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Not Caring About Other People's Sexual or Gender Orientations.

edited 2011-08-27 02:57:51 in General
I see other straight people getting all up in arms about homosexuality, or cross dressers, or the transgendered. But I can't bring myself to care, I don't care if people want to dress in the 'wrong' clothes and I don't care if two adults want to play with each others penises.

But I get the feeling that I should be really opinionated on it.


  • And this bugs you why?
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    I don't care, except for when another dude is cracking on to me.

    Then I'm just flattered.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    You are a transgendered? I don't give a fuck.

    You are a "Natural" homosexual? I don't give a fuck.

    You are a pseudohomosexual? I don't give a fuck.

    You are an asexual by choice? I don't give a fuck.

    The only reason this should even be brought up is if we are interested in each other in some manner.

    Don't use your sex preference as a personality tag.
  • ITT: "Don't give a fuck" means "I don't want to hear it, hearing it annoys me", instead of "I don't care at all".
  • In writing, It's important to give details that matter to the story.

    In life, this is much the same.

     Telling someone your sexuality when you're unlikely to meet them again or unlikely to even speak to again is not needed.

  • No rainbow star
    ^ Q - Quit Game

    Seriously though, Y
  • Don: I don't see anyone in this thread doing that.
  • ^ That's what I picked up from Vorpy.
  • "Don't use your sex preference as a personality tag."

    Seems reasonable to me.

    Clocky and Madass have stated my views on this. I've met creepy homosexuals before but their being creepy had to do with their personalities and not their orientation.
  • Though, I have a question, Fridge logic if you will.

    What if you're using your sexuality as a pick-up line.

    ~totally random scenario between @Malkavain and @Juan_Carlos~

    Malk: Hey baby(referring to Juan) you wanna spend some time with me, who know, we could even BI more than friends.
    Juan:Get away from me your dirty pervert! I don't go anywhere but straight forward.
    Malk: Don't be like that babe, you know I'll bring in what you like, what if I told you I'm not gay.
    Juan: That'd just be even more confusing, what do you mean.
    Malk: Heh, what I mean is this, I'm not gay, but I want to have sex with your body.
    Juan splashes his drink in Malk's face and walks off in disgust.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    what is this clocky i do not blurrrrgh
    Juan is my brother. Suspension of disbelief broken.
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    Also, I like how Juan is the Jedi and Malk is the Sith.
  • Wtf am I writing, I just typed out like.... @Malk, you mind if I post it?
    You may want to ask Juan first but against my much better judgment go ahead.

  • Malk and Juan are being buds and bros at the bar, when things get a little too hectic.

    After that, Malk decides to let Juan crash at his place, seeing as though Juan lives a while away and can no longer drive because of the alcomahol.

    ~At Malk's place, right as he finishes locking the door~ Malk: Gosh-damn, that was a good night out!

    Juan: You're goddamn right, did you check out the rack on that one babe.

    Malk: On that red-haired chick? Yeah, did you get her number.

    Juan: Hell yeah, you know the ladies can't resist my colombian charm.

    Malk: Heh, Touche Juan. speaking of charms, I'm feeling this high wearing off, you mind grabbing me another cold one?

    Juan: sure thing dude! ~goes the fridge, little does he know, his ass is being watched by Malk as gets the beer~

    Malk: ~after getting the drink and secretly turning up the heater~ Thanks dude, say isn't it getting a little hot in here?

    Juan: ~sweating a little~ yeah, definitely, maybe I had a little more than I thought I did.

    Malk: Dude, we're bros here, it's okay to take your clothes off.

    Juan: ~staring at Malk~ that's a little gay, bro.

    Malk: Dude, you know I love the ladies man, ain't nothing that turns me on more than them crazy chicks remember?

    Juan ~loosening his shirt~ s'pose you're right, well, if that's the case, you might want to watch out, I'm stripping down then, it's blazing in here.

    Malk: ~smiling a sly smirk as he watches Juan strip in front of him~ Dude, you totally have to tell me how you  handled that one dude.

    Juan: Ehhh, what? Oh you mean that ass, just a little something I picked up back home, been in way too many bar fights not to know how to defend myself.

    Malk: You mind showing me how to do that, could totally team up next time, shit was hilarious.

    ~Juan then proce

    Scene ended prematurely as Counterclock can no longer continue.
  • edited 2011-08-27 09:34:40
    You can change. You can.
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    I cannot begin to imagine those two speaking like that. xD
  • ^_^

    I'm glad you like it then XD
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    Bill and Ted?


    wheedly wheedly woo!
  • @Juan_carlos.

    Funny story, because that's who I was basing it on, when Malk used the word "Bro" I couldn't help it XD
  • edited 2011-08-27 09:44:33
    You can change. You can.
    It's kinda adorable. In a Counterclockish way. 

    --pets Clockles' head--

    ^Aren't I clever?
    But which is Bill and which is Ted?
  • You can change. You can.
    Both of us and neither of us.

    better question: who was phone
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Threadhop + Snark

    ITT: "Don't give a fuck" means "I don't want to hear it, hearing it annoys me", instead of "I don't care at all".
    No, you fucking Pliocene Hyneria. "I don't give a fuck" means it has almost no importance to me, at all, nor is it something I want or need to hear from you. Kind of like that,
  • You can change. You can.
    ITT: Telling someone that they're not conveying what they want to convey is incredibly offensive
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    That doesn't even make sense, but okay. I agree
  • edited 2011-08-27 12:48:48
    He's just trying to agree with you in a way that sounds intelligent.

    He's saying "Oh, telling Vorpy she meant something other than what she said is offensive"
  • edited 2011-08-27 12:49:01
    You can change. You can.
    ^^ Yes it does. You got offended because Don Zabu said that what you were saying didn't convey "I don't give a fuck-itude"

    ^no, no i don't
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