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IJBMer Updates



  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    ijbm: I can't find an avatar that accurately reflects how I interact on an internet forum
  • I'd like to point out that we are less than 150 posts from page 1337.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I'd like to point out that we are less than 150 posts from page 1337.
  • edited 2020-02-11 09:42:38
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    I started composing a reply to your post, GMH, but I feel we've veered way past whatever we were even arguing about and are now simultaneously discussing three entire things unrelated from it.

    I don't think it'd be wrong to pick up the issues again, one at a time, at a later date, but I'd like to put a can on it as for now so I can go back to being more self-interested and neurotic we can discuss other things.

    I mean, we could go on, but we're kind of arguing our side of giant issues by (excuse the weirdness) cutting out a slice and wedging them against each other and then just being really odd about it from that point. I mean how else do we get from "Abortion" to "The Basic Tenets of Empathy" to "Arguing the Immorality of Pragmatism"?

    I will say though;
    It's also a Republican example, actually, which reminds us that pragmatism isn't exclusive any ideological faction.

    I agree with this entirely. The media was very right to call out Republican pragmatism when it was the only game in town around '02-'10.

    However, I also think pragmatism, coupled with the inability to unlink literally every position from religion, was linked to the decline of conservative traditionalist ideas in the mainstream because it was seen as a two-faced lack of principles.

    Let me argue in the realm of the weird here, again (oh man I said I'd stopped).

    Imagine one of the many Republican senators caught with his pants down alongside a male escort had gone out and said;
    I would like to apologise for my actions and take this opportunity to (whatever variation of 'I'm a gay man' is prostrating enough, probably something about urges). However, I know that my... urges are not in line with my position on traditional family values/religion/etc.

    We all have to struggle with our own unique burdens as human beings, and this is mine. In seeking your forgiveness, I promise that from now on I will try my best to practice what I preach.

    If the Republican party of the time were to practice what they preached and forgive such a person, I don't think it would have stopped or stemmed the tide of the gay rights movement, but they would have looked better for it (and probably converted like 10 people to the traditional family values position).

    I mean, I guess promoting such extreme self-denial (like if somehow becoming a monk meant sleeping with people you didn't want to) isn't great, but I'll always admire somebody who can stand up for their morals all the way no matter how wrong I think they are.

    (If you can't tell, I've been thinking a lot about milquetoast dude who likes the dudes gay v drag performer all-in-on-whatever culture-is-the-gospel queer lately).
  • edited 2020-02-14 09:40:02
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    Lately I've been looking into Mega Construx sets (they're like LEGO, but Canadian, and therefore more easy to make fun of in various "second best"* ways).

    I've noticed a distinct tendency to photoshop the heck out of promo photos, even though the sets are they are look fine.

    *There was once a Mega Construx Star Trek series, so think of that what you will.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Normalcy is but an expectation born from weighted averages.
  • Normalcy is \sum_{i=1}^{n}x_iP(x_i)
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Normalcy is sticking your arrow straight into the wall so that it makes a right angle.
  • edited 2020-02-20 07:45:26
    Well, my air conditioner started leaking, but I kept using it anyways for about a day until I could get my hands on a blower later, usually it's fine but the fan has just now stopped working and now I'm wondering if condensation was too much and something shorted. The fan's motor was replaced not too long ago, too. Well, the motor's not stuck and nothing smells like it burnt so that's a good sign.
    Why do I have such a hard time with air conditioners.
    Edit: It's working fine now. Well not really, because it's off and I intend to keep it that way, but the point is that the problem is gone.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I have quite a number of ideas right now for threads, but I feel like I need to stop spamming everything with walls of text for a bit.

    Otherwise, all I can really think about right now is how LEGO DOTS comes out in about ten days and how I'm somehow managing to not have pre-ordered all the sets. The initial line-up is small, and most are budget sets, so it wouldn't be like how Friends last year ate my whole entertainment budget. This is how I will justify ignoring history and making the same mistake over.

