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General politics thread (was: General U.S. politics thread)



  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    So today the racist "sub"text of the current White House became text.

    If only that were surprising.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    What's the story?
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    I have a feeling it's what I could have guessed.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    This is kind of like a real mean girl move since Haiti was like one of the like eight countries at all that voted with the U.S. on that Jerusalem thing.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    That comments section is vile.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Indeed it is.
  • Huh. Maybe I should've linked elsewhere?
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    It's just a comments section, even the ones on Deadline can be oddly racist. One time somebody suggested Notorious had been cancelled because it had a half-black male lead.

    More recently, somehow in this same vein, somebody "called out" Troian Bellisario for playing one of the white leads in Pretty Little Liars even though she's also biracial (in response to a whitewashing story. of course).

    I mean, it's not like news sources are any better with the way they'll spout out clearly hateful twitter posts to appear "neutral".
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    I gotta admit living in here means American racial issues can baffle on occasions. Many media personalities or animated characters I am told are black, biracial, or some other kind of non-white, I could easily assume to be within the same range of phenotypical diversity I'm in if I wasn't told otherwise.

    This isn't really a comment on the topic, so I do not expect you to argue or anything, but it made me feel like sharing this story.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I mean, I didn't even know Troian was biracial until like the sixth season of Pretty Little Liars and I still can't convince my brain Daniel Sunjata isn't of Indian descent in some way.
  • I gotta admit living in here means American racial issues can baffle on occasions.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Any of you guys in Hawaii? I'm kinda curious about those thirty minutes of real life Terminator opening scene.
  • lrdgck wrote: »
    I gotta admit living in here means American racial issues can baffle on occasions. Many media personalities or animated characters I am told are black, biracial, or some other kind of non-white, I could easily assume to be within the same range of phenotypical diversity I'm in if I wasn't told otherwise.

    This isn't really a comment on the topic, so I do not expect you to argue or anything, but it made me feel like sharing this story.

  • So, Chelsea Manning running to primary Ben Cardin in Maryland gives me mixed feelings.

    I'm betting that she'd be better than Cardin on policy, more progressive, not voting for bombing places, supporting things like Medicare For All, etc. As a legislator I feel like she'd be a big improvement. And I will always be grateful for what she did as a whistleblower.

    Even so, I used to follow her on Twitter and I eventually felt the need to not only unfollow her, but block her so that I didn't have to see retweets of her from other people, because some of what she had to say upset me a lot.

    For example, I'm no fan of antifa or their attitude of "go after and beat up all the fascists, with fascists being defined very broadly" as I think I mentioned here previously. Chelsea's pretty much embraced them and their ideology.

    What's strange is that this is at odds with the ACLU's position, since the ACLU defends the First Amendment rights of even Nazis (as in, people who freely admit they are Nazis instead of just being labeled as such, who carry around swastika flags and shit). Chelsea--and I'm gonna say that it SEEMS this way, because I can't be completely sure--doesn't agree. Antifa's position is that these kinds of people can't be allowed to speak, since that will lead to America turning into the second coming of Nazi Germany or something, and that the best thing to do is to run up on them and beat the shit out of them before they can get out word one. "We can't afford to wait and see if they start the violence themselves before employing violence!" If Chelsea feels the same, then she's at odds with the same ACLU that helped her out so much, and that she's been pretty tight with since her release.

    Last: the campaign ad she made is, in my humble opinion, damned creepy. Watching it, I felt like I was being told "Look at these authoritarian scum. You should hate them. You should want to stop them by any means necessary. It's us against them, and there's no room for compromise because these are just evil people who cannot be reasoned with, every last one of them."

