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Vidya Gaems General



  • LaiLai
    edited 2013-06-11 15:44:02

    Wii Fit Trainer = :|

    Villager = I'm okay with this


  • edited 2013-06-11 15:43:00
    Kichigai birthday!!




  • edited 2013-06-11 15:50:06
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Wait, is this actually a real thing, too?

  • Kichigai birthday!!

    Just relax, it'll be over soon

  • BeeBee
    edited 2013-06-11 21:52:37

    Elan's True Card get.

    God that guy is TERRIBLE.  He has a shitload of HP and can just run up and tank bosses without really worrying about much, but he's not very fast, has shit-tastic range, his damage all comes from a one-two punch where the second hit misses a lot because the first pushes them back too much, and his dash can't change direction so he knocks himself down all the time.  He's like Louie, but minus all the things that make Louie useful.

    I absolutely loved Recette tearing Griff a new one at the top of Obsidian Tower.  Fucking epic moment XD

    random.org says I should go for Tielle next, who will be...very, very easy.  I'll see if I can grab Nagi while I'm messing around with her though, since she's random enough that I'll take her if she shows up.

  • edited 2013-06-11 23:31:47
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    damnit nintendo

    you're making me actually want to buy your game

    and your newest consoles

    more than one console

    what is wrong with you

    why can't you bore me with products i don't want, just like all the other big name companies

  • They're somethin' else.


  • edited 2013-06-12 09:49:41
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    What with the addition of Mega Man and the Wii Fit Trainer to the Smash Bros. lineup, I say we're due for another round of idle speculation as to who might become playable characters in the next Smash.

    * Adol Christin

    * Sparkster (from Rocket Knight)

    * Geno

    * Aero the Acro-Bat

    * Lyn (a.k.a. Lyndis)

    * Hector

    * Simon Belmont

    * Soma Cruz

  • a little muffled

    Anyone from Golden Sun...please? I'll even take Matthew.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Okay, Isaac, Jenna, and Briggs.

  • a little muffled

    Probably at this point Matthew is the most likely. When they have characters from long-running series they tend to favour the more recent games. Isaac or (especially) Felix would be preferable, of course.

    Why Briggs? :o

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I want Jenna.

    But Briggs because he's a Badass Normal.


    Also now that Mega Man is on board, they should add Red Arremer.

  • Kichigai birthday!!
    For the NES revival character, I'm guessing

    -Little Mac: Was an assist trophy in Brawl and would fit in

    -Takamaru: The Nintendoland minigame

    -Mike Jones from Startropics: Would be cool
  • Nagi get.

    She's a little hard to get used to, but she kicks ass once you do.  She's still like level 18 and is putting out as much pain as more experienced adventurers.  No swing arc, but awesome reach that can score side/back hits from the front, and her special rips new assholes in bosses like nobody's business as well as being very entertaining to watch.  She also has Elan's craptastic dash attack, but can actually maneuver it a bit and connecting doesn't knock her down like a bitch.

    Definitely picking up her true card this run.

  • "I will grant you two wishes; one for each testicle."
    I just went to one of those Best Buy Nintendo Experience things.

    When Nintendo said they were bringing the E3 experience to Best Buy they weren't kidding.

    I waited 3 hours to play 5 minutes of Super Mario 3D World.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    How was it?

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I hereby christen the Xbone the "XBox ~57.3".  Because one radian is roughly that many degrees.

  • "I will grant you two wishes; one for each testicle."

    Super Mario 3D World was fun, but the cat's wall-climbing controls feel a little unintuitive.

    Also Multiplayer is fittingly chaotic.

  • edited 2013-06-13 18:51:38
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    @fourteenwings and I started playing a game called Energy Breaker earlier.

    Here're my comments on it so far:

    It's an obscure tactical RPG by Taito, and even includes a few references to their more famous Lufia series (I think; I know for sure that there is a "Priphea Flowers" track, which is the name for what's often called "Lufia's theme").

    I started playing it earlier today. It's got a very curious, intriguing story so far. The main character does not remember who she is, and is on a journey to find out, with only the events that happen to her and her own dreams to guide her. Meanwhile, all sorts of strange things are happening around her, from a mysterious fortune-teller with an uncanny accuracy, to an elusive blue-haired man who knows more than he lets on, and more...

    It's got a pretty in-depth gameplay system, and even gives control scheme options where you can change the control scheme for moving your character around the isometric grid. Unlike Final Fantasy Tactics or Fire Emblem, you actually get to wander around the world environments between battles, like in a standard JRPG. The gameplay is a little on the slow side, though tolerable (especially with the turbo feature of an SNES emulator). Thanks in part to its isometric perspective, the game looks a bit like Super Mario RPG. And I think it really needs more buttons...a PC remake would benefit it greatly.

    One curious feature is that your second character comes with a playable unit that has no attacks on its own but is capable of blocking enemy movement. Occasionally, temporary allies will join you, and you may be able to use them as meatshields or even to attack things. (And the capacity to change your characters' names shows up very early in the game, for what it's worth.)

    It was only released for the Super Famicom in Japan, but the fan-translation was fully completed in September 2012, and that's how I'm playing it.

    It's got several very interesting features and innovations, including the following:

    * Lp ("life points", basically HP), determine whether and how much each unit can act in a turn. A unit's current Lp determines how much Bal ("balance") it has, which is the number of balance points that it can use each turn to do stuff. As you lose Lp, you also start off each turn with less Bal, meaning you can do less stuff each turn.

