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  • edited 2011-03-20 17:48:58
    Nohaynicklibre was joking. We know that Deeker doesn't represent all AB/DLs, just like Doug Winger and Kanada don't represent all furries. If you get too defensive and take your fetish too seriously (not that you are right now...I think), you'll just mark yourself as an easy troll target and come across as a tightwad (is that a word? Spellcheck says it is).
  • Where do you guys hang out, anyway.
  • I was kinda playing up the hatred for him for laughs. But we do not like him at all. The wordfiltering is true, though.

    And who are Doug Winger and Kanada? Time to hit ED again....
  • -wonders if diaper fetishists really do share a single mind like Chagen seems to be implying-
  • I'm not implying that at all. How else am I supposed to talk about all of us at the same time?

    Trash:We have sites. That I usually don't go on. And I' not gonna link them because, to be honest, they look kinda ridiculous to an outsider.
  • IJBM: There are whole bunch of websites for people who like to pretend to be babies, but only a few websites for grown men who want to pretend to be 8-year-old girls.

    Not that I've looked, you know.
  • CA: Clearly you've never heard of Sissies...

    Also, I find it odd how this became "The Diaper Fetishism Thread".
  • Kichigai birthday!!
    Glenn and me tried to make it the CD-I thread but we failed.


  • Silence is golden.

    "Glenn and me tried to make it the CD-I thread"


  • My boy... Isn't this thread what all true daiper fetishists strive for???
  • edited 2011-09-27 19:55:32
    Silence is golden.
    horrible post is shit,
  • Okay....

    I guess this is as good of a time as ever to talk about my eroge...or not.

    This thread certainly did not turn out like I expected.
  • edited 2011-03-20 18:50:49
    Woki mit deim Popo.
    What did you expect?
  • This to devolve into shit-posting and copy-pasted replies from the original thread, not a "Chagen educates people on his Fetish" thread.

    Though I did like doing it.
  • And like all shitpost threads, this has died.

    lol bump
  • Poot dispenser here
    So, talk about the porn game, then, if you want to do that.
  • I'm not even sure if the porn is even useful.

    But if you're interested in the plotline, Here it is:

    The year is 200. 200 P.B. That stands for "Post Bellum", or, "After War".

    This is a world somewhat like our own, only strewn with Magic. In fact, it is our own...or was. In reality, it's actually somewhere around 20,000 A.D.

    World War Three has happened, much in the past, and normal humanity has been eradicated. This has led to "Beastmen"--People who have the visual characteristics of animals--to take on the reins of their human precursors. 

    For most, the characteristics only go so far as odd ears or tails; they are called Stage 1 Beastmen. There are three stages, each one having more characteristics than the other [Basically, Stage 1 is things like catgirls. Stage 2 is anthros. Stage 3 is....you do not want to know.]. 

    If left to his own devices, a Beastman will progress along the stages. This is simply an unavoidable fact of life. However, medicine that stops this progression if taken every day has been developed, allowing most to be Stage 1s their entire lives. The medicine is cheap, has no adverse side effects, and is provided free of charge to those too poor to afford it.

    However, back to that Post Bellum....

    Beastmen have high tensions. High enough to have made a Caste System, rigorously and ruthlessly used:

    Ultimus Class: Kitsune 

    Upper Class: Demon, Angel, Youkai, Dragon, Eagle.

    Middle Class: Cat, Fox, Rabbit, Wolf, Crow.

    Lower Class: Dog, Cow, Mouse

    No one is quite sure why these classes sprung up the way they did. What is known, however, is that Kitsune have always ruled over the others. Perhaps it was luck, perhaps it was earned.

    Of course, when you rule ruthlessly, you can expect rebellion. That is the war Post Bellum refers to.

    300 Years in length, the war--named Contra Kitsune--involved every other Beastman species rebelling against the Kitsunes finally. Lower classes wanted to stop the rampant discrimination, Middle ones wanted to rise above the role they were placed in, and Upper Classes were enraged at how the other were treated so callously.

    The War went on for three centuries. In the end, no one won. But the Kitsunes took their places as leaders once more--but, they were forced to treat the other classes better.....


    200 years later. 

    Beastmen have carved out a comfortable niche for themselves. Their tech is finally on the level of around 2010 A.D. They quite often even copied our own tech and reverse-engineered it. 

    However, the Kitsunes were still ruling. Discrimination against someone based on their species is illegal--"Specism", they call it. But when you run the courts, it get ignored.

    The Caste System remains, though heavily subtle. Most people simply deal with it. Contra Kitsune did nothing, how can they expect to ever win and abolish the cast system?

    Maria (Actual name Mariko, but no one calls her this [Her and Suzo descend from a Japanese family, even though they live in the equivalent of the United States]) knows this well enough.

    The older sister of our main character, Suzo-Hara, Maria is a 19-year-old Cat-girl. Even though she was the Valedictorian of her school and disctrict, she was nonetheless denied access into a university, 9th Heaven, she definitely had the credentials for.

