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Vidya Gaems General



  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Also, there seems to be a cult of hats or something.  I just had four people in a row place bulk orders for hats.

    You're playing this on Steam, aren't you.

  • BeeBee
    edited 2013-06-01 19:24:40

    Yes.  What, was that on purpose for a TF2 promo or something?

    Also, Arma, who just yesterday couldn't afford 4k of weapons for her order and required a reload to satisfy, just walked in and dropped 21k for my Very Odd Vase.  Poor girl must have been programmed by the Daikatana guys or something.



    >Louie (warrior), Charme (thief), and Caillou (mage) all walk in

    >I have premium weapons set out to bait all three of them

    >Louie sells me fruit

    >Charme sells me beef stew

    >Caillou buys the greatsword

    >Old men buy BOTH staves and the knife

    >Three girls come in and all sell me cake, which is currently at a very high price

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    Took down Stygian Zinogre through the skin of my teeth. I'm going to have to double back and make a better Thunder weapon so I can actually finish him in under 40 minutes. I want to make framing him as painless as possible, since I need a good Dragon weapon before I'm comfortable taking on Dire Miralis.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    By the way, @Bee, I can tell you the formula by which their budgets are calculated.  For every character.

    Not sure if this accounts for markups from base price, but otherwise I know it to work.

  • BeeBee
    edited 2013-06-02 00:13:41

    I know you're supposed to ignore the tutorial and buy/sell at 70/104% to make people happy and boost their wallets.  Not sure I'd be able to even remember more than that.

    Oh, and hit the final week with plenty of room to spare and lots of capital in stock...and then the price of motherfucking everything tanked.  Everything in the whole goddamn menu is blue except for books and food.  Oh, and people decided to just stop coming to the store even though they all love me.  And everyone who does come in is selling me fucking walnut bread.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I don't remember them.  I calculate them based on a formula that's not ever given in the game, write down the results, and I sell accordingly.

    This is after my first failed attempt to one-loop the base game.  I decided to start over and try one-looping it with optimization.

    I haven't worked out buyback budgets yet, but those are usually less important.  Just don't walk into the town square with over 200K pix in hand.

  • BeeBee
    edited 2013-06-02 00:26:33

    What, is 200k the flag to start Euria and her combo breaking?

    I'm actually doing decently in spite of cosmic conspiracy and not consciously optimizing anything beyond the open secret of the lying tutorial.  Despite the market crash of almost everything at the start of the week, I managed to get by on a stock of tier 3 scarves, food, and my leftover gold treasure.  I started the final week with about 5k pix, having spent the considerable leftovers I had at the end of the previous week on capital, and halfway through day two of the week I'm at 250k with tons of stock ready to sell as soon as it's not worthless again.  So...somehow I think this is going to be a successful 1-loop.

    Also I hear optimal runs shouldn't be dungeon running because it has shit payoff, but I've been doing that anyway.  Tielle and Nagi both brought to the store.

    Really, just the 70/104 thing was enough to make the difference.  Girls and old men who were previously buying three-figure items on my previous attempt are now coming in for 10k stuff.

  • edited 2013-06-02 00:27:37
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human


    And how does dungeon running have shit payoff?

    ...then again I try to make the absolute most of the enemies (killing the respawns until they run out), and have a bag full of optimally-valuable items (or potential craft products) by like three floors into a single dungeon run.

  • BeeBee
    edited 2013-06-02 00:59:14

    Thus far, the only things I can reasonably make out of ingredients from a single run are Azure Necklaces and Mermaid Boots (I already deal in bigger stuff anyway), and a few other things that sell for half as much and give half the stats of vendor trash that was available the first time I had enough to make them.

    Like, yeah I can make most of the tier 1 stuff, and theoretically I can do half of the tier 3 (which are almost all decoration anyway).  The tier 3 fusions would take several days of farming rare drops just to pull off one, and I'm already dealing in vendor trash more valuable than anything in tier 1, and I've never even seen all the necessary ingredients of a single recipe in Tier 2.

    I assume that changes in postgame shenanigans, especially when you're no longer on a time limit.

