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  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Over seven years I crafted a frankenstein PSP .The 'start' and 'select' buttons frequently gave out but of course they were attached to the screen's motherboard, which meant replacing at the very least that whole bit four or so times. It was the first time I'd ever messed with electronics in a serious way, and oddly enough my dad was quite proud of it.

    Speaking of building, I never really got why a lot of LEGO fans are so obsessed with modular builds, but somehow my recent adventures with LEGO Friends have taught me why it's so important/fun. It allows for building in a way that really is 100% removed from reality, moving rooms and spaces up and down by shifting a few panels around.

    So, I'm hoping that this new LEGO F.R.I.E.N.D.S. set (not to be confused with my precious LEGO Friends) could teach me a few things about production design because it looks exactly like a TV set. I mean, at some point I may return to making stop-motion videos and if I were going to work on a small scale, this would be the perfect set to learn how to make spaces look cool, lively, and lived in.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Florida Man-level newsflash from Poland: the police looks for a man who attacked cops with a pitchfork, damaged their car, last seen escaping into the forest with a big hatchet and an angry dog.
  • edited 2019-08-13 14:03:35
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    Was he cycling through weapons like a video game character.

    The new LEGO Friends Summer Heart Boxes do not come with a stand. This bothers me more than it should, even though they come with an alternate play accessory instead.

    I remember somebody mentioning about Mia's new 2019 orange hair and man, they were not wrong about the shade. It's practically day-glo.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Glenn, per wings' request, you gonna move these posts to a new thread?
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I...don't actually know how to split posts off into their own thread... -_-

    I can make a post quoting all your posts. Or I can even temporarily take control of your accounts to repost your stuff in the order you've posted it so far...?
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"


    ...I guess the latter.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Wait, there might be a way to do this properly: https://blog.vanillaforums.com/product/split-merge-move-comments

    But for some reason I don't see those checkboxes in the interface here. I'll have to look into this.
  • Why not just use the classic post-reply-in-a-new-thread-with-a-link-to-the-previous-conversation?
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Eh, if it can be done better, why not.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I had to enable an extension, and it autogenerated a header post, but...hey, it works!

    Now we have lrdgck asking me whether to move a mysterious "these posts" in this thread. lol
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Lately I've been thinking about halving my wardrobe to make room for more stuff, but I'm struck by feelings of environmental guilt (I'm not big into fast fashion, but throwing out clothes for the express reason of future expansion is in that same direction) and just not having the heart to get rid of things I've been wearing for 3+ years.

    I considered the "spark joy" Kondo-ist approach, but how happy something makes you it doesn't actually address what you're trying to achieve with an overhaul. In my case, that's an update, which means ridding myself of things that make me happy and comfortable but are also essentially the polo version of that time everybody wore weird tie-dye patterns.

    This morning, I started using a super-acidic face wash and by George it stings. I'd go back to my old one which does not but when I watched the finale of Twenty Twelve, Ian's temporary assistant guy said something akin to "If you want good skin you've got to work for it" and now I'm freaked out enough to consider getting separate day and night moisturizers.
  • edited 2019-08-24 05:01:24
    For some reason I've been hearing a lot lately about how it's a good idea to use skin lotion, maybe I should start taking care of my skin too.

    On unrelated news, some vandal(s) broke open one of those lockers with boards in them that serve as switches for the neighbor's phone/internet lines, taking the boards with them. I guess that's going to put a damper on any plan of getting a non-wireless connection. Also I have to wonder who buys these things.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I'm guessing desperate people looking for cabling and... scrap metal? The black market is probably a very complex place.
    how it's a good idea to use skin lotion

    It's pretty humid here, so you can get away with skipping it for most of the year (I do not <_<) but I know if it's dry (hot or cold) you should try to do it once a day.

    Lately (well, really the past few years) I've been on the verge of two very separate skill-trees, both of which would require a lot of effort put in.

    Expert Doll Atelier
    • Master doll-hair care
    • Master 1/12 and 1/10 sewing, patterning and design skills
    • Reach lv. 14 in Encyclopedic Doll Knowledge
    • Master stop-motion work

    Master LEGO Builder
    Conditions... uh this one feels more obvious. Get lots of LEGOs and learn to build at architect levels, then maybe try my hand at stop motion stuff.

    I don't think I could keep up with both of these hobbies whilst also keeping up with all my other forms of not doing anything productive. The former I'm more familiar with, but the latter I've done a lot more of lately because of LEGO Friends, and I really can't decide.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Oh yeah @GMH, how is it going/did it go with the hurricane?
  • I see I missed some news. Stay safe! (And preferably dry.)
  • edited 2019-09-04 02:17:46
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I wonder if I should start a sustainability/environmental-issues thread.
  • edited 2019-09-04 04:07:30
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    differences between Florida and Poland:

    * Pope John Paul II memes
    * cannot into space

    * alligator memes
    * can into space

  • edited 2019-09-04 15:49:54
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Oh yeah @GMH, how is it going/did it go with the hurricane?
    I see I missed some news. Stay safe! (And preferably dry.)

    The weather here in south Florida has just been a little windier and rainier than usual. And I'm not just understating.

    Meanwhile the northern Bahamas, like Grand Bahama and the Abaco Islands, were hit very hard and severely flooded, as the storm had strengthened to a category 5 hurricane (sustained wind speeds of 157+ mph, or 252+ km/h) then basically stalled over them (at one point moving at one mile per hour).

    As the vice mayor of a city here in south Florida put it: "It could have been us but not for the grace of God." And a number of people here are now busy helping with or donating to relief efforts in the Bahamas, while most things resume or have resumed normal operations starting today or tomorrow.

