If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
but that means you can't come and play if I make a Knight myself because you're too high leveled. You need to make a Smuggler or Trooper to play with me stat![:| :|](/forums/resources/emoji/neutral.png)
what if i made a consular
i want to throw rocks n shit
i guess that's fine too then
unless lin wants to play with me and make a consular
You know what? Fuck this.
I spent a whole evening figuring out names and concepts for all the classes I want to play.
I'm going to go make ALL THE CHARACTERS right now.
(all of them)
I already have six of mine. :P
Okay, in addition to Cronova (Knight-Guardian) and Maikha (Agent-Sniper), I now have:
That's all eight slots filled.
So I found myself on Tatooine, and I thought: Hey, why not I visit the Sarlacc Pit? I'm already overleveled for it.
Boy-howdy was that six kinds of an underestimation. I was overleveled, but I still almost got my ass kicked fighting a mob of two thugs and an overlord. I did eventually make it close enough to the Sarlacc to throw a couple of poison grenades in there.
Then I spotted the one-and-only Takor the Terrible lording over some refugees right in front of the Pit. So being the opportunist that I am, I thought; "Hey! Maybe I can Force Push him right into the mouth of the Sarlacc!" So I tried that, but he got stuck on the steps and I couldn't get to him to finish the job.
So I went recruiting, and found myself a Vanguard.
"Hey guy! Wanna go watch me push Takor into the Sarlacc mouth so you can shoot him later?"
"Heh yeah, let's go."
Our first attempt, I got the angle wrong and Takor got very little damage. Our second attempt, Takor got pushed straight into Sarlacc's stomach. But third time's the charm, and we both leveled up.
tl;dr: Pushing abilities on Tatooine at the Sarlacc Pits = Hilarity. Gotta get that angle right, though.
What give man?
I really need to get around to doing Maelstrom Prison on my Guardian. Both for the story stuff and for the best title in the game.
Not every planet. It starts on Taris, or is it Nar Shadaa?
There's no long-running quest chain on Tython, Ord Mantell or Coruscant. Which, funnily enough, is where you get the title!
For the most part, you get titles from the same things you can buy bonus EXP in; class quests, space missions, and flashpoints.
On each of the faction's core worlds, there's a quest chain that nets you a neat title; for Republics, it's the Gree on Coruscant, which nets you the neat title 'Black Bisector', and for Imperials, it's the Revanites on Dromund Kass, which nets you the neat title 'Revanite' (or possibly another title if you choose to destroy the Revanites, but I've never done that.)
You also get titles by leveling your Light Side/Dark Side score. I'm not actually sure if you get titles any other way.
Also, a question for everyone:
What is the motivation/idea behind each of your characters?
Anyway, your question. None of my characters are super unique or creative, mostly since I haven't done RP or anything outside of the main storyline.
Re'na the Sniper: Started off loyal to the empire. She didn't like the sith as an organization, but felt that she could help make the empire better by joining Intellegence. But then something huge happens in the IA story that made her undergo a huge shift, but lolspoilers.
Akasaka the Jedi Guardian: Believes in the Republic and the Jedi Code, but feels that sometimes, someone has to step up and do the hard thing (aka the dark side thing) to make the galaxy safe enough for people to not have to make those choices. So I guess in retrospect, kind of like the Operative from Serenity?
Forzare the Sith Assassin: Originally was a member of the Republic before he was a slave. Now his motivation is pretty much to become Emperor so he can stop the Sith from being so shitty and pointlessly evil.
I don't know about PVP, as I don't do PVP.
Those motivations all make sense.
Ah. I'm Valour 5, but I have trouble earning three to four medals a round in PVP, so I just can't be arsed.
Cronova (Guardian) wants to smash the enemies of the Republic. Not especially out of a desire for duty or compassion, but really out of a desire to fight and fight and fight. She is an arrow, self-launched and set aflame, flying straight into the heart of the Empire.
Because if the galaxy, this world will burn, she will burn herself in the name of freedom and honor.
Maikha (Sniper) wants to do his job, shoot people painlessly, retire as quickly as possible, and hide someplace quiet. Because there was a time when the Empire was operated by what his time recognized as men; resourceful, quick-thinking, and prepared to gamble their lives if they believed it would get the right result. But that was years ago, and Maikha's not sure what the men now really are.
