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  • edited 2013-03-22 19:26:13
    "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    He pretty much said he knows from seeing quite a few in his time.

  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    Anyway, some tools who refer to themselves as the "Brotherhood of Wolves" seem to be spreading their activity over to my faculty.

    This is their site, and this is the Facebook page.

    These dudes refer to their members as "wolves" and "she-wolves", local divisions as "packs" and generally look like something straight out of the fantasies of a WoW-addicted furry with fascist tendencies, which would all be just material to point at and laugh if not for the fact that they appear to be organizing martial arts, survival and combat courses for their members and operate similar to a paramilitary, which means that there is a serious risk of us getting our asses kicked.

    This is what they have to say about themselves, translated from their site:

    The Brotherhood of Wolves is an open organization gathering all people, equally men and women, with the goal of advancing their life through personal growth and doing good deeds in all areas of soceity.

    The members of the Brotherhood have a duty to help each others above all, and then all other people, according to their capabilities. The Brotherhood of Wolves is not a political organization, but is led by the principles of greater good for all people and the territory which they inhabit. The individual represents the focus of our interests - the defense of the human being and humanity against the influx of false modern social "norms" and "values" which, in their essence, are causing a breakdown of nobility, humanity, goodness, solidarity and justice, and putting the individual in the position of a short-term "disposable resource" and used as a slave. Our members will advance their knowledge, skills, moral virtues, connect and help each others in everything - through their knowledge, skills, cooperation of companies, valuable information etc.

    The Brotherhood of Wolves was modeled after the wolf, the most noble animal living in these areas, whose principles of living differ from the rest of the animal realm by various grand virtues, which are mostly forgotten today. The wolf is impossible to domesticize because it is not a wild beast with a killer instinct, but a free, social animal loyal to its pack, which operates under a highly developed hierarchy.

    The wolf is the Serbian totem animal, the symbol of Serbia among the other nations of Europe and the Balkans since the earliest times. Saint Sava was the protector of wolves, or a wolf-shepherd. Emperor Dušan the Mighty used the wolf-oath as the code of conduct for his knights.

    The members of the brotherhood can solely be individuals of special characteristics, noble and holding extraordinary human qualities. The symbol of the brotherhood is a wolf paw, and advancement through ranks is determined by the deeds and level of sacrifice of every "wolf" or "she-wolf".

    serbia, y u so insane 

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    This is annoying, every vaguely right-leaning political movement has to fap to wolves. It's like the right has been infiltrated by furries. The text itself doesn't look obviously fascist. 'Sides, don't expect me to offer much sympathy to a Marxist-Leninist, you know. ;)

  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    I'm more of a Trotskyist/Luxemburgist, so do I get a bit more sympathy? :P

  • But you never had any to begin with.

    Nah, no sympathy for Trots. :P

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    No. All your political leanings get you is a spot in Tunderdome and a spear like all the others. 

  • Also, am 24 now.

    Happy Birthday!

  • No rainbow star
    Anonus: And Fox blamed the liberals, right?
  • Oh, peeps preparing for a race war are always a laugh. Young male crackers going camping in the woods for survival and strength training. Also told them to like the Team Jacob FB page.

  • Poot dispenser here

    @Ironweaver: Is it bad that I'm tempted to call these guys the earliest form of Clan Wolf?

  • Aren't "nobility", "humanity", "goodness", "solidarity", and "justice" social norms and values?

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Re the Dongle Joke Controversy:

    The question remains why people would want to make sexual jokes in the first place.

    Though it seems that I'm in the minority that I don't enjoy thinking or talking about sex explicitly.


    Also, this time I don't agree with Anonymous's DDoS.

  • Definitely not gay.

    What on earth is a monster girl and what qualifies as a monster girl?

  • edited 2013-03-23 01:26:46

    A monster girl is a monster... that is a cute girl.  Stuff like slime girls and spider girls and centaurs and harpies and basically whatever as long as it is somehow a monster and it can be interpreted as being an attractive girl.  Also apparently vampires count sometimes.

  • The question remains why people would want to make sexual jokes in the first place.

    Because people make jokes that they think are funny.

  • I don't watch Fox News, so I wouldn't know.

  • Definitely not gay.

    Would any of the following count as monster girls:

    • succubi (the "humans with horns, a tail and sometimes wings" variation)

    • some of the less human-ish (but still recognizably human) vampires

    • orc females (the Blizzard-style depiction)

    • Homestuck-style trolls

    • asari

    • Grendel's hot mom

    • centaur girls

    • mariliths

    • the Xenomorph Queen

  • No rainbow star











  • yes, yes, probably not, no, no, probably, yes, yes, no.

  • No rainbow star
    ^ Yes

    No (Too human)

    No (Too human)

  • Too human is the entire point. It's all the qualities of the exotic while dodging the dreaded furry label.

  • Man, somehow I've lost hundreds of images (mostly Touhou fanart) I had saved. Not even Dropbox is telling me where they went.

  • No rainbow star
    ^^ I mean too human as in I can't see ANY monster in Grendel's Mom (sorry, second Too Human was a typo. I never see alien girls as monster girls unless it's the hideous style alien)
  • No rainbow star
    Ok, wait, the plan of Magneto in X Men is...

    ...To give everyone powers?

    I fail to see the evil here
  • You can change. You can.

    Making everyone mutants can be a bad thing. Mutation can be anything from God of Magnetism to dude who can't breathe air

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    That must've been one hell of a boring superhero: "STOP! Or I will put my oxygen mask on!"

  • No rainbow star
    ^^ Overall though, it's not the most evil plan. He kind of levels the playing field then
  • You can change. You can.

    That's kind of the point. Magneto's not exactly evil. Just a terrorist who's willing to kill people in order to create a world where mutants are no longer persecuted. 

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