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[AOD] is a J-Hipster with a tiny dick.
Smokie was a Fan Hating faggot.
Ryal is a homo with a gay hard-on for TV Tropes.
Ukonkivi needs to quit complaining about getting trolled on /jp/ so fucking much.
Central-sama needs to get out of the fucking lolicon closet and admit his true feelings to all of us. We all sees it.
Anonus needs more character development. Liking fonts is not enough to survive in the real world.
Blackmoon needs to get Furiko's IM or phone number so he/she can stop wishing she was on TVT so fucking much and spamming the Troper Updates thread, and actually talk to her on a more personal level.
Edmania needs to post some fucking pictures to prove he's a bishounen. The lack of bishie material makes him inferior to me as a person.
DYRE needs to stop being so worried about what animes he likes and just FUCKING WATCH WHATEVER HE WANTS and not feel compelled to only like certain genres or fit into a age-based role on anime.
Kino isn't as big of a dick as Scrye, but is using the underwinds of Scrye as a way to support himself. GET YOUR OWN GOD DAMN UNDERWINDS, be a dick without the need for references from Scrye. Be an entrepreneur of superdickery.
Nornagest needs to stop getting pissed off at image macros. If I can post a "U MAD?" picture, and it ACTUALLY PISSES YOU OFF, It is a sure sign that you may die from an aneurysm from being on the internet, the PLACE WHERE IMAGE MACROS ARE BORN.
Cygan did not have to mini-moderate the Kino thread and inform everyone that it existed. Don't fucking do it.
Chagen, I wouldn't show you porn of me even if I liked you. Stop fucking asking.
GMH, Gelzo, Bobby G, essentially everyone in TVT with a capital G in their name, stop being so fucking neutral and un-biased about everything. What is it with the letter G that makes people so fucking unfettered by anything?
Chagen, I wouldn't show you porn of me even if I liked you. Stop fucking asking.
He actually did that? Oh man...
(I know, I'm being trolled, but still.)
If it wasn't clear, this thread isn't about Kino specifically. It's a pattern of behavior shared by multiple posters that happens to rub me the wrong way and which seems particularly out of place on TvTropes. No point in bringing it up on the forums since none of the parties are willing to change.
Also I'm OK with Kino but some of his opinions irritate me.
But since we're on the subject, care to enlighten us?
Basically that. An abrasive negro.
The only thing I dislike about Kino is the way he says he plans to go about raising his kids. It gives me a sad.