If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"

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  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Apparently, this is a thing Google does. My entire Amazon and Playstation Network history is on here, with the order dates, delivery dates, and where the deliveries were made in case of physical deliveries. Basically, Google just knows every physical address I use even though I've never given it one.
  • I just get a box with "You don't have any purchases".
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Maybe you opted out somehow.

    I feel a bit burned out, which is not good because there's quite a long stretch of study to go. I heard somebody sing "These are the best days of my life" in some commercial and I was like... not now, marketing department X.

    So of course I got here and continued my giant argument with GMH.
  • @last page: thanks guys.

    The leak in a pressure tank I sealed earlier is acting up again. The glue I used is supposedly fit for that, but I'm having doubts. Alternatively it's way too rusty inside to fix with just glue, which is possible because there's another leak in a different place there.

    Also, termites are chewing through some window frames.

    House maintenance sucks.

    On unrelated news, I got back to learning Japanese, again.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Mattel: We're launching an exploratory committee into the possibility of, in 2050 when not even the most conservative of conservatives bat an eyelash, maybe releasing a same-sex wedding doll-set.

    Integrity Toys: Hold my tea.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    That feel, when the band you like a lot seems to be another one with unwholesome ties to far right...

    ...but then you realize you listen to their music solely via someone's Youtube uploads anyway, so it kinda evens out in the end.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    A year ago I found out that (severely underrated) J-R&B pop star lecca was joining a political party, started by somebody who thought Shin* Abe Shinzo's center-right-but-really-right LDP was becoming too leftist. Of course, said party was severely anti-immigration.

    Of course I only found this out after I had bought her latest album, but I'm not sure what I would do now if she released another album. Though to be honest, I actually don't listen to her much anymore because of this.

    *The Japanese Foreign Minister insists we all refer to Abe-san by his proper name.
  • edited 2019-05-27 05:40:30
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    Google is an evil privacy eater.

    But also I input "TV comedy about employees of an evil organization" and it spat out the answer.

    Kay by the way now that I've said something nice about Google;

    Yesterday I realized that I've been talking about a lot of the Democrats running for the Presidential seat in 2020 without never actually having watched them in action (I wonder if this is okay to admit), so I decided to do some thorough research on the best place for such things, YouTube!

    I searched "Elizabeth Warren", and, as somebody who thinks they'd probably be identified as a center-left person if I was identified in such things, I expected those sorts of results to pop up.

    Instead, some of the most incendiary videos from one of those channels with a really clearly inaccurate from the get go channel names (I don't really remember either) showed up, along with like two videos from Fox News (which weren't kind to her either) and some older stuff from more reliable sources that were from forever ago when she announced her candidacy. Of course, both her official channels showed up too. Modifying the search led me to a local news channel that had a single interview with her.

    A search on Kamala Harris resorted in well, worse (somehow both of them have policies that want to directly kill people? really right-wing YouTubers?) but eventually I settled on watching some CNN videos (which I had to specifically search for by modifying my search to "Kamala Harris CNN". It turns out the noise (even from the left) about Kamala Harris was pretty wrong, and she's the sort of political chameleon I'd actually like to see in charge of things! The truth can be eye-opening sometimes, it turns out!
  • Not my cup of tea, to say the least.

    Anyhows, I've been having an internet connection for over 24 hours now, at first I did what I had set out to do as soon as I connected, then I started thinking about what to download for offline use, but after a while it was clear I was just wasting time trying to come up with things to do, not even in the "I've spent too long looking at memes" sort of time-wasting way. I think I'd be better if I start assuming the 'net will still be there next time I need it.

    Also a friend as been encouraging me to get back to 3DCG.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Well I thought your 3DCG stuff was pretty cool, so maybe said friend has the right idea.

    I've been told some people really enjoy minute itineraries but I'm not one of them. I will make lists a lot, but I start getting annoyed and feeling bogged down if a list has too many items on it (around more than ten).
    Not my cup of tea, to say the least.

    I'd rather not bring up stuff that bothers people, especially politics (I mean, there's a lot more in the world to talk about) so I wouldn't mind stopping if you say so.

    Though to clarify my main point is not that Kamala Harris is now my sole horse in the race (a race happening around all the kilometres away from where I live <_<), just that I think she's an acceptable option.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I still haven't endorsed any specific Democratic POTUS candidate yet; still in wait-and-see mode.