    Speaking of dungeons though, Tielle placed an order for weapons.  I was planning to give her a few low-tier stuff to boost her wallet, but the morning it was due she gave me an adventuring card.  I looked at my pix well into the 400,000's with several days to spare, looked at her shitty bow, then said fuck it and gave her a premium Ace Bow and a worthless Worn Sword for equips and shiggles respectively.  The sale was something like 8% of total cost.

    Let nobody say I don't take care of my adventurers  I'll probably kill a day taking her for a test run.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I hear she's real awesome.

    I haven't yet befriended her yet.  She's a hard boss fight.

  • BeeBee
    edited 2013-06-02 02:01:18

    Yeah I basically bumrushed her with Louie in premium loaner gear to shoot his defense into orbit.

    I think Charme is the only one physically capable of moving out of the way of her shots fast enough.  I'd probably have a lot of fun spamming Caillou's explosion on her diagonals, but I wasn't going to risk that during the main game.

    Oh, and 500k reached with like three days to spare, so I'm probably just going to run dungeons for the rest of the main game.  CONSIDERABLY more successful than my first attempt at Recettear.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I've got as far as fighting Tielle with Charme but I panicked and lost because kobolds and other stuff.

    But that was before I've since learned that (1) I don't get practice with these boss fights, and (2) they are Ys-tier boss fights.

  • BeeBee
    edited 2013-06-02 02:13:01

    Nowhere near Ys tier.  Tielle is pretty much the only one that doesn't come down to "keep distance until gimmick makes them helpless" or "cheese their diagonal" (at least in the main game).  And it's pretty easy to brute-force with Louie as long as you know it's coming and stockpile gear/food.

    Actually, Charme might be a really good one to fight Tielle.  Not only is she fast enough to dodge the arrows, but you can spam shadows and chew through all the WOODEN BAWKSES in, like, seconds.  That girl puts out a disgusting amount of damage with those things.  She'd still need loaner gear to survive the occasional lucky hit though.

    I still want to try it with Caillou.  Run up and start spamming explosions of death.  Watch field magically become clear.  It'd be swag until Tielle shoots his slow ass in the face at the end.

  • edited 2013-06-02 02:16:09
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Okay, fine, Ys on Easy mode.

    There's like three tiers of bosses or so.

    1. bosses that just spam attacks and all you need to do is to learn a simplistic pattern.

    2. bosses that actually try to target you, but are relatively cheesable, or tankable if not cheesable.

    3. bosses that target you really hard and you have to be pretty darn specific with tactics and well-practiced in order to be able to beat them.

    Category 1 is probably the easiest to design.  Recettear is somewhere between Category 2 and Category 3.  Category 3 is where Ys usually is, though it becomes 2 when you play on Easy.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Anyone know if adding and starting-via-Steam games that are currently on Steam Greenlight but haven't been greenlit for Steam release yet will help them get greenlit and published via Steam?

    I've added Potatoman Seeks the Troof, Croixleur, and Eryi's Action, because I've so far assumed this will help.

  • edited 2013-06-02 16:25:26
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Courtesy of @Saigyouji on another board: http://www.joystiq.com/2013/06/01/tales-of-symphonia-dawn-of-the-new-world-getting-ps3-bundle-in/

    TL;DR: Tales of Symphonia and its sequel Dawn of the New World are getting a compilation re-release on the PS3 later this year in Japan and in other parts of the world in early 2014.

  • BeeBee
    edited 2013-06-02 22:57:08

    So Tielle is...okay but not all that good.  Her attack is this weird charge thing that fires more arrows as you charge more levels, but they spread too much and take too long to be good for single-target, they don't quite spread enough to be good for clearing ahead, and the only benefit of the second two charge levels is a few arrows fired behind you that...aren't really that useful because you can just turn to shoot whatever you need to.  After a couple levels she gets a rage attack that lets her charge very quickly for a few seconds, but it's a slight and very clunky offset.

    I also recruited Elan, who is a pain in the ass to pick up because you have to severely crimp your store for several days just to attract his broke ass, and he's fucking terrible once you get him.  He's basically Charme, but with half the power, even less range, and his dash doesn't let you turn so you run into stuff all the time.  I kinda see why he doesn't get any money, and I feel sorry for anyone going for his True Card.  The guy is awful.

