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  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    we really do hate human rights

    well we already have an oligarchy

    i for one welcome our mod overlords

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    All this talk about swords and spell casting makes me think of Elric the albino asshole dude more than anything, but I've only read a comic. I keep meaning to get through the books, but stuff keeps distracting me.

  • Don't think that just because it was the last post on the page, @Bastion , that I didn't see that pun.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Really now, people?  No discussion at all about my distinction between D&D's warlocks and wizards?  No mention of MP-free basic magic spells that can be used like physical attacks?  No mention of Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia's stamina system that had a rapidly-refilling MP bar for both types of attacks?

  • a little muffled

    > playing civ v
    > ask egypt if they want to make a declaration of friendship
    > they say no
    > egypt's turn
    > "hey, want a declaration of friendship?"

    This game makes so much sense.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    They just had a regime change; let them off the hook a bit.

  • edited 2012-12-04 23:44:21
    a little muffled

    That would make sense except that this is apparently a game where nations only have one leader throughout their entire histories from the stone age to 2505 AD.

    Even if they're democratic. I guess they just like to elect the same person over and over again.

    every country in civ v is missisauga

  • There is love everywhere, I already know

    I guess they just like to elect the same person over and over again.

    The guys keep naming their kids after themselves and the people elect every generation into power?

    > "hey, want a declaration of friendship?"

    They wanted to declare it on their own terms?

  • a little muffled
    I suppose, though other nations aren't told who initiated it anyway...
  • Well, I used to like Game Theory for a while. Then he got into a bunch of Fan Wank stuff (Not even the entertaining kind) and it was overall.... eh....

  • Definitely not gay.

    Oh yeah, speaking of Fan Wank:

    Has anyone checked out the Chrono Compendium lately?

  • Insomnia, argh.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    ^^ No, but I did come across this marvelous morsel.

  • H.P. Lovecraft's racism is starting to sound strangely hilarious.

    Oct. 6, 1921:

    At heart I despise the aesthete and prefer the warrior–I am essentially a Teuton and barbarian; a Xanthochoric Nordic from the damp forests of Germany or Scandinavia, and kin to the giant chalk-white conquerors of the cursed, effeminate Celts. I am a son of Odin and brother to Hengist and Horsa . . . Grr . . . Give me a drink of hot blood with Celtic foes skull as a beaker! Rule, Britannia . . . GOD SAVE THE KING!

    It's hard to take somebody seriously when they go "Grr give me blood" and use allcaps like that.

  • Yeah his racism is kind of chuckleworthy.

    I remember a scene in Planetary where the immortal Elijah Snow recounts the latest strange case of the week, which began decades ago in Innsmouth where he met Lovecraft himself.

    The very first thing Howard did after showing Elijah in was to uncover a crate of huge, eldritch, horrible eggs the color of obsidian. Without a trace of irony, Howard says; "These are NEGRO eggs, I believe."

    "Bastard actually thought that was how they reproduced." Says Elijah in the present day.

    It was hilarious.
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    What's his issue with the Celts? I mean, as someone who would likely count as a Germanic tribesdude for the purposes of 7th century timewarp shenanigans, I can think of worse neighbours than the Celtic tribes.

    For instance, other Germanic tribes.  

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    You know I don't think I've ever realized it before, but at this point in time the updates thread is simply marvelous. 

  • edited 2012-12-05 10:29:29

    ^^ I don't know either, but maybe it's best not to delve too far into the man's views.

    Honestly, he comes there of as some emo nerd who wishes he was tough. Something like that.

  • edited 2012-12-05 10:36:42
    Definitely not gay.

    What makes Chrono Trigger interesting, in this regard, is that the Crono’s tragic flaw--and really his only characteristic at all--is that he’s the hero, and player avatar, in a videogame where the objective is defeating an overpowering evil. Really, he has no choice; it is his destiny to face the monster, whether he can defeat it or not.

    This paragraph bugs me because there's nothing "interesting" about that. JRPG heroes-and video game heroes in general-have to defeat some overpowering evil. If that were not the case, why bother having a game at all? I mean if you take it at a meta level Crono and friends are destined by higher powers to defeat Lavos: those higher powers so happen to be you (the player) and the developers! 

    The trick is not to take things on a meta scale, as even the most brilliantly done things can fall apart when that happens. For example, How The Grinch Who Stole Christmas' message on materialism falls apart when you realize that its main purpose was box office returns. And honestly, what other purpose would it serve? Did it serve solely to make a statement? That may be true for indie films, but not for a film starring Jim fucking Carrey.

    (I'm not saying that that movie was good by any means, since I've only watched 20 minutes of it)

  • edited 2012-12-05 11:26:05
    One foot in front of the other, every day.

    The Grinch was originally a children's book. Just so you know. 

    Anyway, you have to take the complete context of the game into account for that statement to hold significant meaning. Crono being an empty vessel isn't positive in the sense that it's a positive in many games that allow you to jump into the character, but in the sense that the whole narrative intent of the game is to manipulate you into a set of expectations and feelings and have those inform your logical progression throughout the narrative. The game is essentially about individual, personal agency and the impact it has on the world at large, so this is a very clever approach. Crono has very little character but what we impose on him, so he's a perfect tool for that discussion of agency, and agency as part of a wider context. 

    Or, in short, it's being post modern. The game doesn't want to draw you into it as much as it wants to make you an intermediary of both the game world and the real world. 

  • edited 2012-12-05 10:44:48
    Definitely not gay.

    The Grinch was originally a children's book. Just so you know. 

    I know. I have the book itself stashed away somewhere.

    ^ That's really what bugged me about that sentence. The statement implies that Crono was destined to defeat Lavos. He was on a meta level, but in-universe the opposite is very true.

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    Well, if you take a deterministic view of the universe, Chrono was destined to do everything he ever did, from meeting his party of colorful assholes to waking up late and starting up the plot. 

  • Definitely not gay.

    That is easy to do, yes, but it would also miss the game's message completely.

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    Couldn't you hypothetically take that stance with every video game and its protagonists, though?

  • edited 2012-12-05 12:12:39
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    No. Not every videogame is linear. Heck, even a lot of linear games have multiple endings.

  • Definitely not gay.

    Heck, even a lot of linear games have multiple endings.

    Like CT itself.

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    Yeah but you could still probably argue that they're destined to do one of several things.

  • edited 2012-12-05 12:33:58
    Definitely not gay.

    On a meta level, they are. "Destiny" being you, the player.

    Like I said, the meta stance on things is rather silly from a logical standpoint.

  • You can change. You can.

    The trick is not to take things on a meta scale, as even the most brilliantly done things can fall apart when that happens. For example, How The Grinch Who Stole Christmas' message on materialism falls apart when you realize that its main purpose was box office returns. And honestly, what other purpose would it serve? Did it serve solely to make a statement? That may be true for indie films, but not for a film starring Jim fucking Carrey.

    A message doesn't stop being valid just because the people behind it don't abide to it.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    No, destiny--from a meta perspective--is the game's story.

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