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Yaoi and other such things (possibly NSFW)
I'm not for the rawest of butt-fuckings most times, but every now and then, fluff will tickle me, like when I saw this~

edit: Sorry about the edit, but marking this thread NSFW because some images are a bit questionable.
You have a thing for crack pairings don't you? That said, I wouldn't mind some Phoenix Wright/Edgeworth. Or Cable/Deadpool.
Cable/Deadpool is like Marvel Comic's Spock/Kirk. If Kirk was a regenerating homicidal maniac.
Yu/Yosuke's relationship is the highlight of the anime for me.
Nah, Marvel's Krik/Spock is Reed Richards/Susan Richards. That said... not technically yaoi but I guess if Deadpool ever hooked up with Cable while he was out with his kid Hope, the fluffyness would look something like this. Before crazy explodey stuff happens.
but...Reed and Susan actually have a relationship. I mean, sure Kirk and Spock are bromantic as fuck, but they're not actually boyfriend and...Vulcanfriend.
So then maybe Captain America/Iron Man? Steve/Bucky is just weird for some reason though.
I can see Cap and Iron Man as Marvel Universe's Kirk and Spock, yeah. (Or at least, when it's not Fascist Iron Man, that is) Although I don't think they've a partnership as interesting as Cable and Deadpool, but that's just me.
There are fewer posts here than there are in the Yuri thread.
I will rectify this problem.