Are they petulant children, playing king-of-the-world with blades of light and fleets of battleships, dividing the playground with lines of sand? Are they mercurial opportunists, threatening and posing with power they don't have, and apologizing when cornered as if it somehow smooths everything out? Or were these men those who were the very same as the ones in his own time, only he was too causing terror and pain in the service of his people to notice?
Maikha doesn't know. Maikha struggles. But Maikha does aim, and Maikha pulls the trigger.
Vaijra (Inquisitor) is not a very good spy. Or a soldier. What he is (as told him at one particular bacchanal), is a debauch. He would have you believe that he has only one interest in this force-enhanced life; savoring all the wine, women, and song that runneth all over this gleaming spiral of life (by which he means the galaxy). But what he is, beneath the luxury and the force-weaves and the robes and the fat, is a burning hunger for knowledge. Vaijra wants to touch things, to see things, to hear things. To read the heretic journals of the Mageth, to learn the Eleven Palm Lightning Form of the Fist-Sages, to see the false lovelorn homoerotic murals falsely attributed to Revan...
Vaijra wants to learn, with his mind straight into his bones.
The rest...I haven't really played enough of to know.
In case you were wondering what ~people on the internet~ thought of the Consular. Because, you know, that resembles it all so much.
i literally just realized that kira carson is voiced by laura bailey
this explains
so much
Eh that guy sounds like somebody who thinks Zennith is super awesome and hardcore instead of you know, a brutal terrorist. He does have some points about Iresso being boring and the Nadia/Consular romance being a bit creepy, but that's always because I've found teacher/student romances to be a bit creepy. And while Tharan is insufferable and in love with a computer program, he has his amusing moments. Or rather it is fun to pick dialog options that deflate his ego for a few seconds.
But Qyzen? What, no. Qyzen is a total bro. Sure he's weird and has odd priorities, but he is an alien actually being written like an alien. I will agree that the dark side choices make you come off as a psychopath because well... darkside choices always make you come off as a pointlessly cruel psychopath.
Tharan's personal quest also involves giving up his chance at becoming a scientific big-shot in order to perform an upgrade on Holiday that gives her sapience, so... there's that.
Okay, so.
Alkthash, I was wondering if you'd like to play as our Imperials next weekend. I'll play the Knight/Consular with lin over the week whenever I'm not too tired.
Sure thing.
I am so sick of reading this sentence.
Just finished filling out the application at the Immortal Empire site.
I have to disagree about Nadia, because for one thing she's an adult, even if she sometimes acts more like you'd expect a teenager to.
Also, I didn't play through the romance like "Moo hoo ha ha, I am in a position of authority over this naive and vulnerable young thing and I am going to use that to manipulate her into a sexual relationship with total disregard for her wishes and current and future emotional well-being!"
My character was more like "Oh, they're saying I need to teach you how to use the Force? All right, but we're still buds like we were before so don't treat think you need to treat me any different. I'm not gonna ask you to call me Master or order you around or anything. Well, except when I work you like a dog gathering crystals and making enhancements and stuff, but I do that to the other four guys and the droid too." When Nadia asked me a question, I'd answer. E.g., "How do you keep from getting murderously angry at the Empire?" "Well, I use this meditation technique where I do this, and that keeps me calm."
There was a significant scene where the conversation started out with her talking about spending time with Tharan, who had interrupted her Jedi studies to strike up a conversation with her and offer to teach her about astronomy. Dialogue choices were:
1. "Do you like him?"
2. "So are you." (She had said Tharan was charming.)
3. "Your studies are important."
My gut choice, the one I chose because it's what I would say if this were really me as opposed to me playing the character a certain way, was "Do you like him?" Because I knew that Nadia was a romance option and she is hot and I was looking forward to romancing her, but I figured that if she was falling for Tharan and would be happy with him then it wouldn't be right for me to try to compete with him in a tug of war for her heart (option 2) or tell her not to see him and focus on her Jedi studies instead (option 3).
Basically I tried to be the furthest thing from an authority figure as the game would let me, because I never asked to be an authority figure or to have any control over her. I did like her, though, so I won't say that I was appalled when it became clear she had feelings for me.
The issue with teacher/student romances is not to do with their ages. Well, it is, but only in that it exacerbates the original problem, on top of the problems involved with significant age difference romance thingies.