    The hurricane's path has since shifted northward and is expected to basically throw wind and rain around with the storm's center riding just offshore of or along the east coast of the southeastern United States. When it left the Bahamas it was a category 2 hurricane (sustained wind speeds of 96 to 110 mph, or 154-177 km/h).
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I wonder if I should start a sustainability/environmental-issues thread.

    Yeah I think that'd be fun. Recently I've become convinced that nuclear is best over renewables in terms of high-scale energy production and I'd like to see if I could be persuaded away that notion.
    differences between Florida and Poland

    I feel like maybe it's because I spend a bit more time watching European media than I used to but it bothers me that Florida doesn't have a stereotype that corresponds to the whole chav* dynamic, or even that one with the guys who may-or-may-not-be criminal enterprise members who wear polo shirts and gold chains.

    *I feel like at some point somebody told me chav was now an insult but how else are you supposed to refer to that very specific subculture than by it's name?
  • "It could have been us but not for the grace of God."

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    it bothers me that Florida doesn't have a stereotype that corresponds to the whole chav dynamic, or even that one with the guys who may-or-may-not-be criminal enterprise members who wear polo shirts and gold chains

    I wonder if that wouldn't be just urban African-American culture. Chavs and similar groups had periods of fascination with it, its fashion, gangsta rap, etc.

    The obvious catch being that African-Americans are just an ethnic grouping, which includes both the good and the bad specimens. Chavs are by definition louts, boors, and lowlifes. I can imagine a stereotypical jive-speaking black guy in a hoodie who is also very polite and kind, but for a chav this would be a contradiction.

    So, youth street gangs?

    (Assuming I understand the word chav properly. Or anything else I speak of here. I can't really claim first-hand experience.)
  • edited 2019-09-04 15:22:57
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    I wonder if that wouldn't be just urban African-American culture.

    Oh wow, that whole concept really passed me by.

    Yeah but I guess "chav" as a whole is specific to being seen as an outgroup that can only actually exist as a subgroup (in this case, race).

    Unrelatedly, there's been a lot of stuff about deepfakes lately everywhere I look, but I'm going to be of the opinion that deepfakes won't actually matter unless something actually happens with them, in which case the stuff about deepfakes will go from stuff your 'cool' friend forwards you in e-mails to show you they are cool and in the know to the harpy shriek of CNN's fancy new topic of the week.

    Which is to say, I guess, that I have already mentally moved the goalposts and determined that at no point will I ever actually care about deepfakes.
  • I bought an UPS, I was really needing one. It's large and I got it for cheap as the store was closing down, it's got a lenghty warranty (which is very rare here) although it might be troublesome to have it enforced on a different store (of the same chain). I hope it lasts, there's lots of stuff I haven't done or done undergoing more frustration than necessary due to the lack of reliable power.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Been playing with Python recently. So far I didn't yet do any of these fancy kinds of stuff, but turns out I can pull off simple mathematical modelling. Which is more than I expected.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I tried Python when I was younger and every time I tried to compile it it broke. I was way better at the more pleb languages.

    I did not know UPS could mean things not United Postal Service, though really it should have been obvious.
  • edited 2019-09-06 06:34:34
    I would've gotten into programming earlier in life if the Python tutorials I began with had started with how to run Hello World, rather than tell you the code, make a point about how simple it is and then take for granted that you know what to do with your one line worth of text.

    It took a while before I found a tutorial (linked here) that didn't make me quit in frustration early on.

    Speaking of programming, I got around to begin learning Qt, it took an annoying amount of troubleshooting to make it work (again) and I don't think I got it quite right but at least it seems functional.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    (linked here)

    No link.

    I don't think I'll pursue programming any further. I'd say it's a part of my teenage years, but also in this world of intense options it's good to narrow things down even if it's for vaguely bad reasons.

    A memo where Boris Johnson called David Cameron a 'girly swot' came out the day before he had to meet openly-gay Irish PM Leo Varadkar. I am not placing any value judgements on this, but I find it intensely hilarious.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I wish I learned programming back then.

    I also wish I learned to work with electronics.
  • edited 2019-09-08 10:16:51
    No link

    Whoops, I meant that the guide (Learn Python the Hard Way, which I recommend against) was linked here on IJBM.

    Despite how useful and often fun it is and me not finding it difficult, it was never something I wanted to dedicate my life to and pursued other things instead, leaving it as a minor hobby. It's only fairly recently that I've accepted how rewarding it would have been if I had focused on it from the get-go and am trying to make up for it. That and an increasing interest in theoretical computer science.

    Maybe it was an omen that programming was the only uni course I aced.

    Electronics would've been useful too, but I don't think I'd ever get over how easy it is to damage expensive stuff or how black-boxy everything is.

    But my mid-life crisis is likely going to be about how I didn't become a mathematician.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know

    You know when you're reading an article and then a word-a-day calendar word appears and it feels like it's because the journalists want you to know this isn't a millennial cesspool like Vox or BuzzFeed.
    Electronics would've been useful too, but I don't think I'd ever get over how easy it is to damage expensive stuff or how black-boxy everything is.

    Yeah I'd have loved to look into working on machinery, and I have a feeling that a big part of not being afraid of screwing up is looking into the box a few times and realizing it's not easy to screw up. Or, at least, feeling like you've "realized" this obvious lie, which is good enough.

    Relatedly I think I should at least be able to fix my own car before I'm 30 (I have no idea how to yet but I have six years!).
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