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Vidya Gaems General



  • edited 2017-05-16 04:21:22
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    BTW, if you haven't played the prequel, do play it.  Finding Teddy is a point-and-click adventure.  Not too long, either, but I think it establishes series lore.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    This game is free to claim until 10 AM PDT 24 May 2017 (tomorrow).

    The DLC containing the Starpoint Gemini missions ported to SG2 is also free.
  • Ahh, thanks for the heads up.

    Then again, it'll probably end up like all those games I get for free then never end up playing.
  • edited 2017-05-26 01:13:57
    I has Overwatch now. Game of the Year edition, even (it's on sale due to its anniversary). I'll have to farm some more gold to make up for it, though unfortunately I won't be able to play either of these games for a while.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    how much is it?
  • $29.99 the regular version ($10 off) and $39.99 the Game of the Year Version ($20 off), the latter of which includes some cosmetic stuff.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Final week of this Kickstarter.

    Still not decided whether I'm going to back it.  I might, given that the soundtrack level is just $15.  Also it's Carpe Fulgur.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    This video is really awesome.

    On the other hand, someone said (6 years ago lol) "all games today are way too easy!"

    Sigh.  This is specifically a challenge run, you dolt.
  • Bovarian Mammarian
    reverse boss order? that's one SM challenge I will never attempt.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Y'know it's sorta useless for a game (e.g. Chrono Trigger) to offer multi-hit moves (e.g. Triple Kick, Confuse/Frenzy) but then make no distinction between them and attacks that deal a large bunch of damage.

    See it's more useful if you make them meaningful.  For example, if enemies have damage reduction/nullification that applies to each hit, or if you can deal more damage to things with high defense by using multi-hitting low-damage moves rather than one move that tries to hit hard but is mostly shielded.

    In Mega Man Battle Network, there's only damage reduction in the form of elemental shields, and also temporary enemy immunity for some bosses if you deal too much damage at one time, and that made things like the fishes' multi-arrow chips more interesting.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    also @Bluesy_Cowgirl, Shock Troopers looks pretty darn cool
  • Bovarian Mammarian
    it's cool if you wanna blow stuff up and hear Engrish
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    What does the lady say at the end of each level
  • Bovarian Mammarian
    "see you in the underworld" which I presume is supposed to mean "see you in hell," although elsewhere there's a skeleton character who actually says "go to hell" so who knows what they were thinking
  • Y'know it's sorta useless for a game (e.g. Chrono Trigger) to offer multi-hit moves (e.g. Triple Kick, Confuse/Frenzy) but then make no distinction between them and attacks that deal a large bunch of damage.

    See it's more useful if you make them meaningful.  For example, if enemies have damage reduction/nullification that applies to each hit, or if you can deal more damage to things with high defense by using multi-hitting low-damage moves rather than one move that tries to hit hard but is mostly shielded.

    In Mega Man Battle Network, there's only damage reduction in the form of elemental shields, and also temporary enemy immunity for some bosses if you deal too much damage at one time, and that made things like the fishes' multi-arrow chips more interesting.

    Fate/Grand Order has hit count affect critical star output and Noble Phantasm charge gain, though there are other factors because characters also have (hidden) stats for star gen and NP gain.
  • I played Overwatch for the first time today. My favourite is Pharah (the rockets girl), although from the looks of it I tend to do better with tanks.
  • "I've come to the conclusion that this is a VERY STUPID IDEA."
    Outland is free on Steam for the next couple days. I've played it all the way through, and I quite recommend it.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Outland is free on Steam for the next couple days. I've played it all the way through, and I quite recommend it.

    Thanks!  I picked it up.

    Also Harmful Park seems like Parodius minus super-catchy remixes of classical music.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Just finished Tyranny. I am kind of not sure what effect did it have on me. I guess I rushed to the ending a bit, that's one, and somehow missed an opportunity to visit one area.
  • edited 2017-06-08 21:52:49
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    So I made a personal bet at one point that it was only a matter of time before Mega Man 9 and 10 would come to PC.

    I was right.  Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 is coming to PC, containing Mega Man 7, 8, 9, and 10.

    I just wish that both MMLCs would go DRM-free.
  • edited 2017-06-09 01:03:34
    It will literally never happen but I wish that when a presumably-supposed-to-seem-comprehensive-ish collection of video games was released, it actually included (all or at least most of the) spinoffs and such as well.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    The Game Boy games might be a separate collection, but yeah it does make you wonder where Power Battle, Power Fighters, Battle & Chase, Wily & Light's Rockman Board Game, Mega Man Soccer, the three DOS games, Wily Wars (which itself is a compilation), SuperAdventure Rockman, Powered Up, and probably a few more I've missed, are.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    I find myself playing a LOT of Fallout Shelter. Despite Fallout 4 being already out and the hype down, game still runs fine.
  • edited 2017-06-09 20:08:26
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    This seems like an interesting game but I feel I don't want to pick it up just yet because I still haven't sorted out in my head how I want to deal with WRPG stat customization systems and I sorta have two other WRPGs lined up already.

    Anyway, do check out GOG right now because they're doing their summer sale.
  • edited 2017-06-09 22:12:39
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    ooh https://www.humblebundle.com/ocean/oceans-day-bundle

    Aquaria is great.  I don't know the rest but Abzû looks really pretty.

    Though this also reminds me that I have Depth Hunter and Depth Hunter 2 though I think those two games are in shallow-water environments.
  • As somebody who hasn't played much Genji: is he OP, or did I just get lucky and face shittier players than myself when I played him the other day and did well?
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    So does GOG actually make good business or is it one of those niche "Barely surviving" games?
  • The site has managed to survive well enough over the years at least.
  • edited 2017-06-10 20:40:41
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Vorpy wrote: »
    So does GOG actually make good business or is it one of those niche "Barely surviving" games?

    Expert estimates seem to be in line with conventional-wisdom guesses, which is that GOG has a minority but significant market share in the digital distribution videogames market.

    Note: Estimates may differ based on how playerbase data is counted.  For example, SteamSpy is a third-party tool used to estimate Steam playerbase sizes, but for many games a number of Steam customers may actually have Steam keys.  I don't know if there's a way to externally differentiate that, short of seeing what symbol comes up when each user writes a review (and that's a relatively recent feature).  And those Steam keys can easily come from Humble Bundles and Humble Store, as well as Indie Gala and Gala Store, and other bundle and authorized third-party seller sites like GamersGate, itch.io, Groupees, Bundle Stars, and formerly Desura and Indie Royale.  (And also some illegitimate third-party resellers.)

    And note that Humble Bundle and Humble Store frequently distribute DRM-free + Steam key, which is an option for people who want to get a game on Steam but don't want to be permanently tied to Steam.  (Groupees, GamersGate, and itch.io often do this too; Indie Gala formerly did this.)

    GOG doesn't even have public display of profiles with games owned, for that matter.
  • edited 2017-06-13 07:00:16
    "I've come to the conclusion that this is a VERY STUPID IDEA."

    This seems neat. Might as well get started on my "games I'm looking forward to in 2018" list, especially since my 2017 list is coming in (sheesh, is Pyre really releasing next month? Barely heard anything about it since the initial reveals)
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