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Anime/Manga Characters and Contact Lenses.
Seriously, how would this work? They have such huge eyes, would that mean their contact lenses are huge too?

Oh. I guess not.
Yeah, sometimes it does seem like the huge eyes thing is kind of ignored where glasses are concerned too, so maybe japanimation just does not do accurate optometry well.
I mean, I seriously question how useful glasses are that barely even cover half of your eyes like that.
Actually, you know how some people use contact lenses to make their irises a different color?
Animé characters take it one step further. Observe the following damning evidence:
Lots of drawing styles besides anime/manga use big eyes to help be more expressive. I think it's a fault on the storytellers for bringing attention to the contradiction.
^^^ Holy crap.
You know, I normally don't mind anime's aesthetical style, but for the love of god all of the things posted here look like motherfucking mutants ._.
ETA: Except the one in the OP
Character in the OP ought to be using a different finger.
This is just one of those things you've got to accept when you're watching something with a stylized artstyle. It never really bothered me.
^ That's the finger I use though. :<
Yeah, big eyes are ubiquitous in animation. And it's not so bad since the art is stylized. It's only an unholy abomination the closer the person is to looking real.
"Speaking of contacts and anime, do you know how mildly annoying it is to choose to cosplay a character whose eyes are a different color than yours, knowing that colored contacts would be an option if you weren't so fussy about things getting near your eyes?"
For added fun, many characters have non-natural eye colours such as red (irony, I know). Though in all honesty, I don't notice eye colour unless I specifically draw attention to it.
Well, technically, everyone is slightly mutated.
Has that argument ever been used in X-Men?
It might have been, but it's moot when one mutation is 'digests carrots faster' and the other is 'POWER OVER REALITY'.
Everyone I know who wears/wore contacts (including myself) uses that finger.
Quoted for truth (wears contacts).
I actually think the image I posted in the OP was supposed to be a Lampshade Hanging of sorts.
Another example, possibly more extreme than the one in the OP. Though unfortunately there's not really a better picture of this in the show. But, yeah, the thing on her finger is a contact lens, so... (Un?)Fortunately, it doesn't ever show the contact lens being put in, probably because that wouldn't really work.
By mentioning the finger, I had a different meaning in mind. :P