If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"

Apparently "derpy" is an ableist slur



  • It's like the modern answer to Sammy Davis Junior, who would joke about being black, Jewish and "crippled" (he lost one eye in a car crash).

    Joking apart, Sammy took a level of bullshit over his race, throughout his life, that would make most people's heads spin. Books about him are eye-opening.

  • Were they eyes-opening for everyone else, then?
  • Hahahahahahaha, pun unintended there.

  • edited 2012-01-28 16:27:50


    Maybe it would be best if we had separate words for people who have made inaccurate judgements about groups, and people who actively hate those groups.

    I think that is actually a pretty interesting point. I am not sure if I have the best evidence for this, but I would like to believe that a lot of what is called "racism" or discrimination based on national origin tends to fit the inaccurate judgement category rather than the hatred one. Basically, I am thinking of people talking about customs more common in certain groups as being "weird" rather than as being evidence that the people who follow them are horrible.

    Sure, unfortunately, those inaccurate judgements can and do lead to more blatant hatred sometimes. However, I feel like trying to deal with those misconceptions and unfair generalizations can help make it much less likely to develop into that harmful view which is ultimately good for everyone.

    It seems to me that personal interaction and dialogue with someone from a group you do not know can really help with that process and that is why I am a fan of interfaith dialogue and the like. I think getting someone to talk to a member of that group face-to-face is a much easier way to dispel prejudice than to try to debate with him or her (online or in real life) or to make pointed accusations of racism and such. From what I can tell, a lot of prejudice is based on personal experience (or lack thereof) so encouraging good personal experiences seems to be an effective way to deal with it.

  • It does what most privilege bloggers do: pick a silencing tactic bingo card and go through the internet debate to tick them off, then congratulate itself on a job well done.

  • "It" refers to..?

  • Christ, and I thought I was fucked up
    For some reason I find it amusing how she just sticks "Berea, Kentucky" on the end there

  • I tried to convince the owner of that tumblr in e-mail that most people use "derp" without the disabled in mind and that people using it as a hurtful term would be hurtful with or without it.

    They called me an ableist asshole and said I was making an "argument from experience" whatever the hell that means. They also said that derp was, quote, "inexorably intertwined" with hate for the disabled.

  • No rainbow star
    ^ I wonder if I'd have better lucky talking to them? =/
  • How do you not argue from experience? You argue from intuition? That seems misguided. Also, the dude doesn't seem to have good intuitions about how language works, in any case.
  • edited 2012-01-30 13:31:03
    Diet NEET

    ^^^ Argument from experience=anecdotal evidence, I presume. Which is exactly what said person uses, only with the experiences of those who feel hurt by it. With all the suppressed labels that person attaches to hirself, she must moves in crowds that are insistent on jamming as many sticks up their collective bungholes as humanly possible.

    Not to mention starbismus is laughably easy to treat with glasses/lenses or vision therapy. Thus teasing people who were glasses would also fall in the category of ableism(which probably would in the blogger's opinion).

  • We Played Some Open Chords and Rejoiced, For the Earth Had Circled the Sun Yet Another Year

    can you paste the text of the email? 

  • edited 2012-01-30 13:42:48
    You can change. You can.

    How do you not argue from experience? You argue from intuition? That seems misguided. Also, the dude doesn't seem to have good intuitions about how language works, in any case.

    You can argue from factual information.

  • Guys, I don't want to backseat mod, but isn't talking here about communications with the guy getting dangerously close to importing drama? Perhaps we shouldn't.

  • Perhaps take the whole thing to a PM?

  • You can change. You can.

    I still think that's a silly rule. If the guy wants to come in and discuss it with us, he's more than welcome to do so, provided both he and us were to do is civilly. 

    Importing drama and shitstorms only happens when we start by deliberately badmouthing someone rather than something.

    Also, we do this all the time. We comment on what other people say and how they think because that's the basis of the discussion. We shouldn't stop talking about someone in fear that they come here. We should stop talking about someone in a uncivil fashion in case they turn up and we discuss with them.

    at least, that's how i feel about the subject.

  • You know, I just remembered a minority group that's measurably less endowed in terms of mental and physical performance. A lot of people sometimes laugh at the fact of their reduced ability and think it's cute, but in most of those cases it's not borne out of hatred. (The Twilight Zone twist here is that the disability is childhood.)
  • No, that's ageism.^

  • He also threatened to "report me" if I e-mailed him again...to who? To what? To hotmail?

  • Not that anyone should, but it almost sounds like he's asking for trolls.

    Hm... maybe he's a troll's troll. It always amuses me that people try to do that.

  • Meh, I'm pretty sure it's legit. That said, they probably depend on concern trolls to feed their persecution complex.

  • You're probably right on the first part, but I'm not sure how that would work with concern trolls?
  • Concern troll latches onto tumblr because person is easy to upset, uses tactics displayed here: http://derailingfordummies.com/, and the person in question has something to rage against, because trolling perceived as institutionalized persecution.

  • Yeah, if the owner of that Tumblr's foaming at the mouth and screaming, it's better not to deal with them. Maybe perhaps drop Tumblr's mods a note saying this person is being unreasonable.

    Also, threatening to "report" people who sent you email is so 1995 it hurts. ISPs and mailhosts generally don't care anymore unless you're spamming or infected with a virus. They could report you to Tumblr, of course, but what good would that do if you don't have an account there?

  • Mods caring about posters being unreasonable? That'll be the day.

  • Well, some places are better than others about it (yes, I'm an optimist there). I'm not sure what Tumblr's policy is on people being inflammatory, since I don't use it much myself.

  • It's an -ism question. Big chance they won't touch it with a ten-foot bargepole due to any statement on the whole thing being used to fuel an ableism-related controversy.

  • Good point. I know that if I were a mod, I'd want to stay out of that particular conversation unless I had to.

  • I am on tumblr, but I didn't contact them there. They don't know of any connection between my tumblr and e-mail, so they are threatening to "report" me, in general, to some magical internet sky-god who cares about their feelings I guess.

    They also WOULD NOT STOP accusing me of privilege bias, knowing absolutely nothing about me.

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