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oh man, how could i forget that this happens
I randomly got that stuck in my head yesterday. I hadn't even seen it recently or anything.
So I just downloaded Kasumi. Is Overlord worth the $7 I'd need to spend on it?
I don't know, sorry.
Loyalty missions: complete. On to the derelict reaper.
god i hate husks
I wound up getting it.
I have everyone recruited and loyal, except for Samara, Thane and Legion.
I need to finish Grunt's mission.
I need to do Tali's, but Legionnaire reckons I should wait to recruit someone else first.
I need to get The Justicar.
That's about it.
Then I get to be awesome for a while, then Shadow Broker, then Arrival.
I'll probably finish by tomorrow. Just in time.
Because they have some really interesting dialogue, apparently.
I know who he's talking about, and if you wait to recruit that ally, there's a chance that doing missions after getting him can lock you out of the best ending.
But I can always save, recruit him, take him on Tali's mission, then load my save.
You won't know you're about to get him until you get him. I'd suggest just youtubing it later.
And that recruitment mission is a bitch on anything higher than casual.
Shepard: "Your superiors are sending you to certain death for no good reason. You have a right to disobey that order."
Tali: "Let's remember that next time Shepard sends us up against impossible odds."
Kasumi: "That's about twice a day."
But I play on Casual :V
and i still die all the time .-.
Seriously, do the loyalty missions as early as you can and just youtube that. You don't want to screw up your file with 3 about to come out.
This one hallway on Ilium keeps crashing my game
But only if I'm not logged into the Cerberus network. Wut.
Finished Legion's mission.
I decided to destroy the heretics.
I finished Mass Effect 2. Among other things, I decided to:
* Keep the genophage
* Rewrite the heretics
* Accept reinstatement of my Spectre status
* Prevent Tali's exile
* Destroy Collector base
I'm kind of sad to see Grunt apparently won't be making an appearance in ME3. He's a pretty cool character.
He won't? Damn.
Anyway, my playthrough:
Everything except the romance of Liara sounds like mine :V
I romanced Liara mostly because every time Kaidan opens his mouth, all I hear is Carth being whiny, and I forgot that Thane was an option.
I just didn't romance anyone.
My canon Shepard has either romanced Miranda or stayed committed to Ash. Haven't decided yet.
He won't? Damn.
Well, I'm not sure, Grunt might make an appearance. But the devs have already announced a lot of people from ME2 are returning, and that list doesn't include Grunt.
Suicide mission: success.
Casualties: That one random colonist who got juiced.
[Take that, baby reaper.]
On to Shadow Broker.
My canon Shepherd had his fling with Liara and then went on to stay with a cute Quarian.