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  • From what I understand, oni are a specific type of yōkai.
  • You should put octopus demons in your story then.
  • Some of the more twisted Dæmonic towns have probably created something like that.

    And it would give Suzo something to beat up.
  • Undead are always nice for something to beat up.
  • Yes, though fire magic wouldn't do much against a demon. Kyoko's (Basically the main female character, and who is supposed to be Suzo's girlfriend--Terania is strictly a "Just Friends....With Some Benefits" deal) ice magic would hurt one much more.
  • ...elemental magic? They can use more than one element, correct?
  • My fetish is you.

  • The Sonic Series Wiki Curator of TvTropes
    A Komodin fetish... that's odd.
  • They can use multiple elements, but everyone focuses on one and only one element. The amount of time needed to be proficient in just one means that they can only focus on one.

    Unless they're a Mary Sue Kitsune. Where they can learn all the basic ones or rare ones--Tereania, for example can manipulat space-time and create black holes.
  • Who has a Komodin fetish? Whoever they are, that person's a goddamn freak. >:[
  • edited 2011-03-21 02:35:41
    Reality Benders are not good for stories. People either point out all the flaws in their actions, or hate them because they are too strong.
  • Well, Terania could do that, but she is forcibly stripped of all her power by her family for the crime of.....showing interest in Suzo. Yeah, they're a bunch of xenophobic Kitsune Supremacists.

    The fact that she continues to talk and be with Suzo even after he got her stripped of her power goes to show how much she hates her family.
  • How strong is everyone else in the story compared to this Terania person? I am pretty sure Space-Time manipulation and Black Hole creation is pretty much hits the impossible-to-stop Power level, considering how huge black holes are and how much is involved with space and time.
  • Terania is near the top in power, but she can't control her magic very well, and as such, it either misfires or just doesn't work.

    By the end, she's in the upper middle of power amongst all the characters (she studies electrcity magic after losing her space-time abilities).
  • Misfiring a Black Hole would kind of fuck up everything, wouldn't it?
  • Yeah, She did it only once, and from what we hear, a few towns got instantanously relocated.....

    And it is 2:24 in the morning and I need to go to bed.
  • No rainbow star
    How the hell did a thread about fetishes get derailed to a story being made by Chagen?

    ...It took every fibre of my being NOT to make that yet another god damn run on sentence
  • God has smiled upon me
  • edited 2012-07-22 16:34:37

  • Woki mit deim Popo.
    Oh hai, Blackbird!
  • edited 2012-07-22 16:34:42
  • edited 2011-03-21 17:41:43

    I'm typing up the characters in the Eroge right now. 5 girls and 4 boys you can fuck over the summer.

     Including Suzo's own sister. And an 8-year-old Cat-Boy.

     Yes, Suzo can become an 8-year-old's Pederast.

  • edited 2012-07-22 16:34:49

  • Kichigai birthday!!
    So I decided I'll use this thread to post my favourite MADs. Starting with this one.

  • edited 2011-03-21 20:50:41
    Anyway, characters (This is typed up on the spot so it's gonna be shitty as hell; last names are not finalized; not all the characters are finalized yet, so this isn't all of them):

    Suzo-Hara: The main character and hero of our game...and he's been already described in the plot summary. Will fuck anything that looks attractive and is human, sex/gender/genitals be damned.

    Maria: Suzo's sister. 19 to his 16. Treats him like shit because she's angry at being denied access into 7th Heaven; can be a real bitch. Absolutely hates his diaper fetishism, and will spend no short time berating him for it. Given that she has to drive him everywhere, that's a lot of the time. All in all, a Jerkass and an asshole. Suzo can fuck her after she is punished by their parents for partying late and getting drunk--choose to go to bed with her so she can sleep better, the sex'll come after that.

    Kyoko: A 16-year-old Cat-Girl who is the main female character of the game. Hates Suzo. A lot. She will not miss any chance to insult and berate him to pieces, sorta like Maria, but without the pesky blood relations getting in the way. In the end, she's a Tsundere--she likes Suzo, but it too disgusted with his diaper fetish to act on it. Even though she's a hypocrite. Practices fencing with short-swords and ice magic. She's the only character with a mandatory H-Scene.

