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Abstinence only sex education. (Potentially NSFW)



  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    ^^^ why
  • edited 2011-11-30 19:26:21
    Has friends besides tanks now
    ^^ I put my head down on my desk. I could still hear stuff without having to watch stuff spill out of vaginas.

    ^ inorite? I think one of my friends was the only person who was unfazed enough to actually keep watching.
  • Maybe it's just me being desensitized from shock images, but I don't see birth as something that's going to scar you.
  • And what year was this in? I didn't have to watch the aforementioned vasectomy until my last year of high school.
  • edited 2011-11-30 19:31:50
    Has friends besides tanks now
    ^^ I doubt it would have scarred me if I had watched the whole thing, but it was pretty horrifying at the time. Plus, it was a couple years ago, so I was not yet desensitized to shock images.

    ^ This was two years ago--sophomore year.

    It wasn't even so much the babies, either (though I was weirded out at how their heads were black), either; it was more how disgusting the vaginas looked and the other fluids spilling out.
  • edited 2017-07-20 08:35:47

    re:shocking videos;  I didn't ever watch anything too graphic in Health class, but in driving school they had us watch one of the Red Asphalt movies, if anyone is familiar with them (basically, extremely gruesome scenes of car accidents).  That was... something, definitely.

  • That probably would have freaked me out, even though I've grown desensitized to shock images (seeing the image of the guy who lifted too much weight who's ass pretty much fell apart desensitized me permanently to those things, probably). At least shock pictures don't... move.
  • BeeBee
    edited 2011-11-30 21:10:39
    I'm always boggled by how people say they got fuckawful sex ed.  I mean, my Catholic elementary school gave a pretty comprehensive one, and officially speaking we're supposed to be the weirdos opposed to contraception in the first place.
  • I saw a birth video in highschool. I didnt see what was so horrifying.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Health class summarized in two sentences.

    1. Don't indulge yourself too much; it might be bad for you.

    2. If your teachers and parents and older mentors all agree that a certain something is a bad idea, but your peers don't think it is, it may be a bad idea; think carefully before getting involved.
  • law of silence
    Any sex education I've ever received basically boiled down to "DON'T HAVE SEX BECAUSE YOU'LL GET STD'S OR GET PREGNANT." 

    Oh, and my health class teacher in 7th grade couldn't even say "penis" without getting all red-faced. It was pretty amusing.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    He/she should instead have said "pingas".
  • law of silence
    Whenever he couldn't say it he just said "the p-word". We made fun of him a lot...
  • I am Dr. Ned who is totally not Dr. Zed in disguise.
    I think some other important things should be touched on (hur hur?) on sex ed classes, such as 'Body Confidence'.

    There has been a programme on UK tv every year called the Sex Education show where they sort of televised a series of sex education seminars at different secondary schools covering a lot of topics.

    Body confidence was that topic and it was handled by showing the students a projection of 5 live models of each sex (showing closes ups of the genitals etc) and really going into detail about erroneous perceptions about what is normal.

  • edited 2011-12-01 09:11:40
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    > The Joys of Teen Sex 2
    > The Sexperience 1000
    > Male Penis Assembly

    Holy fucking shit, do have any idea how humongous of a shitfit U.S. Americans would throw if that appeared on any TV station, let alone one that gets government funding like PBS (despite the fact that only about 10% of PBS's funding is from the government)?  They wouldn't even need to see the contents--just looking at the title is enough for a shitfit of epic proportions to happen.

    Edit: Well, I can't tell whether Channel 4 is a public- or private-sector entity.  Dunno how relevant my comment about PBS is, but whatever.
  • You can change. You can.
    My sex education was: "Penis goes on Vagina. Sometimes, your Penis rots if it goes on the wrong vagina. And sometimes your Vagina rots if it gets the wrong Penis"

    "Oh and if you have sex, you might get pregnant. So put on this magical latex cover and you'll never get pregnant. Or get rotten genitals"
  • edited 2011-12-01 09:35:30
    I am Dr. Ned who is totally not Dr. Zed in disguise.
    Channel 4 is a publicly-owned, commercially-funded public service broadcaster, so no shareholders and not for profit.
    Yeah it is confusing reading the Wiki article, their website is actually so much clearer.
    However the schools they have gone to are state schools so the PBS idea kind of is relevant but instead if they moaned about the govt funding it through schools.

    It is a shame about it causing a massive shit fit, because I honestly feel that this kind of super open helpful kind of sex education is the best kind. I mean have you watched/clicked through those links on the site?
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