If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
Today has not been a good day either =/
I'm swapping Maths classes. I was supposed to spend this holiday catching up.
Unending mantra when watching Buffy: "Shut up, Xander."
The control box of the alarm system in my block has been bleeping randomly all week. I was going to call the management company this morning but it seems to have stopped again.
I wouldn't care but the box is in the lobby and my bedroom's above it. Noises I can't control, like people playing loud music, really get to me psychologically. I wish they'd remove the damn thing. I'll take the chance of death in a fire over the certainty of it upsetting me.
Apologies for the double-post, but my browser seems to hate me editing.
In further dramatic news, the alarm control box is now bleeping again. I have e-mailed the managment company (their phone line appears to have a fault) but I bet they won't do anything this weekend. I have also phoned my Mum to (a) check my phone was working and (b) complain at the cosmic injustice.
As England have also lost at the rugby to France, I will now go and lie in a foetal position somewhere and weep inconsolably.
This is so brilliantly English of you.
Yes - "English People Coping Well With Emotional Situations" is a famously short book.
As is "English People Winning Major Sporting Events (Recently)".
The final boss killed itself. You're supposed to destroy its cannons and then it flies over the deck of the carrier you're on, then you're meant to blow off a hatch and shoot a nuke up its anus, then run for a VTOL. It flew over the deck and exploded before Psycho even started telling me it was going to sink us.
Clearly it was the flight engineer on the deck who survive the explosion that's scripted to kill everyone on the deck save Nomad. He was a fucking badass. He just stood there and glared at the Ceph until they exploded.
>Oh shit this is going to be so great.
>Find out my computer doesn't recognize 3 keys pressed at the same time
It looked so fun...
Can you remap the controls? If not, you can download some program to let you do that anyway. In any case, most of the time, how many keys you can press at once depends heavily on which keys they are, so you might want to try a lot of different things and see how they work out. For instance, on my computer, I can't hold Up+Left+Z, but I can do Up+Left+A. On at least one keyboard I've used, I could even press down every single key on the bottom row of the keyboard (zxcvbnm,./) at the same time.
^^^ I know!
Meilin deserved a bigger part in the show.
:c Hanairo is good...
Anyway, I've decided I'll get the DVD version of K-ON!. Though KyoAni and Bandai-Entertainment and other related companies will get a bunch of my money anyway since I'll be buying The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya as well. And the second season of Haruhi, but not right now because it's not as important for the time being.
Now... to decide if I want OreImo right now or not...
^ Okay, I'll do that sometime today. Should be easy enough.