    TL;DR: I feel like Chelsea Manning the Senator would vote the right way most of the time and that Cardin cannot be counted on to do that, but that Chelsea Manning the person is full of hatred and favours violence way too much. If I were in Maryland, I'd vote for her, but I'd feel like I was voting for a lesser evil instead of an overall wonderful person.
  • edited 2018-01-18 04:57:27
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    I was voting for a lesser evil instead of an overall wonderful person.

    you mean every election ever >_>

    Anyways I have a feeling that either she'd tone down her stuff once she actually got into power or she'll definitely never make it because I don't think the broader American left has a thing for extremists.
    go after and beat up all the fascists

    Is this supposed to sound ironic?
  • No, it's supposed to sound like antifa's actual stated goals. They think there ought to be more exceptions to the First Amendment than there currently are, with any white supremacist or fascistic rhetoric being forbidden.

    Since it's still technically legal to say things that antifa doesn't like, they feel fully justified in doing everything they can to "make Nazis afraid again". That's one of their slogans. They figure that the way to keep people from marching with torches and chanting "Jews will not replace us" is to inflict severe bodily harm on anybody and everybody who does that, so that they're too frightened to ever do it again.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I saw Chelsea Manning's campaign launch ad and I'm left wondering what she brings to the table other than being strongly anti-establishment.

    What ties does she have to the state of Maryland?
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    so that they're too frightened to ever do it again

    And this isn't just flirting with actual fascism?
  • edited 2018-01-18 19:20:01
    Tyrannical thugs, the lot of them.

  • And this isn't just flirting with actual fascism?

    This is what their critics say, yes. They don't listen.
    I saw Chelsea Manning's campaign launch ad and I'm left wondering what she brings to the table other than being strongly anti-establishment.

    What ties does she have to the state of Maryland?

    I'm unaware of what ties she has there. I also agree that she needs to talk about policy and not just fearmonger about the scary Trump people and the scary police. Just being against them won't work out for her any better than I think it will for more centrist Democrats. You have to be for something.

    For what this is worth, she's since gone on the record saying she's in favour of universal basic income. So that's one.
    Tyrannical thugs, the lot of them.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    To be fair, I asked what ties Hillary Clinton had to the state of New York, but she did indeed win election there as senator. But she did basically have the backing of the political establishment, and Chelsea Manning is rather explicitly running against that.
  • Looked at her Twitter and saw she'd taken another position: abolishing the FISA court.

    THAT sounds good to me (if nothing else, I think the burden of proof to get authorization to spy on people should be higher than it currently is with FISA courts).

    As for being against the establishment, yeah, that makes things more difficult than if you had its backing. It would not surprise me if she lost. However, Maryland is apparently a pretty progressive state (perhaps that's why she's running there), and sometimes people whom the establishment refuses to help do end up winning. Here's an example:

  • There was an article in The Guardian which outlined Manning's positions pretty well, and I was ready to link to it here, but then she ends up going to Mike Cernovich's party and being friendly with people there.

    People get upset about that, she tweets that she was crashing it and confronting the fascists in their space like she learned to do in prison, but no explanation beyond that. She apparently wasn't confrontational. I do not get what she was hoping to accomplish.

    I don't even know anymore. All I can think to say is that if you assume you can do what-the-fuck-ever when running for public office and that everybody who's open to voting for you will give you the benefit of the doubt no matter what, you're being very stupid and you might as well be TRYING to lose.
  • Oh, I remembered something.

    you mean every election ever >_>

    It didn't occur to me to mention this at the time, but I think Jeremy Corbyn vs. Theresa May was an exception. YMMV, but Corbyn seems like an extremely good person to me.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I feel like I shouldn't be vouching for a politician but I actually agree with you on this.

    I read an article today about how Donald Trump was/is actually secretly very effective, but it feels like it's giving too much credit to what is essentially a Republican sockpuppet.
  • Too disdainful towards democracy and human rights for my liking.
  • edited 2018-01-23 04:48:09
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    I meant effective as a Republican who is destroying the world as we known it [insert something essentially this but not as alarming], but I did also read something that was like "Donald Trump is good for the left because he's mobilizing them" which feels like it's more one of those side-effects that's listed at the very end of a very suspicious sort of medicine.
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