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If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"

Vidya Gaems General



  • It's a Japanese arcade franchise thing that also has locations in America (and maybe elsewhere?) and they have lots of Japanese games (and also karaoke and stuff I think).
  • They're the only place in America right now that offers current Japanese arcade games (from generally Japan-only DRM servers), short of piracy sites. On the one hand, Japan's digital distribution systems have made arcades cheaper and easier to run in Japan, but on the other hand it's not so easy to get all the games running outside Japan, even in places like Korea where Japanese games are very popular. Incidentally, Round 1 is apparently considered shit-tier in Japan itself. :p
  • I don't remember if I've posted stuff from this channel before, but I guess I'll post it anyways.

  • edited 2017-02-16 05:06:35
    Pika Girl
    Glitches are scary and cool. I like how glitches can be used to obtain secret pokemon such as Mew that don't exist in the "normal" game.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
  • I hope sometime soon I'm not flat broke so I can buy shit-tons of games again. Most of which I will probably neglect while sperging over a single game I like a lot.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Ooh, I might have to get this.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I had a dream that heavily involved Trails in the Sky. I should play more of it.
  • edited 2017-02-19 16:53:55
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Anyway, the dream involved going to a town and I had talked to everyone
    in the town, and there seemed to be some questions among the townsfolk
    as to why the mayor had ordered the construction of some buildings way
    far back into the town's territory, and there was also this one magazine
    that I was amazed got fully translated because it had an amazing amount of textual
    content that I could literally pick up off the table and read.  It contained some odd use of names, namely gender-switched names, such as a reference to a boy named Isabel and a couple girls with boys' names which I've forgotten.  Also
    some more weird architecture involving me having to crawl under some
    construction stuff in order to get through part of a hallway (because I
    dream about odd/cool architecture all the time).  Also there were some mysteriously locked doors in the buildings, but presumably they were kept locked

    Then the Erebonian Empire invaded.  Ended up getting involved in various battles to help townsfolk that were being attacked by their forces.  My party, oddly, consisted of Estelle, Joshua, and one or two other party members, one of whom was able to summon a beast to aid them in battle as an extra unit.

    The event flag for finishing the invasion scenario was fighting off everything and then talking to the mayor again at her residence near the entrance to the town, though before that happened, there was a weird episode that involved Joshua going crazy and us having to subdue him, and I remember crying about a cutscene involving Estelle and Joshua regarding this.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    I've been having dreams with video game interfaces for quite some time.
  • "I've come to the conclusion that this is a VERY STUPID IDEA."
    I picked up the Freedom Bundle earlier in the week. Now for the arduous task of deciding what games to keep and what to give away.

    Games I've already claimed for myself:
    • The Witness
    • Stardew Valley
    • Nuclear Throne
    • Invisible, Inc.
    • World of Goo
    • Mushroom 11
    • VVVVVV
    • The Stanley Parable (the only game in the bundle I already own; my brother wanted it)
    • The Swapper
    • Human Resource Machine
    • Mini Metro
    • Waking Mars
    • Song of the Deep
    • Girls Like Robots
    • Q.U.B.E
    Games I'll probably keep:
    • Octodad: Dadliest Catch
    • No Time to Explain
    • Superbrothers: Sword and Sorcery
    • Guacamelee: Super Turbo Championship Edition (already played Gold Edition)
    • A Virus Named TOM
    • JumpJet Rex
    Games I dunno about, or am not particularly interested in:
    • Day of the Tentacle (point-and-click adventures aren't really my thing)
    • 2064: Read Only Memories (ditto)
    • Super Hexagon (eye strain)
    • Thirty Flights of Loving
    • 7 Grand Steps
    • Streamline
    • Ninja Pizza Girl
    • Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball
    • Guns of Icarus Online
    • Potatoman Seeks the Troof
    • Rocket Birds: Hardboiled Chicken
    Games I don't know enough about to decide yet:
    • Overgrowth
    • Spirits
    • Retro Game Crunch
    • Tower of Guns
    • Monster Loves You
    • AI War: Fleet Command
    • Sproggiwood
    • Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora
    • Secrets of Raetikon
    • Ellipsis
    • Rituals
    • Dangerous High School Girls in Trouble
    • Super Galaxy Squadron EX
    • TIMEframe
    • Ballistick
    • GRAV
    • Team Indie
    • Luna's Wandering Stars
    • Chroma Squad
    • Shutshimi
    • Dusty Revenge: Co-op Edition
    • Beat Hazard Ultra
    • Hand of Fate
    • System Shock + System Shock 2
  • edited 2017-02-20 02:15:28
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Sitting down and counting this bundle, it seems that there are a total of 70 items, of which at least 29 are NOT any of the following:
    * games only available on Steam
    * games I already have in some way
    * Early-Access games
    * ebooks, graphic novels, audiobooks, or music

    Yeah, probably a good bundle.  *buys*

    In other news, I probably should have redeemed my DIVO Steam key (as well as a variety of other keys) before Indie Royale shut down and downloaded copies of various games before Indie Royale shut down.
  • edited 2017-02-21 01:34:36
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I just got a -15% Steam coupon for Rosenkreuzstilette.  It is good until February 27, so, for about a week.  The game is a relatively famous doujin platformer that's basically Mega Man but with anime girls and some Castlevania elements.  Anyone want it?
  • *raises hand*
  • edited 2017-02-21 03:46:35
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Just to be sure, do you plan on using it?  For what it's worth, the game is $9.99, so you'd presumably be paying $8.49 for the game, this week.  (It just came out and its launch discount has ended so I don't expect it to go on sale between now and the end of the month.)
  • Yiss. I can never have enough moe doujins.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Yiss. I can never have enough moe doujins.

