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Touhou threads don't exist
Introducing the Portable Utsu-hole, from the good people at Nitori Consumer Products.
I just read an old interview in which Zun says he never uses bombs when he plays his games. This kind of scares me. But I already knew that he finds his games easy-ish, compared to most people.
My new avatar is relevant to this thread.
It is very charismatic.
I wouldn't take him at his word, honestly. Even if we were to, Zun is a pretty atypical gamer.
I think most people are like myself and lack the patience to even be able to beat Touhou on Easy, much less play the game bombless.
You will win Easy on your first try, if you use the aforementioned techniques.
You just have to belieeeeevvveeeee
I don't think that Zun would lie. He says he finds Lunatic challenging.
Also realize that as the programmer, and more importantly, debugger, he's probably played his games more than most of the people in this thread combined. Not only is that going to hone his reflexes a hell of a lot more than most of us, but though sheer repetition he'll have memorized pretty much every stage beginning to end the same way one of those crazy perfect run videos does, instead of taking the half-memory-half-reflex approach as the rest of us.
Also, by playing without bombs he can verify that patterns are possible to clear without them.
Something tells me that this is not just my mind looking for dirty things? XD
(this is by Twilight Frontier btw, developer of the official fighting games, though their Marisa Land is unofficial)
It doesn't scream "hentai doujin" to me, but it well might be.
The whole mushrooms-as-dicks depiction tends to be waaaaaaaaay less subtle.
It's been a while since I've done a videodump, so...
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20226944 - Satori-sama (Kotoura-san)
http://nicoviewer.net/sm20023913 - Rurouma Marisa (Rurouni Kenshin) ED
I love how Chiyuri loses health when Yumemi smacks her in the cutscene XD
That video actually made me replay PoDD. For some reason I didn't dislike it as much as I used to. Gotta remap Control to turbo z, too.
I wonder if one of these days that Jynx person will release those Danmakufu scripts (I assume that's what they are).
PODD was a pain to 1CC, easily the hardest in the series IMO. Yumemi is a monster.
Pretty much, thought it wouldn't be so bad if the early levels weren't so easy in comparison (and thus, wastes of time), I think.
A new Chargeman Ken x Touhou medley is borned.
So for those who haven't heard, Touhou 14 is announced and demo'd. The music is kickass, the patterns are kickass, lol flying head, and that third boss looks like a goddamn monster.
Oooh, Sakuya.
Edit: Also, I unironically like the new art. Except those hands and Cirno's fused toes.
Yeah Zun is actually becoming a half-decent artist in his own weird way. I think I hear Hell freezing.
Awmahgahd why did I not know about this.
I love Nitori's epic paper battleship.
I want more games that encourage using bombs as a scoring or item-obtaining mechanic (preferably with easy opportunities for more bombs) rather than just as an emergency weapon. TH14 makes me happy in this regard.
Time to resurrect a thread!
i dun gedit
Glenn Magus Harvey
@GlennMHarvey 34m@Horse_ebooks No, it stops at the diseased part and melts quicklyIt puts the lotion on its skin or else it
┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ (;。▽。)ヽ
I just got my ass kicked by her. On Easy.
Fu fu fu
Seija is evil and mean.
I was doing so well on Normal until Shinmyoumaru and particularly her third-to-last spellcard, the one where you become huge, that threw me off so badly.
Knife Sakuya is def. my favourite.
Can't say to see the Extra stage.