If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
That discussion of pedophilia is frowned upon on TVT
this is, like, my third post since the first IJBM went down
So I tried asking about whether I should do anything about my girlfriend being a casual pedophile, and was shot down for it being the "forbidden topic".
What do?
Seriously. It has too many problems (TVTropes itself has a chance, but those forums need to be nuked and started again fresh)
There is nothing you can do to turn around the do-no-wrong-negativity-does-not-exist stuff there
Also post here more
The term 'casual pedophile' bothers me more than a little. Do they just group little kids on in passing or something?
TV Tropes has a reputation for harboring pedophilia. I guess they're trying to distance themselves from that.
If you want to talk about it here, though (if only to get it off your chest), go ahead. What do you mean by "casual pedophile"?
I mean that she's in a relationship with me, but admits attraction to younger men. I guess it's ephebophilia, then. She's not a pervert though, and only gropes me and, jokingly, women her age.
The phrase 'casual pedophile' implies that there are 'hardcore pedophiles' and that brings horrible, horrible thoughts into my mind.
On the other hand, incest is a fine and dandy topic to discuss should you wish to do so.
I don't know why, either.
group, or grope?
^^ At risk of starting a sensitive discussion, incest between two consenting adults is not something I'd be willing to stand in the way of. It's culturally icky, but whatever.
I don't think I'd like it personally, I find it... well, icky, but it lacks the power imbalances that paedophilia has, so I can't see it as morally wrong like paedophilia.
Pretty much.
That said, things like parent/child incest still has the potential for power imbalances, so.
That too.
So, in the end, my entire point is incest: ewewew while paedophilia: ewewew what is wrong with you
Full agreement. For me, this isn't a particularly complex matter.
I'm personally not attracted to teens (even a lot of eighteen and nineteen year olds), but there's absolutely no way around the fact that a majority of adults of both sexes have that attraction because it's in our biological nature. Having that attraction at all doesn't make someone bad or even atypical, but I agree with the legal age of consent in most of the U.S, just not the penalties.
People who have sex with a seventeen year old in a state where eighteen is the legal age should not be imprisoned alongside the same people who rape nine year olds. Wasn't there also a case where two seventeen year olds were dating, the guy had a birthday earlier in the year than she did, and he was arrested for statutory rape?
Yay, we haven't seen this thread in a long time.
What are the age gaps we are dealing with? We can go through the motions the thread always goes through, but that's absolutely moot if we don't know the answer to this question.
What you should do, is push her into a furnace.
No. User was warned for this post. ~GMH
>OP probably lives in US
>Something like 19-year-old being attracted to a 16-year-old would be considered pedophilia.
>Person comes in telling him to physically hurt his GF
Bro, I know you've got an impulsive streak, but you have to cut that shit out.
^^ Don't do that.
I was going to check the forums to see what you were talking about, but it appears the forums link has disappeared from the front page. I wonder why that is.
It's now hidden under "Troperville".
Yep. It's pedophilia only if you still aren't a teenager. If you are, it's ephebophilia. Pedophilia is, and rightfully so, despised in pretty much the whole world, while the acceptance of ephebophilia is a cultural thing. It's considered much more acceptable in Europe than in the US, for example.
You know, that's, like, half of the reason why I couldn't stay on BTL. So you know, I feel my views on things are too lefty for the Right and too fundy for the Left, but the Internet is mostly lefty, so I like to label myself as closer to the conservative side. So you know, after spending some time on the 'Net, I've grown accustomed to stuff like paedophilia is a-okay, communism is the best political and economical system ever, incest doesn't raise a single eyebrow, conservatism is a form of mental illness, there is no such thing as good or bad, it is rational only if you secretly want to fellate Eliezer Yudkowsky, morality is relative if is anything at all, shit like this.
So I am there, happily minding my own business, and then suddenly a bunch of moralfags spring up and act like they're the ultimate moral authority, pinnacle of good taste, alpha and omega of applied and theoretical ethics, you know, shit like this. Mind you, I'm wary of folks who act like they're the only true bearers of revealed truth. Even if it's my kind of truth, you know. But no, they're not the standard right-wing kind of moralfags there, and neither with my kind of truth. It's like those earlier folks with all the shit I've grown accustomed to, only they've failed to get their own ideas about subjectivity.
So at risk of starting a discussion: fuck that shit.
But I have to admit, at least it's not that bad. At least you didn't say shit like incest is a-okay. That's something.
Thank you for (the lack of) attention, Cthulhu fhtagn.
I can see the logic in deleting a thread advocating Pedophilia, but deleting a serious discussion on the fact that you're concerned about someone you know being a pedo is a bit suspect. Then again, there will probably be people who would hijack the topic, but still.
Threads like these need a bingocard:
I...don't get what point you're trying to make.
Basically, these discussions go on the same circles and never actually go anywhere outside of the cycle.
All of this has happened before and it will happen again, basically
ANYWAY, Angry Scientist is Australian, for what it's worth
EDIT: Nevermind. Fuck this thread.