If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"

Ever just feel like...

edited 2011-09-29 02:40:24 in General
$80+ per session
that you're just seperated from everyone? Maybe you just feel ignored? Like nothing is clicking in life? =/


  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
  • They're somethin' else.
    That feel bro.

    Knowing doesn't even describe it.
  • Likes cheesecake unironically.
    This feeling is rather alien to me, but I know the feeling when I'm not separated enough from everyone and that nearly everybody is out to get on my nerves. Actually, I have this at the moment.
  • edited 2011-09-29 11:24:36
    I can relate with Nyarly's post, and  the first and the third bit of the OP post. Somehow.

  • Yes. Especially when I have a fight with someone, but they don't seem to know that.
  • I sometimes feel ignored. I know intellectually that the world doesn't centre round me and I shouldn't expect it to pay attention to me all the time, but at the same time I sort of wish it did both of those.
  • ^Hmm...interesting. In general, how much of that feeling is narcissism and how much is genuine alienation?
  • Oh, mostly colossal narcissism. . I think it's human nature - it's just the way we all tend to be self-absorbed if we can get away with it. It's easier for me because I live on my own and don't have kids, so I don't have all the responsibilities a lot of people my age do.

    "Alienation" makes it sound nobler than it is, like I wear black and hang out with Jean Paul Satre or something.

  • edited 2011-09-29 14:21:19
    I suspect the Internet, more specifically social networking, also has something to do with it. Now it's so easy to make the world seem like it revolves around you, the best example I can think of being Twitter and its inane babble about people's ordinary lives.
  • To be honest, I do a lot of that here anyway... But you're right about Twitter and so on. I don't think the world needs a minute-by-minute account of my doings (apart from the part of it that would like to know when my flat is empty to burgle it).
  • You can change. You can.
    I suspect the Internet, more specifically social networking, also has something to do with it. Now it's so easy to make the world seem like it revolves around you, the best example I can think of being Twitter and its inane babble about people's ordinary lives.

    I don't see what's particularly wrong with telling people what you are doing, where you are, etc etc. It's when it becomes an addiction and a need when you should be checking yourself out and stuff. 
  • It's when something doesn't immediately work for you. In this case people...



  • I experience something that matches that description... but I'm inclined to believe that it isn't the same sensation the rest of you are discussing and apparently sharing. 

    For one thing, I can entirely, completely and utterly rationalise it to the point where I know not only that it is happening, but why it is happening, why it is essentially justified in happening, and why I will never ever ever ever ever be able to do anything about it. 

  • edited 2011-09-29 17:47:24
    This feeling is rather alien to me, but I know the feeling when I'm not
    separated enough from everyone and that nearly everybody is out to get on my nerves.

    I would be surprised if there were people who never felt the way you described. I think all people need to have their "me time" occasionally, if only to recharge a bit.

    I sometimes feel ignored. I know intellectually that the world doesn't centre round me and I shouldn't expect it to pay attention to me all the time, but at the same time I sort of wish it did both of those.

    I guess one issue with that comment and what Vivi mentioned is that they seem to imply that people are entitled to attention. I really wonder if it is true. I mean, I do think it is would be pretty harsh to tell someone that no one cares nor need care about him or her.

    At the same time, I do find attention-seeking behavior to be rather repulsive since most of the time it involves being inconsiderate of others. I guess that gets back to the attention thing though since being considerate of others kind of has to involve giving them attention. I suppose that is what confuses me about all of this.
  • $80+ per session
    I don't think I'm entitled to any attention.
  • @OP: All the [expletive deleted] time.
  • @OP: Yes, but there are also times I believe the completely opposite, and the gist with both is that it's based on a very selective remembrance of arbitrary moments from the recent past. Sleep on it, go do something productive or beep up some friends, don't watch anything depressing. If the problem starts to develop into a pattern, consider seeing a therapist.
  • edited 2011-09-30 04:36:47
    Clean your room little Billy

    I know that feel, bro (?), only I don't mind being ignored as much. Might've been all the negative attention child me got from my peers.

    "Alienation" makes it sound nobler than it is, like I wear black and hang out with Jean Paul Satre or something.

    I'd hang out with Sartre, only he isn't as good company as he used to be. Bit whiffy too.

  • edited 2011-09-30 15:49:09
    I don't think I'm entitled to any attention.

    Sorry, I hope my last comment did not come off as accusatory. I guess part of it was me trying to figure out what attention seeking was all about and part of it was wondering if feeling ignored or separated from others means that you believe you deserve to not feel that way. From what I can tell, you probably do believe that.
  • i totally know that feeling, but at least it doesn't last forever! :D
  • Entitled to attention?   No. 
    Given the opportunity to earn it however.... that'd be nice. 
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