    Terisias: A Kitsune who's family abandoned their power to escape the corruption inherent in the world's upper class. They have lived in the Middle Class for as long as they can remember--Kitsune such as them are called "Fallen" or "Heretics". Terisias is Suzo's childhood friend, and has always stuck up for him. Compared to Suzo's cool and sometimes assholish temper, Terisias is extremely hyperactive and always ready to have fun. Life's just a big game to him, and you gotta have as much fun as possible. He raced BMX bikes and Sports Bikes to get his thrills. Suzo likes to playfully call him "Tery", just to piss him off. In the end, they still have a very good relationship and always will stick by each other no matter what. Is straight a closeted bisexual.

    His first H-Scene comes during his birthday in the summer. Due to previous events, Suzo couldn't get him a birthday present, and feels really bad for it, even though Terisias forgives him. After the party, everyone except the two of them leaves. You can tell Terisias he's handsome or he's sexy. Choose to call him sexy, and then choose to keep aggressively hitting on him..soon, Suzo gets an idea to give him a different kind of birthday present...If You Know What I Mean.

    Terania: The Kitsune Suzo needs to impress to get into 7th Heaven. She's cold at first due to her prejudice, but slowly warms to the other characters as they continue to meet with her. She's a mature woman, capable of living by herself (with family like hers, she needed to learn such things) and getting things done when needed. Also has an effeminate side, though. And big boobs. Tends to have a Businesswoman look to her at all times, and she intimidates many other people. First H-Scene is after she has known Suzo for a week. She decides to give Suzo a little...ahem...test drive.

    Marky: A Dog-boy who's very good friends with Suzo, but he and his family live in abject poverty due to the class system. As such, they don't get to meet as often. Strong and built extremely well, he's used to working in factories and other physical jobs. He has a realistic outlook on life, but always knows how to have fun at the same time. He adores hard physical labor, and seeks it out whenever he can. He has the credentials the get into 7th Heaven as well, but, being Lower Class, never will. He decides to intercept Terania and impress her, but when Suzo gets in the way, tensions rise to a limit between them, especially since Marky just happens to be gay and outed in the rather homophobic Lower Class. Until Suzo gets the idea to intercept him...and have sex with him to keep him away from Terania.

    Michelle: A Mouse-Girl who is extremely nerdy and loves to do things with SCIENCE! all the time. She hard to talk to, since she is obsessed with knowledge and is somewhat of a shut-in. Is a Meganekko. When she hears of all the sex Suzo's been having, she becomes interested--a life of not ever getting any has made he unnaturally obsessed with sex, and she's getting too damn horny for her own good. Is somewhat of a loli-ish character, she is very short and childish-looking.

    She'll approach Suzo and ask for help in an experiment for a medicine she's making. Choose to assist in it; all goes well, until she finds out that it also happens to increase blood flow in a particular part of the male anatomy. Looks like Suzo's gonna need some help in getting that out of his system....

    Bell: A Cow-Girl who is one of the few other AB/DL's that Suzo knows. She's shy and reserved, but can be provoked insanely easily. Not one for intelligent stuff--she's smart, but Book Dumb. In any case, she prefers physical labor to number-crunching. She loves being an Adult Baby...but she takes it way too far. To the point of addiction/psychosis. Suzo decides to take Maria's car and drive her to a Therapist. It runs out of gas along the way, though. And Bell gets horny. Very Horny.

    Maria's not gonna like what they did to her car.

    Micheal: Marky's 8-year-old brother. He's often called "Mikey" for short. Is extremely intelligent and can do college-level assignments easily. Of course, the Caste System will ensure he never goes to college in the first place. Sometimes seems strikingly immature, due to his age. He has an advanced knowledge of sex. 

    After Suzo ends up getting transformed into a shota for a little while. (Long story), he decides to have gay sex with Micheal, because, why the fuck not? Michael obliges. All of Micheals H-Scenes must be unlocked during this small period. I don't have the heart nor the depravity to write scenes of a sixteen-year-old having sex with an 8-year-old. I just don't.

    There's three more--Rabbit-Boy, Wolf-Girl, and Demon-Girl. Perhaps even more (I would like to have an angel or a Dragon as well). But these guys are all I have down right now. And I won't ever finish this if I keep adding characters.

    As you can see, Suzo gets more in a week than most people do in their lives. Lucky Bastard.

    You can completely ignore a certain characters H-Scenes. Kyoko is the only one with a mandatory scene. Not counting that, you can literally go through the whole game without one H-Scene and still get a good ending.

  • edited 2012-07-22 16:35:03

  • So...which one you'd go after? Assuming you played and I actually finished this damn game.
  • edited 2012-07-22 16:35:10

  • Maria

    ...Why am I not surprised?
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    I would comment on Chagen's characters, but considering this is an eroge...


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