    In other news, my father has started listening to my Wincent Weiss CDs when I'm not even around.
  • edited 2020-02-20 15:13:10
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I feel like I need to stop spamming everything with walls of text for a bit.
    I keep telling myself this but I keep gigantposting anyway without even the intention to do such. I am apparently an inveterate gigantposter.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    In some kids' magazine years ago, I remember they once had a (cartoonish) picture of the future", trying to envision what life would be like.

    I forgot where it was or most of the details of it, but I was suddenly reminded that that picture showed a kid with a jellybean on top of a pencil, where the eraser normally would be. It was captioned "In the future, people will be so smart they won't need erasers!"

    Whoever wrote that caption did not understand how human learning works.
  • I'm pretty sure I've IJBMed about air conditioner covers, but I'll do it again: gosh they're so frustrating for no apparent reason.
    Nonetheless I opened it up, cleaned the evaporator coils as much as I could, and also found what seemed as a clog in the drain, so I unclogged it. So after struggling with reassembling it I try it out and it didn't take long for it to start leaking it again.
    Whatever is called the feeling of satisfaction for a work well done, I'm having the opposite of that.
    I have quite a number of ideas right now for threads, but I feel like I need to stop spamming everything with walls of text for a bit.
    I remember making good use of the draft function for the purpose of spreading out my forum activity.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    "In the future, people will be so smart they won't need erasers!"

    Maybe they'll invent paper that self-erases!
    Whatever is called the feeling of satisfaction for a work well done, I'm having the opposite of that.

    I think that the worst sort of this feeling is when you do something, and it works for like an hour and then just borks again.
  • Woooh, I fixed it. Very little water was coming out of the drain so I opened the air conditioner console again. This time the cover was loose enough that it partially fell on me after removing one of two screws. Apparently with all that struggling to put the cover back, the connection between the tray and drain came loose, so I put it back and it's been working fine for a while now.
    Though I'm kinda curious if it was the cleanup what fixed it or if the drain really was clogged.
  • edited 2020-02-22 06:14:53
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    Huh, my posting is fixed...

    I wonder if it's been like this for days and I just didn't notice since I've started writing out my posts in .txt

    It turns out if you're distracted enough by contentious political discussions and don't sit around waiting for it, Toy Fair comes along earlier than expected.
  • edited 2020-02-22 22:46:10
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I guess Stormtroper fixed more than his air conditioner...
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I think the clearest indication so far of YouTube's new children's policy is the complete dearth of content from the usual suspects uploading stuff from Toy Fair, owing to the fact that toy companies just... didn't invite any YouTubers this year.

    What makes it even clearer is that the guys who cover Marvel Legends and such (ie. big boys toys) have already uploaded their many, many videos.

    Now I have to go back to looking through gallery sites to find even the tiniest inkling of anything I'd care about...
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    wait...is the way a number of youtube videos seem to have comments restricted the result of the new children's policy?
  • There is love everywhere, I already know

    They even experimented with taking away the like button for said videos, but I guess they saw that as a step too far.
  • edited 2020-02-24 12:25:51
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    If A happened because of a combination of X and Y, are the following statements true, and why?

    * When asked "Did A happen because X", stating "Yes" or "A happened because X", without mentioning Y.
    * Without prompting but on your own, stating "A happened because X", without mentioning Y.

    Assume that it is not possible to meaningfully differentiate between "how much" A happened because of each of X and Y.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I feel like you're baiting me.
    When asked "Did A happen because X", stating "Yes" or "A happened because X", without mentioning Y.

    If you know that Y happened, and you don't mention X, you're misrepresenting the situation and presenting a falsehood.

    If you know that Y happened, and are withholding it entirely to further something you want another person to think about X, then you're explicitly doing something wrong.
    Without prompting but on your own, stating "A happened because X", without mentioning Y.

    The same as before, except worse since now you're just attempting to use misrepresentation and falsehood for your own agenda.