    Friend me on Steam then.
  • O, I thought we were friends on steam. Ripperoni pizza? *adds*
  • Bovarian Mammarian
    heh heh, Rosenkreuzstilette
  • edited 2017-02-21 06:07:21
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    For a surreal surprise (at least, until they fix this):


    is a game's Steam Greenlight page.  (For anyone not familiar with that,
    that's a thing where users can upvote a game that devs put there to try
    to get it into the Steam store.)

    This game has been greenlit, and as such, it has a link to its store page.  Click that link.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    System Shock 2 (I played only this one, so that's the only one I can vouch for) is some great stuff, if you like RPG/shooter surv horror games. It's a classic.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    @Blueeyedrat The only one in your not-sure lists that I know is Potatoman Seeks the Troof.  It's a short platformer, easily beatable in about half an hour, but also pretty amusing and a tad philosophical.  You can speedrun it in several minutes.  It's got good, responsive controls, and is good for a small dose of platforming action, and I think the platforming action is generally pretty good, except possibly for one stretch of rocks on a mountain that can get a bit random.  (It also has a little in-game mechanic to record how many times you've beaten the game, amusingly.)
  • Shadow of MORDOR 2 announced :o
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    This stage ends WAY too fast given how awesome the music is:

  • Oh god, that bike section was some shit. I don't mean regular shit, either. I mean ▄█▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀
  • Oh wait rofl that's the bike section from X4. That one was slightly more tolerable. The one in X5 still makes me shudder.
  • edited 2017-03-02 04:18:12
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    * Muscular man in short skirt kills vampire.
    * Vampire trolls muscular man in short skirt, so muscular man in short skirt kills vampire again.
    * Muscular man in short skirt and headband makes friends and kills vampire.
    * Muscular man kills vampire.
    * Muscular man punishes misbehaving son, then kills vampire.
    * Muscular woman kills vampire; is excommunicated years later.
    * Muscular man in short skirt kills vampire, but this time he can aim.
    * Athletic muscular man rescues wimmenz and kills vampire.
    * Athletic muscular man intends to rescue wimmenz and kill vampire but fails to do so because it's just too damn hard.
    * Prettyboy wakes up in order to have a chat with daddy, but gets mugged by a supernatural entity on the way.
    * Best friend and his daddy fail to kill vampire, so less-muscular man collects cards, rescues them, and kills vampire.
    * Interior designer's girlfriend goes missing, his strangely sexy best bud shows up wounded, and there's now a castle or two nearby with disorganized furniture.
    * Young man kills religious fanatic to rescue girlfriend and discovers his identity in the process.
    * Young man prevents cult from violating copyright on his identity.
    * Young man and young woman, who like to shout at each other, stop crazy person from painting.
    * Woman goes on a fetch quest because her master told her to, but it goes wrong.
    * Time travel happens and people fight each other just because. Also, little girl admires boob sizes.
    * Everyone enters a giant maze.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Oh gosh now I really need to play Endless Ocean.

    The vast majority of animals seen in the Endless Ocean games are likely to be little known by anyone who's interest is outside Marine Biology, and even then it includes some really obscure animals, such as the aforementioned sea angels, Turritopsis nutriculaimage, the Venus Flower Basketimage and Praya dubiaimage.

    (source: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SeldomSeenSpecies )
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    • Splatoon: The creatures wandering around are either based on or are humanoid versions of sea creatures (plus a cat).
      While many of them are common animals like squids and jellyfish, the
      shy store clerk Annie is a humanoid sea anemone, complete with a (rude)
      clownfish living in her anemone afro; and the weapons salesman Sheldon is a horseshoe crab, who are also quite uncommon in fiction land.

Oh, this is win.
  • Bovarian Mammarian
    * Muscular man in short skirt kills vampire.
    * Vampire trolls muscular man in short skirt, so muscular man in short skirt kills vampire again.
    * Muscular man in short skirt and headband makes friends and kills vampire.
    * Muscular man kills vampire.
    * Muscular man punishes misbehaving son, then kills vampire.
    * Muscular woman kills vampire; is excommunicated years later.
    * Muscular man in short skirt kills vampire, but this time he can aim.
    * Athletic muscular man rescues wimmenz and kills vampire.
    * Athletic muscular man intends to rescue wimmenz and kill vampire but fails to do so because it's just too damn hard.
    * Prettyboy wakes up in order to have a chat with daddy, but gets mugged by a supernatural entity on the way.
    * Best friend and his daddy fail to kill vampire, so less-muscular man collects cards, rescues them, and kills vampire.
    Interior designer's girlfriend goes missing, his strangely sexy best
    bud shows up wounded, and there's now a castle or two nearby with
    disorganized furniture.
    * Young man kills religious fanatic to rescue girlfriend and discovers his identity in the process.
    * Young man prevents cult from violating copyright on his identity.
    * Young man and young woman, who like to shot at each other, stop crazy person from painting.
    * Woman goes on a fetch quest because her master told her to, but it goes wrong.
    * Time travel happens and people fight each other just because. Also, little girl admires boob sizes.
    * Everyone enters a giant maze.

    I recognize some of these but not others.

    Also is it just me or did you skip Bloodlines.
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