    I've yet to have Nagi give me her card, and I'm about to start on Obsidian Tower for Griff.  I'd imagine those two are by far the hardest True Cards given how much time you have to waste in the dungeons just to recruit them while still worrying about bills.

  • BeeBee
    edited 2013-06-03 04:38:53


    I'm trying to attract Elan to gear him up and get his True Card out of the way, so I put tons of candy in the display.  Apparently there was a news announcement about candy because suddenly the music changes to cheesy reggae and...




    Suddenly I'm covered in bitches.  There's like 20 identical housewives milling around mobbing the two shelves of candy and lagging my computer.

    The next day the price of candy crashes.

    I have just had a Recettear moment.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    > lagging computer

    Holy shit.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I've never gotten far enough to get a shop expansion...

    ...and my plans to play Recettear tonight were derailed again by my taking a nap and still not yet having showered or done the dishes.  Sigh.

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    Just beat Dire Miralis. One my first try. In about 37 minutes.

    That was...almost disappointingly easy.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Don't worry. You have Lucent Nargacuga to fight yet. I guarantee that bastard will stretch your skills. 

  • So the fad market that I got up above with candy?  I got another one with valuable metals, and happened to have about 15 golden pedestals/scales on hand.

    I made like 200k pix in one time slice.

    Elan is a pain in the ass to gear up, because he only shows up when your store is full of cheap shit he doesn't need.  You pretty much have to hope for him to place an order, then fill it with something amazing sold at a huge loss.  And that's when his orders are actually for gear, because most of the time they're for books.

    Also he's terrible.  I want to get his True Card then never look at his stupid face again.  /facedesk

  • So I just watched some recent Game Overthinker episodes, and...

    ...what happened to the Game Overthinker of the first twenty-something episodes?  What happened to my straight-up, serious commentary?  Why the Zelda fairy, why the WhateverThinker characters, why the ham-handed plots?  Just give me serious commentary on the game industry already, please!

    You know, I really can't stand this complaint. I've been following TGO for a while, and not once have I ever been bothered by the storyline stuff. It's entertaining, and it doesn't detract at all from the actual game commentary that's in the episode. Hell, if anything, I'd applaud Bob for finally taking the initiative to be the filmaker he's likely always wanted to be.


    Anyway, back to video games. I'm currently playing through Luigi's Mansion 2, and I just finished the second-to-last mansion, the Secret Mine. I was sort of disappointed by its length (it's only three missions instead of five), but the boss was quite possibly the most memorable of the ones I've faced so far, even if it was really hard to get the timing right while aiming.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    You know, I really can't stand this complaint. I've been following TGO for a while, and not once have I ever been bothered by the storyline stuff. It's entertaining, and it doesn't detract at all from the actual game commentary that's in the episode. Hell, if anything, I'd applaud Bob for finally taking the initiative to be the filmaker he's likely always wanted to be.

    Except that moviebob's TGO episodes have been falling in relevance and insight, as analysis has been more or less replaced by (well-expressed) opinion. No-one's there for the cheesy storyline stuff; we're there for the kind of commentary and insight we know Bob is capable of. Bob hasn't moved past his "blame the consumer" thing, either, and it gets tiresome to hear that our buying habits are what's destroying the industry when publishers hold most of the video game consumer base in a Catch 22. 

  • edited 2013-06-05 06:06:18
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    @Zennistrad: I think the reason might be a difference in expectation similar to my opinion of Let's Plays; I want to be informed with commentary while some people want more than just commentary (including moviebob himself apparently).  I also went straight from watching like episode #25-ish to episode #65-ish so the difference was probably also a bit more jarring.

  • "Entertaining" is a debatable trait. And personally, I prefer critics who restrain themselves from indulging in whatever narratives they wish to inflict upon us. 

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Having fictional children in games isn't exactly common, but all the same, I've never been as proud of my own fictional children as I am in Fire Emblem: Awakening. Morgan, you are a complete baller, but please desist from trying to put me in pitfall traps. 

  • I actually really liked how in Dragon Quest V you find out that the character you start out as isn't actually the chosen one, it's your son.

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