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Oh man. Dirty Pair references. Stop making me like you, R+V.
Also holy shit I just realized Moka's sister in R+V is an Asuka.
Basically, it's calculation vs. choice.
In the case of a calculation, a decision is made based on the benefit to the player. Any decision that has a clearly beneficial choice isn't so much a choice. It's the illusion of choice. One real-life example of a calculation is deciding which supermarket to go to. Each supermarket stocks exactly the same things, but one has cheaper prices. In this case, there's a clear answer. Your mental process was not a choice, but a logical, mathematical calculation.
A choice is when the benefits of a decision are not immediately clear. Games with morality bars would have lots of choice if they didn't present the mathematical outcome to the player, for instance, because they'd force the player to make value judgements rather than working towards a certain kind of reputation or certain character benefits. On an even simpler level, Super Mario Brothers gives us a great example of choice via mushrooms.
You'll note that mushrooms move to the right. Away from you. Towards danger. But if you grab one, you can take an additional hit. So is gaining that extra resilience worth chasing the mushroom into the unknown landscape beyond the edges of the screen? There is no straight, clear answer to that. It's a choice.
R+V: Aww they got rid of the magical girl vampire transformation. ;_;
Minor nitpick, but the mushroom actually moves dependent on which side you hit the block.
Also, the reason harem animu can never rise above 'good for its genre' is not the flawed premise, but the fact that its audience laps formula up, not deconstrunction or reconstruction or other spins on the standard plot.
animeharem anime aren't nearly attractive or likable enough to have multiple girls fighting over them, so making the main characters wish-fulfillment for those guys breaks willing suspension of disbelief.