The issue with teacher-student romances is that one party (the teacher) is in a position of significant power over the other (the student). This is actually exacerbated by the Master/Padawan dynamic, in which the Master holds even more power over the Padawan by virtue of having control over large portions of the Padawan's life.
(On a side note, I've noticed that most quests and such, and most body/face combinations, seem to encourage the idea that the Sith and Jedi are fairly young- in their late teens/early twenties.)
Also, as a side note; have any of you found that a particular class encouraged you to play a particular alignment?
So far, I've played the Sith Warrior and the Imperial Agent the most on that side, and they both seem to be encouraging me to play Light-Sided.
The Sith Warrior's story seems to become much more involved if you play Light-Side. It's no longer about 'I AM THE BIGGEST BADDEST SITH EVAR BOW TO ME", it's often about moral conflicts, figuring out what's right and wrong, and conflicting with other Sith/Imperials as your morals and ideals (or lack of them) clash.
The Imperial Agent, on the other hand, likes to guilt trip the fuck out of me for being evil.
... Of course, the Agent likes to guilt trip the fuck out of me for being good, too. "WHY WEREN'T YOU BETTER??!!?! YOU COULD HAVE SAVED THAT PERSON IF YOU DIDN'T SUCK SO MUCH!!"
But the guilt tripping is worse when you play an Agent.
I mean... Basically, the entire Imperial Agent theme can be summed up as "If you play an evil character, the game guilt trips the fuck out of you for being an evil mother-fucker. If you play a good character, the game guilt trips the fuck out of you for working for an evil mother-fucker, and you get your face ground in the dirt repeatedly." And that's why I love it so.
I don't know if this was their intent, but that's often how I felt playing the BH. It gives you plenty of chances to stand on principle like "No, I am not going to blow up a shuttle full of civilians, I'm better than that," or "These people are dirt-poor and I'm not going to go along with your scheme to grift them if it means they'll might die of thirst, Gault!" Okay, fine, so if I can play it like I care about things other than money, why am I working for people who practice slavery, who kill civilians in order to send a message, who torture, etc? And why, in the third act, am I willing to help them do more of this and look the other way just so long as I get revenge on the people who framed me and exoneration for the crimes I didn't commit?
Which is why I felt SO SO SO GOOD when it finally did give me a choice by allowing me to work for the Republic and take a job to from Janarus to kill Darth Tormen, who was one of the worst offenders.
From what I've heard, there was actually supposed to be a third faction (I think the Hutts) when the game was originally conceived, and that was where the Bounty Hunter and Smuggler were going to be conceived.
Unfortunately, it was found to be too hard to develop, but they already had all this sweet content about them, so they just tacked them on to the Imperials/Republic, regardless of the fact that neither of them really have any incentive to work for the other factions beyond ~money~.
Yeah, according to TVT the third faction was supposed to be "Underworld".
I understand about the power thing, btw, but I have to ask if it makes any difference if the person with the power basically forfeits it. I felt that was what I did with my Consular, but I'll use another example. I don't think this is too much of a spoiler because most people know who Vette is.
The Sith Warrior initially is given Vette as a slave. When it comes to having power over somebody, that's a lot more exteme than teacher/student. You have the option of taking the shock collar off and telling her "I don't want you to be my slave and I'm sorry that happened to you. You and me can join forces as partners and take on the galaxy, but you're also free to go your own way if you prefer." So the Warrior gives up his power over Vette. And later, she might become romantically involved with him.
I think with Vette, it's worth examining whether what she feels toward the Warrior is genuine love, or whether it's something else, something less emotionally healthy. (For example, if her life has been so full of abuse that her emotional reaction to a simple act of decency like not treating her as a slave is to view the person who was kind to her as the most wonderful person who ever lived.) And that if it's not real love, that she should get some help. But if it is real love, then is there any harm done?
Yeah, the thing about that is, the game actually supports the idea of you giving up power over Vette like that. As much as you can, anyway- you're a Sith. None of the conversations you can have with Nadia involve giving up power over her, though. You can RP it as if you did, but that's not something that is in the game itself, so it's not something that's widely applicable to the Nadia/Consular romance.
Also, I spent several hours reading through TVTrope's TOR thread the other day. That thread is... very nearly as bad as Bioware's official forums, most of the time.
they are all
y u do this