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  • Eep!

    -uses Justin as a human shield-
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    -wonders if I made a Light Yagami puppet-

    Oh, you sly bitch you. You almost scared me for a bit there. But no, Misa Amane. You are my sole sockpuppet and for keeping me up past 12:00 am I am going to sexually torment the fuck out of you for bugging me this way.

    Think of it as your "initiation" into IJBM.

    Now girls, do what you do best. Let's see what makes this little girl Tik.
  • Hold on, girls! You're going to need protection with all of this action going on! How about stopping by for some condoms? :D
  • -starts fucking Kroger, somehow-
  • -attempts to break free as Kesha is busy fucking Kroger, somehow-
  • Aah, no! Don't put that there! Stop that, go away!

    -falls over, trapping Misa-
  • Come back here you little slut. >;3

    -pounces on Misa, kissing her while sliding a few fingers into her tight, moist pussy-
  • edited 2011-07-02 01:58:50
    A Sad Panda
    Nooooooo! Stop it...
  • edited 2011-07-02 02:01:06
    Ha! Your escape was thwarted by a logo! How do you feel about that?

    -joins Katy in probing ever part of Misa's body while pushing her head into the dirt and twisting her arm behind her back-
  • edited 2011-07-02 02:01:20
    A Sad Panda
    -begins to quiver-

    Please stop doing that...I don't like the way this feels anymore....noo!
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    [You stupid bitch you are on the wrong browser.
    Stay off my browser and post on your own. Everytime you fuck up you
    leave that dumb watermark on the bottom.

    -grabs Misa's ponytails and begins to rub her face across the ground-

    Now come on, don't be like that. Show these girls a good time on your first day on IJBM. For fucks sake, you suck.
  • -helps hold Misa down whilst forcing an apple up her ass-
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    -high fives Bob as she gets the joke-

    Now tell me Misa, do shinigami like apples?
  • GYAAH oh FUCK my anus is going to explode.....stop it! STOP IT! STOP IIIIIIIIT!!!!
  • edited 2011-07-02 02:04:41
    Silly Misa, when will you learn? It's no use trying to fight. The only option is to submit, assimilate, give yourself to the universe and let the planets violate you in every way they see fit. Silly, silly girl.

    -shoves a Jesus-crucifixxxion dildo down Misa's throat-
  • -begins to painfully gargle and choke-

  • Guys, I can be a lesbian rapist, too! :<

    -starts tickling Misa's feet-
  • $80+ per session
    -prepares our ultimate raping weapon-
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    -shoves a Jesus-crucifixxxion dildo down Misa's throat-

  • Oh hell nah, I know you bitches didn't start a lesbian rape fest without yours truly! Make room for me!

    ...Wait, can my friend RuPaul join?
  • -coughs up and gasps for air and begins to cry-

    Fine then...I quit. I give up. You girls win, I'll do whatever you want...
  • Okay then. Suck my tits while feeding me funyuns with your ass cheeks.
  • ...Gurl dat's nasty
  • I...don't even know how to do that Bob...please, can't I do something else for you?
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    That made me laugh Bob. 10/10
  • Okay then. Suck my clit while feeding me fritos from your ass cheeks.
  • -attempts to figure out how to do that without killing herself-

    I...can if I 69 you....but I don't have any Fritos...
  • Goddammit, can't you do anything yourself? Gawd, now I know why Vorpster hasn't used you before...
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Hahaha, nice try Misa. Quit stalling, I am getting sleepy.

    -duct-tapes a bag of fritos to your ass and pushes you ontop of Bob-

    Get to it, I don't have all night.
  • -begins to snivel as she wiggles her ass a bit, clutching it with her ass and then dropping them into Bob's mouth as she reluctantly begins to wiggle her tongue across Bob's extremely hairy and gross crotch-

    ...shorry...Ich chant fhind vour chklit...-lick lick cough cough-
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