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Vidya Gaems General



  • BeeBee
    edited 2016-02-08 18:58:23
    If you really want to see someone punk Nightmare Kishgal, I recommend this one:

    dat lunge

    I want to say from the numbers he's taking that he's slightly overleveled too (don't remember off the top of my head, but I seem to recall icicles do ~25), but he killed it badly enough that it wouldn't have mattered.
  • Watching that reminds me of Youyou Kengeki Musou, which in turn reminds me of its weird control setup.

    You have three special attacks: A dash attack, a spin attack, and shooting bullets. You select your attack with two buttons (to scroll left or right) and use it with a third button. There's no penalty for changing your special attack or anything.

    So that's three buttons for three special attacks. I always thought they should've just mapped each of these buttons to one attack and not have to deal with the awkwardness of switching them (I almost exclusively used the dash attack for that reason).
  • BeeBee
    edited 2016-02-08 19:34:34
    The Ark-through-Oath Ys games are pretty much that.  You have three spells on a hidden scroller (all you see is the green/yellow/red symbol on the lower-right of the portrait).  The only penalty for switching between them is that you lose your current charge.

    Since you still need to jump, regular attack, and boost precisely enough that you really need fingers on them at all times, and you generally want to charge magic constantly but there are still circumstances where you want an uncharged one instead, you don't really want separate buttons for each spell.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Bee wrote: »
    If you really want to see someone punk Nightmare Kishgal, I recommend this one:

    dat lunge

    I want to say from the numbers he's taking that he's slightly overleveled too (don't remember off the top of my head, but I seem to recall icicles do ~25), but he killed it badly enough that it wouldn't have mattered.

    Holy shit.

    Meanwhile I've tried so many times to beat him in the time attack mode at nightmare difficulty...he and probably Khonsclard are the toughest I think, as Yunica.

    It seems that this player has mastered the art of jumping, specifically jumping over Kishgal when Kishgal produces icicles, and then whacking him from behind.  And it seems that Kishgal does like to pause for a moment after doing that, which this player exploits.

    Seems like the best way to dodge the dragons is to go away then turn at the last moment, rather than to dodge them near the beginning of their appearance.

  • Yeah they have to pick up speed before you can juke them, or they'll just turn in place.  Yunica can just BARELY slip past their turning radius if she jumps and forces them to turn just that little bit more.

    I think what shocked me most about that video is how long the lunge debuff stays on.  It's too bad it's borderline impossible to do on purpose.
  • edited 2016-02-09 15:56:46
    1) He's overleveled.  Two levels over, actually (Kishgal is 48).  This
    would utterly trivialize literally any other fight in the game, and
    would have trivialized this one if this player wasn't so bad about

    In my experience, it's more like... being the "correct" level for any fight makes it absurdly difficult and being 2/3 levels above makes it a difficulty that is appropriate for humans.

    Or rather "trivialize" is weird when slightly overleveled Ys Origin on Nightmare is still harder than most other RPGs.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    Guys, have you heard? The Hatred guys have announced a new game. It's called IS Defence and it's a Beachhead clone in which you are shooting at Islamists.

    I apologize in advance for not making it sound as ridiculous as I'd like to.

  • If I were them, I'd make the heroes muslim refugees earning their citizenship through military service, let IS be backed by Saudi oil dollars and let the villains be muslims born in the West, radicalized after they finished university. The love interest is a tsundere Maryam Nazamie expie who mocks the protag's faith before falling for him. The European political leaders are all waffling pansies. The rival is a racist nativist who becomes vitriolic best buds with the muslim dude, forming a friendship through martial glory. Maximize frustration by being politically all over the place, making people want to buy it, as the gameplay will be shit anyway. 
  • BeeBee
    edited 2016-02-10 05:44:13
    DYRE wrote: »
    1) He's overleveled.  Two levels over, actually (Kishgal is 48).  This
    would utterly trivialize literally any other fight in the game, and
    would have trivialized this one if this player wasn't so bad about

    In my experience, it's more like... being the "correct" level for any fight makes it absurdly difficult and being 2/3 levels above makes it a difficulty that is appropriate for humans.

    Or rather "trivialize" is weird when slightly overleveled Ys Origin on Nightmare is still harder than most other RPGs.

    Meh.  I like fighting them at-level to prepare for boss rush when you don't have any choice.

    Kishgal is kind of a weird fight in that he's...halfway reasonable when you learn how to bait him at close range and hit him as hard as possible, and resist the urge to Burst to block minor damage.  It's not easy to pick up by any stretch, and he's still a horrible overtuned fuckweasel, but you can do it.

    Still though, I'll admit I consider it trivial when I can just blitz it recklessly and only halfway worry about dodging.  Kishgal isn't quite that easy as Adol, but it's surprisingly reasonable.

