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  • edited 2011-03-21 21:15:49
    Just comment on them, Vorpy. I hate it when people withhold commentary on my works, it's why I make them!
  • edited 2012-07-22 16:35:18

  • I had a feeling you'd go the incest route. :P
  • edited 2012-07-22 16:35:23

  • You'd definitely like Kyoko then. She's worse than Maria by far.
  • edited 2012-07-22 16:35:28

  • You'll be screwing Kyoko anyway. She's got the only mandatory Sex Scene in the game. With a parody of But Thou Must.
  • Aw, but incest is hot!
  • edited 2012-07-22 16:35:33

  • You don't actually have to sex with Kyoko per se.

    What happens is that early in the game, Kyoko comes over to Suzo's house, flustered and acting very odd. Suzo is worried, but she says that it's fine. She then says that she left something downstairs, and Suzo goes to look. He looks for an hour, but cannot find anything. Kyoko says she must have left it in her house instead, and leaves, heavily flustered and sweating.

    When Suzo checks his room, he automatically looks at his stack of diaper cases. He had five...but one is missing. There's only four. Enraged, he throws a gigantic fit about this. He paid 60 bucks for them after all. Maria just tells him to shut the fuck up and stop being a bitch. 

    The next day, Suzo goes over to Kyoko's house to pick up a game he gave to her a week ago. Both of her parents are gone. He goes up to her room, and knocks on it. Kyoko responds from inside, but doesn't open it. He laments the loss of the diaper case, and asks for his game. Kyoko slides it under the door, but when he brings up the case, she starts sounding flustered and scared, telling him to leave. Suzo then asks to come in--Kyo doesn't act like this normally. She keeps it locked. After a few minutes of trying to get in, Suzo gets really worried and just kicks the door down.

    Inside, Kyoko is wearing his diapers. And masturbating in them.

    Her shock is so huge she pisses herself right on the spot.

    Suzo is all "Wait, what the hell are you doing?!" 

    Kyoko responds that she's actually always had an interest in diapers, but was so disgusted by it she didn't want to admit it. She hates Suzo because he can be so happy and carefree about his fetishism, and is horrendously jealous of it. Suzo just says she could learn to stop being an emo bitch and enjoy her kinks. This just makes Kyoko cry profusely, where she admits she lied about leaving something downstairs to steal the case.

    Suzo groans and changes her. Afterwards, you have a choice--he can either forgive her for her actions and be done with it, or say that he will forgive her...if she gives him a blowjob. After that's all said and done, Suzo leaves with his game. He leaves the case for Kyoko to have and gives her the address to the site that sells them. Kyoko then sees him off, eyes red from crying and horribly embarrassed. 

    Suzo afterwards goes to Tery's house. There he recounts the situation with Tery joking that he must've had a delusion. They then go out to buy some sodas. After that, Suzo ends up meeting Terania...and the plot kicks into gear.

  • edited 2012-07-22 16:34:11

  • Just wait man! They come a little later.
  • edited 2012-07-22 16:34:16

  • Remember, this is a diaper fetish eroge...
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    I am not the target audience so everything seems wrong to me. Normally I do not read diaper-fetish furry eroges.
  • Poot dispenser here
    Huh, interesting political angle, I suppose. Kinda sounds like Animal Farm, though I shouldn't be saying stuff like that since I haven't read Animal Farm.
  • ...Iiiiiiiiiiinteresting...
  • Diapers are funny.  I'm going to go write a comedy story about diapers.

  • Woki mit deim Popo.
    I don't get the diaper fetish.  I get more than enough of diapers with my nephew and niece.
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-03-21 23:55:01

    Random, you've given me the most wonderful(ly idiotic) idea I've had in years!

    How does one go about making their own visual novel?

    ^I don't either, but, that's fetishes for you.
  • Woki mit deim Popo.
    I do remember there's a program out there that allows you make dating sims and/or visual novels.
  • @Bob: Well, you'll need some paper and something to write with, for starters.  Oh, and having an idea helps too.  I think my story will be about a furry named Bartholemew, but he demands that people refer to him as Barry the Platypus.  He works in a vacuum parts store, and always wears a diaper behind the counter. 
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Well it's a more SFW fetish revolved around shit and piss I believe.
  • What is?

    Also, why aren't there any (other) VNs focused on crack addiction?
  • @Vorpy: 0_0  Who were you responding to with that?
  • Woki mit deim Popo.
    Maybe because nobody has written them yet.
  • Well, why the hell not? It is a very relevant problem that needs to be brought to light in the form of a tacky visual novel!
  • Hmm...  Okay, because Barry the Platypus has such a miserable life, I will have him snort coke in his free time, and go on a life-changine journey to get off of it after he is caught hiding some in his diaper.
  • Woki mit deim Popo.
    @ Bob

    If nobody is going to write it, you might write one yourself.  Heck, you might have a lot of fun doing that.

    @ randomtroperloser

    Why do the words "crack cocaine" torment my mind...
  • Oh, I get it.  Ha!  Is it okay if I include that pun in the novel?
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