting it, but...
    Maybe I can make some more time by stopping spending time reading about politics.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Maybe I can make some more time by stopping spending time reading about politics.

    I feel that way too sometimes. Especially yesterday.

    Anyways, I've been feeling kind of paralyzed in terms of what I want to do lately. I've had a big idea for a Mega Construx project, but I've also totally 100% quit MCX.

    I want to, and I feel that I should, write, but I haven't actually done that in possibly a month. I think, in all honesty, this has a lot to do with me putting ideals in front of ideas, just like I constantly admonish others for doing.

    I also have posts I need to do here.
  • Nopes, if I don't waste time reading about politics, I waste it elsewhere. Like every normal person, I spent several hours reading Wikipedia's articles on serial killers.
    A problem with flashcards (or rather, spaced repetition learning) is that even if in a given day I have the time and will to add new stuff, that's commiting to keep up with reviews later on when it might not be certain that I'll be up to it. I'm kinda pushing it right now.
    I also have posts I need to do here.
    yay activity
  • edited 2020-05-31 10:31:35
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    Like every normal person, I spent several hours reading Wikipedia's articles on serial killers.

    I keep hearing everybody talk about how true crime is like the biggest thing right now but I feel like I never see it.

    Every time I see the series 2 LEGO DOTs sets I get a stab in my chest thinking Soon the series 1 sets will be gone and this whole thing where i don't buy LEGO will be the very end of me!! but I'm resisting so far.

    Somebody elsewhere pointed out that out of all the Friends stores in the last few years, only Emma's Art Studio came with a roof. I think that's hilarious.
  • I've been reading a lot of Wikipedia's articles on samurai, I've learned several important lessons, like the fact that in old times carrying a VIP's sandals was a super important and prestigious job and you could become influential by being good at it.

    Regardless, I've been doing a lot of weebing lately.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Me: I'm gonna write up the English lyrics I came up with to STARTLINE! from Aikatsu Stars!
    GMH: Not on my watch you white supremacist!

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    ^^ A lot of old-timey courtly titles were actually servant positions that in time became honorary. Like, a cupbearer literally means a guy who serves the king drinks. I've been told the logic was that a cupbearer (or any other courtier of that sort) had day-to-day access to the king, making him more influential in the long run than some magnate or governor or army commander who lived far away.

    I imagine an intermediate step was that instead of the servant becoming an important figure, the title was given to one of actually important folks as a semi-honorary one, until it became purely honorary.

    Add to that that many courts ripped off foreign titles, so nobody knew that sucking up for the king's favour actually meant they are now officially the royal ass-wiper.
  • Hah, that's cool. I wonder what other weird stuff was there going on.
  • edited 2020-06-01 19:06:15
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Me: I'm gonna write up the English lyrics I came up with to STARTLINE! from Aikatsu Stars!
    GMH: Not on my watch you white supremacist!

    The irony is that I actually readily listen to (and even sing some) English (and even Spanish) fandubs of anime songs, and sometimes I even try revising them to improve their singability. To the point where you used to be annoyed at me for doing that.

    Wait, are you still annoyed at me for that? Because if you are then at least we have some semblance of stability.
  • edited 2020-06-02 05:47:07
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    I object to listening to fandubs, but not to creating them. This is a solid position.

    EDIT: Jokes aside, I'd like to thank you GMH. From all the insane arguing we've done lately, I learned something really important that somehow had very little to do with politics.
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