    * It costs 5 Bal to move any distance (within range), 3 to attack anything, varying amounts for specific skills, etc. So depending on how you spend your turn (and how many balance points you have), you might be able to move and/or attack more than once!

    * Shops seem to keep all the items you sell them. (Some items may be exceptions, though.) Additionally, lower-power items are infinitely available while higher-power items are limited in number.

    * Skills are enabled by your having the right combination of elemental energies for them. For example, in order to use the Shot skill, you need +3 red and -1 green, which means you need four energy points (Pp) to put three into the top side of red and one into the bottom side of green in order for Shot to be usable.

    I haven't quite figured out how to learn skills yet; anyone know?

    Edit: This might be a clue: http://yuudachi.net/bbs/kareha.pl/1348493034/l50

    (cross-posted to Caves of Narshe)

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I'm still having trouble getting Myra to learn Shot.  I already have +5 max red above and -1 max green below, and I've allocated +3 red above and -1 green below.  I've had the Grimoire II (which contains Shot, at +3 red -1 green) in her main inventory, in her item box, in Leonardo's inventory...yet she still just doesn't learn it.

    How exactly does the skill-learning process work?!!

  • a little muffled

    I'm still having trouble getting Myra to learn Shot.
    how do i shot

  • edited 2013-06-13 23:03:47
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I walked right into that one, didn't I.

    Anyway, here's the answer: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=492738

    It's a bit like Romancing Saga - you have a chance of learning the skill during battle. If you have the right energy levels, just keep plugging away and you'll learn it. You might not get it straight away, but you will soon.

    I think it's actually tied to one of the bars I've noticed in the status menu.  When that fills up you get what looks like a limit break "Power is flowing through me!" and the character just automatically does it on another target, or something.  At least, this works for Myra.  And probably Leonardo.  NEVER MIND I THINK IT'S RANDOM, THOSE BARS DONT EXIST

    More info:

    First, you don't need a grimoire to learn a spell.  They're only for reference.
    Second, when you read (use) a grimoire, it adds it into your list.  You can see that in the 'other' menu slot (says DIR) on the far right of the menu, second button there being grimoires.  It's in a different spot in battle.

    When you select a spell's name from the grimoire list you'll see arrows above the heads of each character that can learn it.  Note these only update properly when you select the spell or flip a page (bug w/ original game).

    Most characters learn spells when they 1) have enough energy to use it and 2) they attack and/or kill something.  If possible, they immediately use the spell that was learned (watch out when learning tornado!).  Again, you don't have to have a grimoire for a spell to learn it.  Once learned you can reallocate your power without forgetting the spell, although you won't be able to use the spell unless you meet its requirements.

    Most spells call for different kinds of energy, some positive and some negative.  Every time you level up you can add one more block to an energy bar and get one more bit of power to shift around.  You'll want to check your grimoires before leveling up to see what spells a character can learn and tailor the energy levels to build toward it.

    Star works a little differently.  He learns spells when he kills specific enemies that use them, usually the first guys you meet who use them.  Not certain if he has to kill them with basic nail attacks or not, but he must be the murderer.


    Also some info on the dexterity stat: tl;dr it influences the roll-up adjustment.  http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/564316-energy-breaker/64291874

    Heck, that page contains the following comment:

    I haven't gotten Leon to join me yet, but I can say that Myra, Lenardo, and Dorothy all gain skills the same way, you just have to have the energy requirements met and use a skill of any kind in the next battle, although some skills are unique to certain characters.

    And I just got Myra to learn Shot, as well as Leonardo to learn Aqua Zone.  So I can attest to this working.  Just set the elements according to the formula given in the grimoire, and then let the learning character have a target to practice it on after they attack an enemy.


    BTW, @fourteenwings: hold your equivalent of A and B, as you walk.  You might find random shit lying on the ground.  I just did.

  • There is love everywhere, I already know

    -1 green

    This is a thing you can do?

  • BeeBee
    edited 2013-06-14 01:30:53

    Fighting Griff with a melee character in Recettear is actually really, really fun once you learn to bait him properly.  It's not as brainless and easy as holding X with Caillou or berserking and running into his face with Elan, but it's a heck of a lot more satisfying.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    @fourteenwings: I mean the dark green side.  Press Y to switch to the dark side of your elemental grid.  You still need to spend one point per notch, but the notches go down beneath the corresponding color, rather than going up above.

  • There is love everywhere, I already know


  • You can change. You can.

    Yo, so I returned from the dead with a quick question:

    So The Witcher is up for a deal on Steam. I am willing to check it out but I'm not sure if purchasing it is for the best considering I don't have a particularly powerful computer. So here're my specs:

    So uh can anyone tell me if it's worth buying regardless of not being able to run it at the highest power?

  • Both the Witcher 1 and 2 are worth playing but I'm not sure how well the Witcher 2 would run since, based on my research, the GPU is just below the minimum system requirements.

  • BeeBee
    edited 2013-06-15 02:50:36

    Round two of the Spacechem tournament is now underway!  I've got a solution for the first one that I'm at least mildly proud of, but let's see what SA comes up with before I go comparing things.

    The challenge assignment, however, is going to be approximately one bitch plus one half a bitch.  I figured out what process they want me to do, but no idea how to go about that level of fission with a single waldo.

  • You can change. You can.

    Delta: I guess I'll just go with the first one then. 

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