    Anyways, I have yet another boxed wine story somehow. Today whilst in the supermarket I saw an old man standing in front of the clearance aisles next to the boxed wine. I mean, not only do people not stare at boxed wine, but he was also really close and hunched over.

    When I stepped closer, I noticed that he had placed a bottle on the aisle and was emptying one of the cartons of boxed wine into it. I was kind of shellshocked and just kept walking. I considered stopping to confront him, but an employee was walking past me right then. I opened my mouth to say something, but the employee headed right in the man's direction, so I kept walking.

    However, I walked so far that I couldn't see what happened, or even if the employee noticed what the man was doing. Once I'd gotten my thoughts in order, I walked back to the clearance aisle, but both the man and the boy were gone.

    I feel like a coward.

    On the other hand, it's entirely possible that a seedy guy stealing boxed wine from a supermarket's clearance aisle would quickly turn violent if confronted. Plus, again, I kind of didn't believe that what I was seeing was actually happening, so it was hard for me to react immediately.

    Even so, still feel like a coward.
  • edited 2020-02-24 14:18:46
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I feel like you're baiting me.
    If you're really curious what made me ask that: On a MAL thread, I mentioned that I had left Kitsu because I didn't like its interface. This is true, though not the only reason I left; I also left because I didn't like a few of the people in the forum. However, I was wondering whether it was ethical to leave the latter part unsaid. To be fair, this is basically inconsequential, and the latter part was irrelevant to the point of that post...but so was my comment about Kitsu's interface, because the point of the post was to mention that Kitsu had a choice of anime title display language. But this just got me thinking about this question more generally.

    (FYI, Anime-Planet offers such a choice too and I prefer Anime-Planet anyway.)
  • edited 2020-02-24 15:10:40
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Alternatively, correspondence from Jim Hogg indicates he may not have been conscious of the combined effect of his daughter's first and last names.[9]

    Texas Man Unable To Recognize Bad Pun
  • edited 2020-02-24 19:39:00
    Confronting the old man doesn't seem like it'd have been a bad good idea. Even if he doesn't do anything he'd probably just shrug it off and ignore you, or start stealing more carefully.
    Maybe you should've told some other employee I 'unno
    Edit: Said bad when I meant good, d'oh
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Meanwhile in Poland:

    county-level righties push through bills to declare their counties "LGBT-free zones"

    lefties place fake "LGBT-free zone" signs at county borders and post images online

    foreign folks cancel town partnerships

    righties be like *surprised pikachu*
  • edited 2020-02-24 20:42:29
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    What do you mean by "town partnerships"? Is it this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sister_city or something else?
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    Then the righties concluded it's all fault of these nefarious lefties, as if they were ashamed of their own ideas.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I'm curious what foreign towns canceled these partnerships.
  • edited 2020-02-25 05:19:08
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    Presumably anywhere with a passing knowledge of twitter-meltdowns and a well-primed trigger finger.

    I mean one google search and I got:

    If I ran a town partnership with a place associated with this sort of press, I'd be sending out daily press releases with gigantic rainbow flags to quell the backlash (which is almost always swift, on random targets, and insane). Also:

    anyone else think the guy holding the picture is an activist but I could 100% believe this being the guy who was seriously proposing the policy, mainly because of the look on his face, or was that on purpose?
    The activist welcomed the EU's resolution adopted last month in which MEPs condemned the municipalities proclaiming themselves free from LGBT ideology.

    This is a real thing.

    There's a real difference between what's presented here (boring normal gay people) and what the right-wing traditionalist conservatives will show their followers (people attempting to "queer the culture", who this article also conveniently ignores).

    It's a real disconnect in a "fox in the henhouse" way that I personally think boring, normal gay people* should start distinguishing themselves from (though, like, that's happening now apparently! albeit very slowly!).
    or start stealing more carefully.

    There is that, yeah.

    *I guess I should mention Arielle Scarcella usually makes videos with graphic descriptions of sex acts normally, but you get what I mean.
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