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All the Pokemon parodies...
...depict the show as being filled with fast, poorly-translated gabble for dialogue.

I don't remember the show being that incomprehensible.
Because Pokemon = anime = Speed Racer = poorly-translated babbling
-hasn't actually watched the video-
This could be said for most anime parodies from Western shows. "Protect my balls, let's fighting loooovvveeee..."
Which is weird, because anime is usually filled with redundant, blandly-translated gabble for dialogue interspersed with long awkward pauses and that "ughkuk!" sound that's supposed to be a dramatic quiet gasp but sounds more like the VA choked on some M&M's (you know the one).
Metroid Other M!
...who cares? The Pokemon anime was shitty. :P
Eh. Kanto was fun despite being shameless merchandising, then Johto outright sucked (FILLER) with a few standout bits that were uncharacteristically good. Hoenn started to pick up again when they realized they could have May be the rookie instead of Ash just going back to being a complete dumbass to manufacture challenge. Sinnoh was actually really kickass. From what I hear, Unova is still going on that track.
I'm seventeen and never really watched it regularly, and when I did it was forever ago. Could it have gotten better, at least somewhat? Probably. But Ash will never stop being an annoying idiot, methinks, considering that the creators themselves hate the kid.
Hey, he went out like a goddamn champ in the Sinnoh tournament. Went up against some ridiculous Mary Sue with a team of legendaries and actually took out two of them. And brought down two more to win the Battle Frontier before that.
Hell, the fact that he's actually bitchslapped enough legendaries to have a running count is pretty impressive in itself, seeing how in the anime they're actually demigods instead of just really high level things you can twoshot like everything else with the right type matchup.
These are not synonymous.
Given that in the original version, he's named after the guy who created Pokemon...not likely.
The story I heard is that when the first made the anime, they didn't think it was going to be as popular as it was. In retrospect, apparently, if they had known that they would have done a totally different set-up for his character. I should try and find where I heard that and see if it's trustworthy or not.
As to "he takes out legendaries a lot!", that just sounds Sueish to me.
Also: Egoraptor's Pokemon Battle is a bit boring. Its just the same voice actor swearing a bunch of times.
...you can count how many times it's happened in some 14 years of cartoon on one hand.
These two statements don't match up to me, but again, I don't watch the show, so I am left without context.
A running count can still be five or less.
And, if I recall, they were all pretty low level legendaries.
>in the anime
^I think he meant, like, Zapdos-level legendaries rather than Arceus-level legendaries.
Hey, they started out keeping track of levels. Sorta. And stopped about ten episodes in.
I don't mean literal levels. I mean stuff like trio legendaries, which aren't all that powerful.
EDIT: Ninja'd
Yes, but the statement is intended to convey impressiveness, which leads me to assume it's some absurd number.
What I remember of the show is that it was corny and boring and the games were better in basically every way plus with the advantage of interactivity. Whether or not it's gotten substantially better, I couldn't say, but I know there are a bunch of new characters.
I think my basic beef with Pokemon as a TV show is the same as the one I have with Scooby Doo: it's the same basic episode every time, but with different opposition subbed in each time.
Given the status of even minor legendaries in the anime, anything more than zero is frankly pretty impressive for a straight fight. I mean, most of the villains who mess with them come packing absurd amounts of weaponry.
Basically this, and I'll follow up with the cliche suggestion that they should have animated the Pokemon Special manga.
Tier. Not level.
But that manga's not any better than the anime.
Level is a word that applies to the concept, albeit a confusing one when it's already used for something else.
The manga's got its own perks and problems.
What's the manga like? I've never really checked it out.
Yeah, but so is tier, and tier doesn't have the confusing factor of also describing an abstract concept from the franchise.
^^ More action and drama, but more shameless merchandising and cheesy wanking about game mechanics.