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I shall rule this forum!

No other super villain can come up with the GLORIOUS plan I have come up with! It is pure genius in its unneeded complexity and high probability of failure! NOTHING CAN GO WRONG!


  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    By order of the Holy Tropan Empire, I hereby order you to disarm, villain.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Stop channeling GLORIOUSLeader.
  • edited 2011-09-19 12:25:43
    ^^ Why would I EVER disarm!? Especially when I can just disarm you by cutting off your arms with lasers!

    ^ I am the ONLY leader who is glorious! Show me this imposter so that I can kill him, and I MAY spare your life!
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    If you disarm, I can promise you fair treatment at the hands of the Inquisition. If not? Your justice will be my steel.

    Evil never wins!
  • Oh hey, look at that, another pitiful contender for the ruling position

    I wonder if you even realize what ruling the place means

  • No rainbow star
    ^ It means that he somehow has enough brain cells for the most basic 'evil' ability called buying the site?
  • Oh fuck, another one...

    No other super villain can come up with the GLORIOUS plan I have come up
    with! It is pure genius in its unneeded complexity and high probability
    of failure! NOTHING CAN GO WRONG!

    Mind telling us what your "GLORIOUS" plan is?
  • It means he also takes on the responsibility of
    actually ruling the site, truth is, most people with ambition will
    sadly find that doesn't hold up much when you actually are in a position
    of power

    It takes ambition to reach the top, unfortunately, most of you are hilarious lacking in the intellect to keep it
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    What? No, listen, villain. Evil never wins. Not today. Not yesterday. Tomorrow, evil shall cry itself to sleep. My order's monks - the finest academic men you could hope to meet, by the way - make this quite clear. I am not sure where you draw your theory from, but I'd bet my finest horse that it's a flawed source. You're much better giving up, if you ask me.
  • You can change. You can.
    GLORIOUS plan

    aren't yoou banned, ddude?
  • ^^^^^ I will ignore that comment

    ^^^^ You won't live long enough to stop it, so might as well! I shall, on the next full moon, activate the seven rainbow stars of Rfsteguduh using a precise and easily disrupted ritual, and then use the power I gain to take over IJBM!

    ^^^ Shut up you filthy robot! You should be a good robot and obey your human masters!

    ^^ NO U

    ^ Why would I be banned?
  • I shall, on the next full moon, activate the seven rainbow stars of
    Rfsteguduh using a precise and easily disrupted ritual, and then use the
    power I gain to take over IJBM!

    Thank you for sharing this information with me. Now it's much easier for me someone to stop you.
  • You can never stop me! Not even a Super Aryan Hedgehog can!
  • Where the hell did you get the "Hedgehog" part from?
  • edited 2011-09-19 13:18:14
    I heard that a hedgehog was causing troubles for a villain. I also heard it likes chili cheese dogs

    So I left some poisoned ones out. Got the body of a blue freakish 'hedgehog' the size of a child
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    > the size of a child

    I'm calling the Paedofinder General, brb
  • No rainbow star
    Yep, it's official. If even this bumbling oaf can kill Sonic, then Robotnik has officially become the worse villain ever, no contest
  • edited 2011-09-19 13:20:57
    @GenericSuperFaggot: Yeah, I get that Robotnik has problems with hedgehogs, but that doesn't explain why you were referring to a "Super Aryan Hedgehog". Super Aryans and hedgehogs have never been combined.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    He can just respawn.
  • I'm too busy to research Aryan/Animal fusions
  • So why did you mention Super Aryan Hedgehogs?
  • Because I thought they were a thing dammit!
  • You are mistaken! It is I, Mojo Jojo, who shall rule this forum! I! Me! Not you! I, Mojo Jojo, am superior in intellect to you, which is to say that I am smarter than you! I shall rule this forum because I am smarter than you! Smarter! Not dumber!
  • edited 2011-09-23 22:52:56
    MojoJojo gets beat up by 3 little girls, Read all about it

    -waves around paper-
  • WHAT? Why are you spreading such ridiculous rumors?
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