    Like, if you're playing someone who can actually chain some decent melee damage (literally anyone who fights him except Yunica), you can catch him in shield loops and just wail on his ass.  You eat a couple whirlwinds, but the fight goes so fast it's not a big deal.

  • edited 2016-02-10 06:00:17
    In which I take a dive straight into the weeaboo dumpster.

    I'll probably need to pick up an Xbox 360 controller if I want to continue this. That and set the resolution lower so the graphics don't glitch out on my shitty laptop.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Bee wrote:
    Kishgal is kind of a weird fight in that he's...halfway reasonable when
    you learn how to bait him at close range and hit him as hard as
    possible, and resist the urge to Burst to block minor damage.  It's not
    easy to pick up by any stretch, and he's still a horrible overtuned
    fuckweasel, but you can do it.

    I actually never learned to burst for the longest time.

    Still never beat him on Nightmare time attack.
  • Continuing my La-Mulana playthrough. The Chamber of Birth can go die in a fire.
  • Speaking of Ys, jttoddy appears to have dropped off the map again :(
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Zennistrad wrote: »
    Continuing my La-Mulana playthrough. The Chamber of Birth can go die in a fire.

    Something already did die in a huge fire, and that's what resulted in the Chamber of Extinction. :P

    Bee wrote: »
    Speaking of Ys, jttoddy appears to have dropped off the map again :(

    Who's that?
  • BeeBee
    edited 2016-02-12 17:28:44
    Goon who's done a lot of really good Ys LPs.  I was following my last runs of the story mode alongside his ongoing Origin LP, but it's had like three (LONG) hiatuses already.

  • edited 2016-02-13 16:55:05
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Just some thoughts at the moment:

    the videogame as a permanent work vs. the videogame as a transient work

    the idea of a videogame as a work that retains its value (not necessarily economic value) even after one finishes experiencing it
    the idea of a videogame as a work that one experiences, finishes, then moves onto somethig else

    the idea of buying a specific videogame at some point in time, so one can enjoy it later, because one wants to play a specific game
    the idea of looking for a videogame to buy money on and play now, because one wants to play some game in general

    I wonder if these can/should be related to the art form vs. entertainment medium dichotomy.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I've been about to start a game with this catch-all hack of Pokémon Crystal, aiming for 100% completion as defined by catching all 251 mons: http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/1420/

    Also just discovered catch-all hack of Pokémon Red: http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/2362/

    I think I'll go with the Crystal hack because I've actually not yet played a gen 2 game fully and because at least the typing isn't as horribly unbalanced as in gen 1.  Doesn't seem to be a gen 1 hack that has both catch-all and typing fixes.
  • Gen 2 is best gen.
  • It really was.  I never really felt like that many of the Pokemon introduced from then on were genuine somehow.  I'm not sure why.  It always sort of felt like "here's the Gen 1/2 holdovers, and then THESE assholes".

    Also Gen 3 was all fucking surfing.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    Finally won at Dungeon Crawl. (Actually I'm writing this post the second time, 'cause my browser has hangups of some weird kind.) Minotaur Berserker of (you guessed it) Trog, so it's kind of the easy difficulty setting, but whatever. I like roguelikes, but I'm no good at them. Got good gear relatively early, but mostly it's that Trog powers help early survivability a lot and this time I did not make any big errors.

    Ironically, I was forced to resort to save scumming that one time. The game crashed on me, Dungeon Crawl has that safety measure that it allows to restart the level instead of dunking your entire playthrough, so once I reloaded I made additional backups just in case. I reckon it didn't count until I got to the point where the game crashed, innit?

  • Nostalgia aside, Gen V is definitely my favorite Pokemon generation, mechanics-wise, design-wise, and story-wise.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Also Gen 3 was all fucking surfing.
    The surfing theme was the best though.

    In terms of nostalgia, I'm a Gen IV guy, even though I've probably played Gen II the most.

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.
    I'm a Gen III guy, plz don hurt me.
  • I think 4 and 6 are my favourite generations.

    2 is the only one I never played...
  • Get HG/SS.  Gen 2 is really, really good.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Bee wrote: »
    Get HG/SS.  Gen 2 is really, really good.

    The remake messed up the Violet/Olivine City theme.
  • Oh, I did play HeartGold, just not any of the actual gen 2 games.

  • The remake messed up the Violet/Olivine City theme.

    If that was the price of the National Park remix, I'm okay with this.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Should I add "Conduct: Parasect as part of main team"?
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Started playing Deception IV (Because logging more hours of BlazBlue would probably have set off some kind of alarm somewhere). I enjoy the gameplay; the puzzle and timing aspects especially, even though some of the death screens do make me uncomfortable.

    The camera could be better, by which I mean if the camera weren't entirely slave to the fanservice (ie heroine's outfit barely covers her backside) the game would work better. The lock on feature is also a bit ridiculous and not very helpful.

    Anyways I like it so far and it's the first game I've played in ages that wasn't a fighting game or JRPG and that's good right?
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