    I probably won't endorse until next year, honestly.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    You need to see (or probably have seen) the Warren Heads (Warheads?). They... are very insistent, to put it nicely.
  • edited 2019-05-28 16:03:43
    "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    ^^^ Yeah, nobody's ever got hurt by doing some practice on 3d modelling.
  • Wait, nevermind, I was thinking of someone else. I dunno about Kamala Harris, sorry lol

    As for 3DCG, I'll work on it, though the record is that I'll be enthusiastic at first, work on something intending to put it on a portfolio and work it out from there, it'll take longer than expected, start having doubts as details pile up and eventually give up (usually at the part where I have to render), justifying it to myself that next time it'll turn out better.

    Also, I may have overhyped myself on the latest version of Blender.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    That reminds me of my experience with GIMP. I tried it out first long ago, didn't seem to grasp it, then more recently I used it to draw a fantasy map. That second time it was a much different experience. Newer version of the program, perhaps? In any case it turned out it worked well and I quite took a liking to using it.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    The last time I used GIMP it was the 2.8 build. I was lucky if I ever got it to load past fonts, though I do have a lot of fonts.

    I really did like using GIMP as a kid (when it like, worked). However, I've only ever done a few prerendered maps for some stop-motion things I never got around to.

    Speaking of, I've thought about maybe getting back into stop motion, but despite my current interest in toys I haven't bought a well enough articulated doll since Ever After High Spring Unsprung Briar Beauty (who I mentioned here well over a year ago I think). LEGO Friends would be a nightmare to work with, though their scale is pretty perfect.

    I'd use normal LEGO minifigures, but something about that seems trite and typical. There's even an official LEGO set for making stop motion movies, which I do actually want for the smartphone stand bit at least.

    Part of this though is that if I do use LEGO minifigures my post-amateur-ish skill level will be clearly exposed versus people who have basically made it into an art form. But it is mostly because it's expected and has relatively easy start-up effort.

    I did really like making my own outfits (even though my sewing is also post-amateur-ish). There's something special about dressing up a doll to make it look exactly how you want, it's an easy process to romanticize. The fabrics, the cuts, the shapes etc.

    This is also ignoring the fact that I wrote a whole book last year, and a sort-of-light-novel, and then about a quarter of a whole other story (before I gave up under the stresses of world-building and actually attempting to expand the world beyond my main character).

    And that I have about two to three ideas for other stories.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Good for you!

    Meanwhile, I recently remembered my first attempt at writing a story. I had a file with a list of tropes for important characters. I'm kind of happy the hard drive I had back then died.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Good for you!

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    GIMP takes forever to load for me for some reason.
  • It loads large amounts of something at launch. For me fonts make up a large proportion of that, too.

    I too remember having lots of trouble with GIMP at first then easing up later, I think there was a large update in between, though updates aren't GIMP's thing. Either way I've moved to Krita and haven't regretted it since.
    Good for you!
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    meanwhile, Poland cannot more important than Steam :( https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/bwbcvq/poland_is_mine/
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Gotta say, if I weren't dead inside already I'd be quite concerned. *nods*
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Now that mobile iTunes is being folded into Apple Music everybody's back on the 'oh nobody wants to own their things anymore' train.

    Dear PR gurus, I like owning my stuff, a lot. Considering how often online-only stuff or DRM-only stuff packs it's bags and leaves the market, I can't even see a good reason not to.

    Netflix is making an MtG animated series. Instead of being about weirdos playing MtG, it's actually just set in the MtG world, which is such a bust considering the last Western animated series that took that approach was like, Chaotic.

    Plus it'll probably just end up focusing way too much on one faction lest it becomes 26 episodes of "wait who is this guy again?"
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I'd much rather see a show set in a fictional universe than see a show about people playing a game, honestly.
  • edited 2019-06-04 18:53:13
    I would've said that as well a while ago, but that was before I was introduced to this guy's random Yu-Gi-Oh clips channel.

    edit: examples

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Somebody made a TV series about Chernobyl and my meme sources are suddenly crawling with Chernobyl-themed memes.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Sounds like they're radiating with success.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Also, site downtime earlier was due to the server owner upgrading some stuff. Obviously it's back up now.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    I have just been told there is a John Paul II-themed escape room. Officially it has nothing to do with cenzopapas.
  • edited 2019-06-06 15:55:17
    My internet connection had been working well for a while, but now it's been off for several days now. I hope it's not a long-term thing, I just happened to need it to download large files (textures).

    Though an MtG series was not news I expected to come up with. I hope it's good.
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