    The college said that it was an shame, and they simply didn't have room. But everyone, and especially Maria, knows it was because she was a Cat. The Middle Class does not deserve the privilege of a university.

    Suzo wishes to go to the same Uni, and he knows it will be difficult. Being only 16 and poised to go into his Sophomore Year, he aims to get into a High School, 7th Heaven, linked to the Uni, which will send him there when he's finished his four years of high school. But he knows, deep down in his heart, that he cannot hope to get in. And yet he tries.

    He had a brother once, even older than Maria. Tetsuko was his name. He was 17 and Suzo was 7 when he left home. 

    He had given Suzo a Bo Staff of his own design when he left. His parting words were "Don't worry, Suzo. You can do whatever you want, as long as you never lose focus! Take this Bo Staff--I made it myself, it's rather nice, right? It's really for you. As long as I am alive, this staff glows subtly, and my power goes to you! Now, I'm sorry...but I have a personal mission to attend to...."

    After that, he left. No one knows where he went, but his staff always glowed bright. It was what motivated Suzo to push himself to not 110, not 120, not 150, but 200% and more. Those words stuck with him for life.

    A year ago, it stopped glowing.

    This story begins the summer before his Sophomore year.

    Suzo is out of hope for even attending 7th Heaven. Even if he has the smarts, he's still nothing a Cat-Boy. A lowly Middle Class Cat-Boy. 

    And his brother is dead. He looked for him forever, and yet he could never find him. He has all about given up...

    Then, he meets Terania, a Kitsune--who happens to be the daughter of the headmaster of 7th Heaven. She regards him coldly at first...until he showcases off some extremely impressive fire magic in front of her while taking down a competitor in a magical sparring match. She regards him well...but he's still just a Cat-Boy, right? He can't possibly be good enough for daddy's school....

    Suzo has the whole summer to impress Terania. If he can, she can get him in 7th Heaven...but what about his sorta-girlfriend, or his friends, or a few of the other girls coming into his life? And a few of the men coming into his life [Suzo is a 50/50 Bisexual]? Things are going to get hectic....

    Yeah...there you go. 

    As for info I couldn't figure out how to fit in there:

    Suzo has a diaper fetish, obviously. He's outed himself to everyone he knows, and simply rolls with the bullying he might recieve.

    I have to go to bed now...yeah, this is really rushed....there's some stuff I left out but I have to go to bed now...I'll type up the characters and a summary of the first scenario I have planned tomorrow..

    Good night...so sleepy...
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    you do not want to know.

  • Less "Mexicans" and more "Completely insane feral beasts that have lost all of their humanity and have no meaning of morality or sanity". They're basically insane Chaotic Evil bastards that are completely unhinged and kill everything for no reason at all. Besides that they are insane.
  • The Sonic Series Wiki Curator of TvTropes
    So... Mexicans, then. *shot to a bloody meatpile*
  • edited 2011-03-21 01:36:38
    «Ultimus Class: Kitsune 

    Middle Class: Cat, Fox, Rabbit, Wolf, Crow.»

    Um, «kitsune» is just Japanese for «fox».
  • edited 2011-03-21 01:40:08
    Battle Scowler
    Hey Chagen, what's the difference between the Kitsune and the foxes?

    oh hi there ninja poni.
  • I know that. The Kitsunes of this world are basically much more powerful foxes (foxes have only one to three tails, Kitsune are born with three and end up gaining up to nine in their teens, for one. Kitsune sre innately magical and can learn magic much quicker, live longer....they're much more powerful, though most of them never use that power.

  • I figured it was something along those lines. Thanks for clarifying.
  • edited 2011-03-21 01:45:25
    So kitsune are magical super-foxes.

    And yet apparently nobody can figure out why they're in the Street Fighter 2 Turbo Akuma tier while everyone else is in the Shit tier.
  • edited 2011-03-21 01:45:57
    ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Cat ears, to bipedal cats, to feral beasts. Needs more sex.
  • DYRE:...You're right, they should know why Kitsunes rule everything. But in any case, they rule everything. Even Demons and Angels will submit to them.

    On the other hand, what do you think of the plotline itself?
  • edited 2011-03-21 01:53:25
    Oh, and «Yōkai» is just a generalized term for Japanese spirits.

    Also, «Contra Kitsune» makes the Latin scholar in me who hasn't really been active since my freshman year of college cry.
  • Are Oni and Yokai different types of demons, or from different mythologies?
  • Poni: Temp name, man. I'll change to a more grammaticaly correct one later. What would be more correct name?

    And I know what Youkai means, I'm a Touhou fan. In this story, though, it means any type of mythological creature, Japanese or not (It's directly called a loanword that English took). Except for Demons, Angels, and Dragons, they're powerful enough to get their own place in the list.
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